Слайд 2

Information and telecommunication technologies are penetrating deeper into all areas of education.

Information and telecommunication technologies are penetrating deeper into all areas of education.
This is due to external factors related to the daily information society and the need for training, as well as internal factors associated with the widespread use of modern computer hardware and software in educational institutions, the adoption of state and interstate education informatization programs, increasing the number of teachers. In some cases, the use of information tools not only has a positive effect on the motivation of school teachers, but also helps to increase the learning effectiveness of schoolchildren.

Слайд 3

Information and communication technology (ICT is a general concept that describes the

Information and communication technology (ICT is a general concept that describes the
algorithm for collecting, storing, processing, transmitting, transporting information and various methods and approaches. that is, the technology of application of information and telecommunication technologies in education, medicine, the military and other areas of human activity. Each of these areas has its own limitations and features of information technology.

Слайд 4

System programs include operating systems that interact with computer hardware and the

System programs include operating systems that interact with computer hardware and the
user, as well as various utility or service programs.
Application software includes information technology tools - text, graphics, tabular data, etc. working technologies.

Слайд 5

With the advent of computer networks, schoolchildren and teachers have a new

With the advent of computer networks, schoolchildren and teachers have a new
opportunity to quickly receive information from anywhere in the world. The level of access to global information resources through the main telecommunications network of the internet has become possible. Several billion multimedia documents have been published on a popular internet resource-the World Wide Web.

Слайд 6

Telecommunication network The Internet is available and other popular services that allow

Telecommunication network The Internet is available and other popular services that allow
a person to exchange and communicate information, especially e-mail, ICQ, mailing lists, newsgroups, chat. There are special programs for real-time communication, which also allow you to transfer texts, sounds and videos after the connection is established. These programs allow users to organize individual work with programs installed on a personal computer.

Слайд 7

  1.2 Informatization of knowledge as a human activity

Before describing the features

1.2 Informatization of knowledge as a human activity Before describing the features
of informatization of modern society and its education, it is necessary to focus on the historical background of informatization. The historical process of informatization of society is accurately characterized by a series of information revolutions associated with the emergence of new technologies that emerged in their time.
The information revolution consists of changes in the methods and tools of collecting, processing, storing and disseminating information, which leads to an increase in the amount of information open to the active part of the population. There are six such revolutions.

Слайд 8

The first information revolution consisted of the emergence of language and

The first information revolution consisted of the emergence of language and clear
clear human speech
The second information revolution was associated with the invention of writing. This invention not only ensured the preservation of information collected by human society, but also increased its authenticity and created a wider range of information dissemination.
The third information revolution arose in the XV century from the invention of book publishing, which was one of the first information technologies. The emergence and development of print media, such as newspapers and magazines, is the result of this third information revolution.
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