Marketing Practice


Слайд 2

Strategic plan

The main objectives:

Getting stable profit.
Obtaining high market share.

Strategic plan The main objectives: Getting stable profit. Obtaining high market share.
Propose eco-friendly product to my customers.

Слайд 3

Strategic plan

The target market: «University Students».

Size of this segment = 24%

Strategic plan The target market: «University Students». Size of this segment =
and = 2nd place among other segments.
High growth rate = 5%.
1st place in purchase frequency.

Advantages of this target market:

Слайд 4

Strategic plan


Backpack is made of eco-friendly material, has increasing capacity, and has

Strategic plan Product: Backpack is made of eco-friendly material, has increasing capacity,
features - «Solar Device», «Univercity Logo».


«Direct Sales».
«University Store».
«Online Discount retailer».

Слайд 5

Strategic plan


Should be affordable for target audience.
Should be competitive.

Strategic plan Price: Should be affordable for target audience. Should be competitive.


«Internet: social media».
«Radio: Top 40».
«TV: National Network».

Слайд 6

Decisions made

Reasons for making decisions:

Searching the best combination of the marketing

Decisions made Reasons for making decisions: Searching the best combination of the
mix elements.
Adjustments accordingly to market changes.
Reaction to competitors actions.

Слайд 7

Decisions made


Changed its form from «Square» to «Rounded top». It saved

Decisions made Product: Changed its form from «Square» to «Rounded top». It
me 7$ = 20% of cost.
Removed «University Logo», and add «Water bottle». It saved me 5.5$ = 18% of cost.
Recolored the product from «Black» to «Tan»

Слайд 8

Decisions made


Changed price in accordance with product features combinations in the

Decisions made Price: Changed price in accordance with product features combinations in
range from $59 to 69$.
Changed price in respond to competitors prices in the range from $60 to $65.

Слайд 9

Decisions made


1. Positioning:
Maximum influence on my target group.
Additional influence on segments

Decisions made Promotion: 1. Positioning: Maximum influence on my target group. Additional
that also interested in my product.
2. Media Campaign channels:
Demographic Reach.

Слайд 10

Decisions made


Used positioning messages: «Funky», «Fashionable», «Eco Friendly», «Great Value».
Used Media Campaign

Decisions made Promotion: Used positioning messages: «Funky», «Fashionable», «Eco Friendly», «Great Value».
Print - «Comic Book», «Fashion Magazine».
Internet - «Social Media», «Gaming Site», «Celebrity Gossip Blog».
Radio: «Top 40».

Слайд 11

Decisions made


Intensive distribution.
Used channels: «University Store», «Online Discount Retailer», «Department Store», «Fashion

Decisions made Place: Intensive distribution. Used channels: «University Store», «Online Discount Retailer»,
Boutique», «High End Outdoor», «Direct».
Not used channel: «Discount Retail Chain», reason - price didn’t meet its requiremets.

Слайд 12

Individual Perfomance Analysis

35th turn:

Profit - 5,
Market share - 2.

Individual Perfomance Analysis 35th turn: Ranks: Profit - 5, Market share -
sold: 7549. The best result among competitors.
Market share: 18%.
Final Balance: $443,017.13

Слайд 13

Individual Perfomance Analysis

35th turn:

Final Balance

Individual Perfomance Analysis 35th turn: Final Balance

Слайд 14

Team Competitive Analysis

Highly competitive market.

Target market «University Students»:
Troy Taylor
ML Backpack
Target market «Outdoor

Team Competitive Analysis Highly competitive market. Target market «University Students»: EastWest Troy
Alpine High

Слайд 15

Team Competitive Analysis

Trends in final balance:

Team Competitive Analysis Trends in final balance:

Слайд 16

Team Competitive Analysis

Final market shares:

Team Competitive Analysis Final market shares:
Имя файла: Marketing-Practice.pptx
Количество просмотров: 43
Количество скачиваний: 0