Слайд 2Introduction.
“Five senses form the basis of the world….There are other sensory

mechanisms, the sixth secret senses, one of them is the proper-muscular ... (proprioceptive sensitivity).
Oliver Sachs (English neurologist, writer)
Слайд 3Proprioceptive training based on classical dance —
- it is a system of

physical exercises based on the methods and principles of Classical Dance;
-proprioceptive training used for diagnosis, treatment and recovery;
- type of non-force kinesitherapy;
- afferent correction system;
-the method of psychotherapy (sense-training).
Слайд 4 Feedback systems:
--control of muscle length (Re in muscle spindles of gamma

1 fiber --- gamma1 neurons of the SM — afferents in the central nervous system, pyramidal pathways — motor cortex);
- control of muscle tone (Re in tendons, Golgi complex – gamma 2 neurons of the SM - afferents in the central nervous system);
--- Re the vestibular system.
Слайд 5 Operating principles.
- "reverse afferentation is the main factor in the restructuring

of motor programs" (according to Anokhin);
- control system of neurons of the sensorimotor cortex (influence on "burst" action potentials);
- help in processing heteromodal information ("Sharington funnel").
Слайд 6Proprioception functions.
regulation of temporal parameters of motor acts (speed);
- motor differentiation (clarity);

the complexity of the coordination staff (interrelation);
- the degree of automation (without mind control).
Слайд 7Types of PCT
- stabilometric platforms (Libra, etc.);
-dynamic proprioceptive correction "Gravistat", etc.);
-proprioceptive support

(bodybuilders, weightlifters);
-proprioceptive training programs for football players, gymnasts, etc.).
Слайд 8Differences in CT-based PCT
tactile accompaniment (additional sensory modality);
active influence on the motor

maximum aftereffect.
Слайд 9Classical dance
- This is a system of amazing freedom of movement based

on non-freedom (additional muscle tension);
- this is special. positions for arms and legs, several dozen poses, positions, movements and an unlimited number of combinations.
Слайд 10Muscle modes
isotonic (constant tension, changes in length) - not found in its

pure form;
isometric (constant length, tension changes) - static;
auxotonic (length and tension vary) —special movements, exercises.
Слайд 11Evidence base
1. Objective methods: ENMG in standard leads; stabilometry.
2. Empirical data. Experience

of use in general neurology (trauma, strokes, cerebral palsy, Parkinson's disease, autonomic disorders, psychoemotional disorders, sensory deficit, MDM, etc.); in sports neurology, gerontology, orthopedics.
Слайд 12«There are different ballet barres ... "