Hw6. Win win (1)


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We will listen to someone of you, who faced

02 04 03 01 OUR PLAN FOR TODAY We will listen to
with lack of control in working with teams

Then we will move to other 3 different companies, which faced the same problem

We will see the consequences and solutions to this problem

At the end be ready to answer for some questions, so, listen carefully, please

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Lack of control

We didn't have a clear leader during all the time

Lack of control We didn't have a clear leader during all the
of making this project, we had Liza firstly, however, there were so much duties on her, and everyone was confused. We didn't divide tasks very well, so there were cases when before 2-3 hours of deadline we didn't have a presentation or we were lack of some important parts of the projects.

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In case of winwin team lack of control happened because:

Low productivity


In case of winwin team lack of control happened because: Low productivity
atmosphere in the team

Lack of clear team leader

Unmotivated and frustrated employees

Low-quality division of labour

Some conflicts

In case of winwin team lack of control leads to:

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The first company is Ramozoti. It is a small caffee in Chechen

The first company is Ramozoti. It is a small caffee in Chechen
republic. We conducted an interview with the CEO of the company and he told us some details. The main problem was also lack of control. 

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Ramozoti had a manager, that wasn't really good at this sphere he

Ramozoti had a manager, that wasn't really good at this sphere he
cannot manage the personnel to listen to him. So they stole some coffee or baking every their shift. After the first revision they realised that the profit was miserable, however, according to calculations it was much better. After thinking over the problem they realized that somebody was stealing, however, they didn't know was it customers or employees, they set cameras all over the caffee and after 2 days realized that it was personnel.


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Main causes

Main consequences

CEO was bad judge of character, because he

Main causes Main consequences CEO was bad judge of character, because he
didn't have an experience in this sphere;
Manager he found was also young and unexperienced, so he didn’t even had a thought that personnel can steal products;
Lack of control;
Low salary (business was just established)

Fired staff(organizational level)
Low profit(organization level
CEO's hard-working(individual level)

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The second company is Piligrim plus.
We conducted our 3rd!! interview with

The second company is Piligrim plus. We conducted our 3rd!! interview with
the CEO and she told us how it was in the beginning. As we all know, Natalia established her company in 2013 and it was a very difficult times for her. She was too young and hadn't a managerial education, so she tried to do all the things alone. However, she had a small team, consisted of 2 employees. There were just basics. Accouter and designer. She didn't trust them and re-watch everything they made, however, she was too shy to tell them about it and re-done things all nights. Luck of clear structure, workers were satisfied with the small size tasks, so it's matching with our theory

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Main causes

Main consequences

Lack of education;
CEO didn’t estimate well how much

Main causes Main consequences Lack of education; Shyness; CEO didn’t estimate well
she can do by herself

Re-doing all the things by herself(individual level)
Paying money for a bad work(organization level)
Chronic fatigue
Workers thought that they did a good work, however it was a lie, so probably she stopped them from developing their skills, by ensuring, that everything was alright

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The last company is cx.
This time we conducted an interview with

The last company is cx. This time we conducted an interview with
an employee to see different points of view in 3 cases ( last 2 was with ceos). The worker's name is Nikolay. He told us some juicy details) The company he is working in is specialized in repairing machineries. They don't have a clear manager, CEO tries to cope with team by himself, but he isn't doing well. Because of the lack of control some employees can afford not going to work for a week and it happens continuously. It leads to lower effectiveness and efficiency.


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Main causes

Main consequences

illiterate CEO;
lack of constant manager;
lower profit;
High turnover

Lower profit;

Main causes Main consequences illiterate CEO; lack of constant manager; lower profit;
money on wage for people who is not working enough
Lose of customers.

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To sum all the things up, all situations matching with the chosen

To sum all the things up, all situations matching with the chosen
theory because lack of control is the main principle of HRT, however, in right form it have to led to successes, but here ceos used it in a wrong way, employees were satisfied, however, it didn't lead to the increased profit or higher productivity. 

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-concentrate more on soft-skills, before establishing own business. -be more attentive to

Tips -concentrate more on soft-skills, before establishing own business. -be more attentive
the staff, give them advices sometimes, do team-leading sessions -encourage them for well-done work, it will be a motivation for them, to work better.


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If you follow these recommendations you will come to human related theory,

Tips If you follow these recommendations you will come to human related
because your employees will be satisfied as well, their productivity increased and you’ll gain profit, however, your relations with them will be at the same level.


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Be ready to refresh your browser…

AND NOW Be ready to refresh your browser…

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You’re going to have a test, to check how well, you’ve

AND NOW You’re going to have a test, to check how well,
been listening during the session. The link is in your group in VK and Telegram, you have 1 minute for 4 questions. Test is called MEC, which means Management Experience Control.
Refresh you browser, log in and then log out

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Имя файла: Hw6.-Win-win-(1).pptx
Количество просмотров: 44
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