Слайд 2Алгоритм
Прочитать предложения, соблюдая правила чтения, характерные для ДА, указать правила чтения аллофонов

морфологический разбор слов:
Указать часть речи, подкласс, тип склонения/спряжения, форму
Дать перевод на русский язык, соблюдая форму
Указать особенности словообразования
Указать закономерности изменения звуков в ударных слогах по сравнению с ОГ
Дать этимологические параллели (если таковые есть)
Слайд 3Источники
Словарь древнеанглийского Босуорта-Толлера
Глоссарий с данными по морфологическим формам

Слайд 4On Þy ylcan ʒere worhte sē foresprecena here ʒeweorc bē Lyʒan XX

míla bufan Lundenbyriʒ.
This same year wrought the aforesaid army a work by the Lea, twenty miles above the city of London.
Слайд 8Þā Þæs on sumera fōron micel dǽl Þāra burʒwara ond ēac ōÞres

folces Þæt hīē ʒedydon æt Deniscan ʒeweorce, ond Þǽr wurdon ʒeflīēmde, and sume fēōwer cyninges Þeʒnas ofsleʒene.
Then in the summer of this year, went a large party of the citizens. and also of other folk, and made an attack on the work of the Danes; but they were there routed, and some four of the king's thanes were slain.
Слайд 15Þā Þæs on hærfeste Þā wicode sē cynʒ on neawester Þǽre byriʒ,

Þā hwīle Þe hīē hire corn ʒerýpan, Þæt Þā Deniscan him ne mehton Þæs rīpes forwiernan.
In the harvest afterward the king encamped close to the city, whilst they reaped their corn, that the Danes might not deprive them of the crop.
Слайд 22Þa sume dæʒe rād sē cyng ūp be Þǽre sǽ, and ʒehawade

hwær mon mehte Þā ēā forwyrcan Þæt hīē ne mehton Þā scipu utbrenʒan.
Then, some day, rode the king up by the river; and observed a place where the river might be obstructed, so that they could not bring out their ships.
Слайд 28And hīē Þā swā dydon, worhton ðā tu ʒeweorc, on twā healfe

Þǽre ēās.
And they did so. They wrought two works on the two sides of the river.