Mathematical Models in Finances


Слайд 2


Which of the statements are true?
If you increase the value by 375%

Percentages Which of the statements are true? If you increase the value
you have to multiply the original value by 4.75.
If a is greater by p% than b, then b is p% less than a.
The value a increases by p% and then the result increases by q%. The final result is b. Suppose a at first increases by q% and then the result increases by p%, the final result is b'. If b = b', then p = q.

Слайд 3


A company’s share price increases from 156.4 to 187.2. What is the

Percentages A company’s share price increases from 156.4 to 187.2. What is
percentage change?
You put $3600 in a gold star savings account, and when the interest is added you have $3794.4. What rate of interest has been paid, and how does it compare with the 4% offered by a bank deposit account?

Слайд 4

Financial Equivalence Principle

Which of the statements are true?
Suppose that S1 and S2

Financial Equivalence Principle Which of the statements are true? Suppose that S1
are two sums of money referred to the moments of time t1 and t2. If t1 < t2 and S1 > S2, these sums may be financially equivalent.
The financial equivalence of sums of money depends on the way of calculating interest.

Слайд 5

Simple Interest Rate

Which of the statements are true?
Suppose you take a loan

Simple Interest Rate Which of the statements are true? Suppose you take
P at an annual simple interest rate i. You have to repay S in time period T. The more i is, the more is T.
Consider the funding problem with simple interest rate i : the payments S1, …,Sm referred to the moments t1, …, tm are to be consolidated in one payment
The more is the interest rate i , the earlier is the moment of consolidated payout t.

Слайд 6

Simple Interest Rate: Mean Interest Rate

At time period t1 simple interest rate

Simple Interest Rate: Mean Interest Rate At time period t1 simple interest
is 5% , at time period t2 simple interest rate is 15% .
T = t1 + t2 = 10 years. Mean interest rate for time period T equals 12%. Find t1.

Слайд 7

Simple Interest and Discount Rates

A person borrows the sum of money P.

Simple Interest and Discount Rates A person borrows the sum of money
He has to pay back the sum S (S ≠ P) in T years provided mathematical discounting with annual simple interest rate i is used. If banking discounting with simple discount rate d is used and he has to pay back the same sum S in T years, then i = d.

Слайд 8

Compound Interest Rate

Is this statement true?
The calculations with compound annual interest rate

Compound Interest Rate Is this statement true? The calculations with compound annual
i are always more profitable for the depositor and less profitable for the bank than the calculations with simple annual interest rate i.

Слайд 9

Simple and Compound Interest Rates

A rich uncle has given you €5000 which

Simple and Compound Interest Rates A rich uncle has given you €5000
you plan to save for 5 years. Would you prefer to put it in an account offering 7% simple interest or one offering 6% compound interest?

Слайд 10

Simple, Compound and Continuous Interest Rates

If a loan of €400 is taken

Simple, Compound and Continuous Interest Rates If a loan of €400 is
out at a rate of annual interest of 18% for 2 years, calculate the final debt if the interest is compounded using relative interest rates
(a) quarterly
(b) monthly
(c) continuously
Is this statement true?
The force of interest equals to the rate of relative growth of the sum of money.

Слайд 11

Compound Discount Rate

Choose the item that fits:
The compound annual discount rate

Compound Discount Rate Choose the item that fits: The compound annual discount
is 20%. The $10 000 bill is discounted t years before its payout term. If the bill’s owner gets $5 000 then t is (approximately)
1. 0.44 year
2. 3.18 year
3. 2.50 year
4. 3.89 year

Слайд 12

Funding Problem with Compound Interest Rate

Choose the item that fits:

Funding Problem with Compound Interest Rate Choose the item that fits: Two
payments : 1000 rubles (payout term 2 years), 5000 rubles (payout term 4 years) are funded in one payment to be paid immediately with compound annual interest rate i=10%. Then the funded sum equals (approximately) to
1) 2424 rubles
2) 3232 rubles
3) 4242 rubles
4) 4343 rubles

Слайд 13

Constant Rents

Accumulation of fund has the type of constant ordinary annuity at

Constant Rents Accumulation of fund has the type of constant ordinary annuity
compound interest rate 20%. Annual payment is 20.000 rubles. Present value of the fund is 60.000 rubles. Find future value of the rent.
In the beginning of each quarter a firm sets aside $3000 for the purchase of new computer equipment. At an interest rate of 2% compound per quarter, how much is in the fund at the end of 4 years?

Слайд 14

Rent with constant relative increase of payments

Consider a rent with constant relative

Rent with constant relative increase of payments Consider a rent with constant
increase of payments with the rate h:
R, R(1+h),…, R(1+h)n-2 R(1+h)n-1
t1, t2, tn-1, tn
S is the future value of the rent at the end of the term tn . Suppose S is calculated using compound interest rate i. If i = h, then S is the sum of equal items.

Слайд 15

Continuous cash flow

Consider the continuous cash flow with constant intensity of payments

Continuous cash flow Consider the continuous cash flow with constant intensity of
R = 500 rubles per year. If the compound annual interest rate i=20% then the future value of total payments in the time interval 3 years approximately equals to
1) 1800 rub.
2) 1820 rub.
3) 2022 rub.
4) 2042 rub.

Слайд 16

Efficiency of investment project

Which of the statements are true?
The more the

Efficiency of investment project Which of the statements are true? The more
lifetime of investment project is, the more is the average annual Net Present Value (NVP) of the project.
If the compound interest rate equals to the Internal Rate of Return (IRR), then NVP is always positive.

Слайд 17

Efficiency of investment project

According to the investment project two investments are to

Efficiency of investment project According to the investment project two investments are
be made:
- 450 000 rubles in the beginning of 2010
- 200 000 rubles in the beginning of 2011.
Annual income 300 000 is expected in the beginning of every of the following 3 years starting with 2012.
Find NPV, average annual NPV, PI and DPP of the project, provided compound interest rate i=20% and the cash flow is discounted to 01.01.2008.

Слайд 18

Efficiency of investment project

Which of the statements are true?
Project Profitability Index

Efficiency of investment project Which of the statements are true? Project Profitability
(PI) does not depend on the discounting date of the project’s cash flow.
Net Present Value (NPV) depends on the discounting date of the project’s cash flow.

Слайд 19

Risk of the security portfolio

Which of the statements are true?
The portfolio

Risk of the security portfolio Which of the statements are true? The
consists of n securities. Their incomes di (i = 1,…, n) are independent random variables with standard deviations .
The shares of the securities .
The more is n, the more is the risk of the portfolio.
Suppose the portfolio consists of two kinds of the securities X and Y. Their incomes dX and dY are uncorrelated random variables. Then the risk minimizing shares of the securities in the portfolio aX and aY are inversely proportional to the variances of the incomes.

Слайд 20

Risk minimizing shares of the securities in the portfolio

Portfolio consists of two

Risk minimizing shares of the securities in the portfolio Portfolio consists of
kinds of securities X and Y with σX =0.5; σY =0.7; rxy=0.2.
Find the risk minimizing shares of the securities.
A portfolio consists of 3 kinds of securities with independent incomes. According to expert judgement the variance ratios are
V1/3 = 0.4 ; V2/3 = 0.9
Find the optimal portfolio structure

Слайд 21

Value at Risk

500 000 euro portfolio consists of one kind of securities.

Value at Risk 500 000 euro portfolio consists of one kind of
The income of the portfolio is normally distributed random variable. Standard deviation calculated on a day basis for portfolio income is 0.5% of portfolio value. Evaluate two-weeks absolute VaR with confidence level 90% on the basis of 5 trading days a week.

Слайд 22

Value at Risk (2011 Financial Risk Manager Examination (FRM®) Practice Exam, Global

Value at Risk (2011 Financial Risk Manager Examination (FRM®) Practice Exam, Global
Association of Risk Professionals)

If the daily, 90% confidence level, value-at-risk (VaR) of a portfolio is correctly estimated to be USD 5,000,one would expect that in one out of:
a. 10 days, the portfolio value will decline by USD 5,000 or less.
b. 90 days, the portfolio value will decline by USD 5,000 or less.
c. 10 days, the portfolio value will decline by USD 5,000 or more.
d. 90 days, the portfolio value will decline by USD 5,000 or more.

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