Our Rights and Reality. We are From Russia

Слайд 2

Article 12
Children have the right to express their views.

I think...

To my

Article 12 Children have the right to express their views. I think... To my mind…

Слайд 3

Article 16
Children have the right to privacy.

I`m in my room


Article 16 Children have the right to privacy. I`m in my room
clean it, do homework there, invite my friends…It`s my world!

Слайд 4

Article 17
Children have the right to information

We are informed

Books ,

Article 17 Children have the right to information We are informed Books , magazines, the internet.
the internet.

Слайд 5

Article 23
Children have the right to take a full and active part

Article 23 Children have the right to take a full and active
in everyday life.

Our life is exciting!

we are at school assemly

we elect our school president

we take part in sport competitions

Слайд 6

Article 28,29
Children have the right to education and development.

This is our school.

Article 28,29 Children have the right to education and development. This is

we study English, Maths, Russian,History...

Слайд 7

Article 31
Children have the right to leisure.

Holidays, parties, birthdays...

it`s fun!

Article 31 Children have the right to leisure. Holidays, parties, birthdays... it`s fun!
Имя файла: Our-Rights-and-Reality.-We-are-From-Russia.pptx
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