
Слайд 2

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland-the island state in the

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland-the island state in the
northwest of Europe. Great Britain — one of the largest states of Europe, the nuclear power, the permanent member of the UN Security Council

The capital — the city of London, one of the largest cities of Europe and the major world financial and economic center.
State language — English

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The state settles down on the British Isles washed by the Atlantic

The state settles down on the British Isles washed by the Atlantic
Ocean and the North Sea, and the southeast coast settles down in only 35 km from the northern coast of France which are divided by English Channel.

The area of Great Britain makes 243 809 km ², the land makes 240 579 km ², internal waters — 3 230 km ².

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Symbols of Great Britain

The rose was adopted as England's emblem around the

Symbols of Great Britain The rose was adopted as England's emblem around
time of the War of the roses - civil wars (1455 - 1485) between the royal house of Lancaster King Richard II and the Yorkists

Слайд 5

Great Britain has the parliamentary government based on Westminster system which also

Great Britain has the parliamentary government based on Westminster system which also
use worldwide — heritage of former glory of the British Empire. The parliament of Great Britain sitting at the Westminster palace, has two chambers: the elective House of Commons and appointed Chamber of lords. Any accepted document demands the Royal sanction to become the law. The parliament is the main legislative institute of Great Britain as the delegated parliament of Scotland, and also assemblies of Northern Ireland and Wales aren't sovereign bodies and, theoretically, British parliament can abolish them.

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Unusual places in Great Britain

To hunt on ghosts where still, if not

Unusual places in Great Britain To hunt on ghosts where still, if
in Scotland? Ancient castles, prisons, at home, cemeteries...

To visit the real farm with shepherd's dogs. Bordersky collies, shaggy spotty clever men, for days on end work at a farm, but wishing and to address to tourists. In the same place, by the way, at desire it is possible even to feed from a bottle of newborn lambs.

Unforgettable impressions - flight over suburbs of Edinburgh, hills of Pentlands or picturesque lakes in Pertshira. In a basket only six places so to armor better in advance!

Слайд 7

There are many places of interest in London:
Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, Buckingham

There are many places of interest in London: Big Ben, Westminster Abbey,
Palace, Parks, Trafalgar Square.
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