- 2. New York - a city in the U.S.A, one of the largest cities in the world.
- 3. Customers are 354 steps to the crown of the statue of liberty or 192 steps to
- 5. New York - the most important rail, air and sea transport hub. One of the commonly
- 6. No matter what you see yourself in this city - the very presence in New York
- 8. Скачать презентацию
Слайд 2 New York - a city in the U.S.A, one of the
New York - a city in the U.S.A, one of the

largest cities in the world. Population of 8.2 million people (2006). Located on the Atlantic coast in the southeastern part of New York. Administratively divided into 5 areas: Manhattan, Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island.
New York is famous for its huge sky-scraping. Sky-scraping in New York. Statue of Liberty - one of the most famous sculptures in the United States and the world, often called "the symbol of New York and the U.S.A.", "symbol of freedom and democracy", "Lady Liberty".
Statue of Liberty is on Liberty Island, about 3 kilometers to the south-west of the southern tip of Manhattan, one of the boroughs of New York. Until 1956 the island was called "island Bedlou", though popularly called the "island of freedom" since the beginning of XX century. Goddess of Liberty holds a torch in his right hand and a plate on the left. "July 4, 1776, date of signing of the Declaration of Independence. One foot "Freedom" is on the broken chains
New York is famous for its huge sky-scraping. Sky-scraping in New York. Statue of Liberty - one of the most famous sculptures in the United States and the world, often called "the symbol of New York and the U.S.A.", "symbol of freedom and democracy", "Lady Liberty".
Statue of Liberty is on Liberty Island, about 3 kilometers to the south-west of the southern tip of Manhattan, one of the boroughs of New York. Until 1956 the island was called "island Bedlou", though popularly called the "island of freedom" since the beginning of XX century. Goddess of Liberty holds a torch in his right hand and a plate on the left. "July 4, 1776, date of signing of the Declaration of Independence. One foot "Freedom" is on the broken chains
Слайд 3Customers are 354 steps to the crown of the statue of liberty
Customers are 354 steps to the crown of the statue of liberty

or 192 steps to the top of the pedestal. In the corona, there are 25 windows, which symbolize the earthly and heavenly gems rays illuminate the world. The seven rays on the crown of the statue symbolize the seven seas and seven continents (in the western geographical tradition believe it is the seven continents).
Height from ground to tip of torch - 93 meters, including base and pedestal. Height of the statue, from the top of the pedestal to the torch - 46 meters. The statue was constructed of thin sheets of copper, minted in wooden forms. The formed sheets were then mounted on a steel frame.
Typically, the statue is open to visitors, usually arriving by ferry.
Слайд 5New York - the most important rail, air and sea transport hub.
New York - the most important rail, air and sea transport hub.

One of the commonly used modes of transport in the city is a taxi and subway.
New York has something to enjoy - world-class museums, huge buildings and magnificent monuments, but there is something to be ashamed of, because here there are many unemployed and destitute.
This city is different from others in superaktivnostyu, but to feel its taste, you will need to fully immerse themselves in the atmosphere of the city.
In the city of so many monumental buildings, it is difficult to determine which one is better, but the most famous are rightly considered as the Statue of Liberty and the Empire State Building. Museum of Modern Art - one of the most interesting museums in the world, although the Guggenheim Museum of Natural History and no worse.
Слайд 6No matter what you see yourself in this city - the very
No matter what you see yourself in this city - the very

presence in New York will give you invaluable experience and impressions.
The most important omen of New York are its skyscrapers. Substantially all of Manhattan and many other neighborhoods in urban areas densely built-up multi-storey buildings, but the heaviest concentration falls on the southern and central parts of Manhattan.
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