- 2. Classifications of Groups Formal Groups Task Group Those working together to complete a job or task
- 3. Five Stages of Group Development Forming Members feel much uncertainty Storming Lots of conflict between members
- 4. An Alternative Model for Group Formation Temporary groups with deadlines Punctuated-Equilibrium Model Temporary groups under deadlines
- 5. Group Properties Group Performance: Roles Norms Status Size Cohesiveness
- 6. Group Property 1: Roles Role Identity Role Perception Role Expectations Role Conflict Group property 2: Norms
- 7. Group Norms and the Hawthorne Studies A series of studies undertaken by Elton Mayo at Western
- 8. Group Norms and the Counterproductive Behavior Counterproductive work behavior (CWB) is employee behavior that damages performance
- 9. Group Property 3: Status A role model is a person who serves as an example, or
- 10. Ringelmann’s Rope Pull: greater levels of productivity but with diminishing returns as group size increases Group
- 11. Group Property 5: Cohesiveness Degree to which group members are attracted to each other and are
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