Слайд 2
City is the oldest area of London
City is the largest financial center

is St. Paul's Cathedral ,St Bridge Church, one of the oldest churches of London, the London Tower, ruins of an ancient city wall the Museum of London
Слайд 4Westminster
Westminster is paradise for the tourist, after all basic sights of

London here are concentrated. (Buckingham palace, Big Ben on a tower of the Building of Parliament; and Westminster Abbey).
Слайд 7Soho
Soho- perhaps, the most picturesque and brisk quarter of London. It is

the center of night life, area of pubs, restaurants and discos.
Слайд 10Chelsea
Chelsea it is a magnificent residential zone directly in megacity heart.

Слайд 14Notting Hill
Notting Hill is a prestigious and expensive area
It is well-known for

an annual Brazilian Carnival. It is the largest carnival in Europe
In Notting Hill there is a flea market of Portobello largest in Europe
Слайд 20Knightsbridge
Knightsbridge it is known for the shops and boutiques. Here the most

expensive boutiques of the most prestigious marks of the world are located.