Innovative Slippers

Слайд 2


There was an idea of this thing with the help of Dima's

Entry There was an idea of this thing with the help of
imagination, which I asked about what thing to write :)

Слайд 3

1.Finger pads

Red yellow and black buttons

Red: turning on the massager for heels


1.Finger pads Red yellow and black buttons Red: turning on the massager
up soles

Black: start the navigation computer

Drawing and explanation of things

2 Propeller for flight navigation


The buttons on the computer

1.Creating a navigation point

2.Confirm confirmation point

3.Launch the propeller and fly to the confirmed point

Слайд 4


Reasons to buy our Slippers


2.Low price(Only $ 300)

3. Convenience

Advertising Reasons to buy our Slippers 1.Uniqueness 2.Low price(Only $ 300) 3. Convenience
Имя файла: Innovative-Slippers.pptx
Количество просмотров: 35
Количество скачиваний: 0