Role of Women in Different Cultures

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Women in the USA

As American women's roles evolved over time, women were

Women in the USA As American women's roles evolved over time, women
confronted with contradictory messages about their place in society.
Traditional ideals about women met new challenges with each generation, from outside forces like war and economic depression, and from the activity of women themselves.

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This caused many women to struggle with societal expectations that did not

This caused many women to struggle with societal expectations that did not
fit their reality, and with an identity that did not fit expectations.
Colonial society delegated to women the job of protecting and sustaining the morality of the people, yet it refused them a public forum in which to do so;
the nineteenth century ideology of domesticity presented a standard of maternal care that could not be universally achieved;
the twentieth century offered women the opportunity for education, independence, and a place in the labor force, but expected her to return to her proper place in the home after marriage.

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Women in the UK

The twentieth century will, without doubt, be viewed by

Women in the UK The twentieth century will, without doubt, be viewed
historians as the Woman's Hour. A girl born in 1899 had little chance of evading the role that was considered her destiny - to marry young, stay home and raise a family. Her forbears in the late nineteenth century had struggled hard to improve her chances of an education.
Campaigners like Millicent Fawcett and Elizabeth Garret Anderson had carried out a personal and largely peaceful struggle to open professions like medicine to women. Yet still, only the privileged few, whose fathers or husbands were enlightened enough to permit it, got a foot on the ladder of opportunity.

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In the early part of the century the suffragists argued powerfully, but

In the early part of the century the suffragists argued powerfully, but
peacefully for the vote. They were unsuccessful in their immediate objective, although they still exist in the form of one of the country's main research and lobbying groups working on behalf of women, the Fawcett Society.

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Role of Women in Islamic Cultures

The role of women in Islam,

Role of Women in Islamic Cultures The role of women in Islam,
Allah described. He gave her a different nature than man, which specifies its place in society. It may take on different roles, but among the most important are mentioned: the role of mother, wife, daughter, sister, grandmother, niece, and premiums.
Each of these social roles in Islam is associated with very defined principles.

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Women are encouraged in Islam to marry after they become physically mature. 

Women are encouraged in Islam to marry after they become physically mature.
spouses is to be concluded nikah, or marriage contract that contains 6 to the conditions that the marriage was recognized and enforceable. 
In one of them mentions that a woman entering into marriage may not be in time iddah, that is, the waiting period. It must of course be unmarried.
Islam prohibits the abuse of women and allow them to demand a divorce.

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The role of women in Chinese culture

The role of women in Chinese

The role of women in Chinese culture The role of women in
culture has changed over the years. When we consider the position that women held in ancient Chinese society we find that they have come a long way to be where they are today.
In ancient Chinese culture the role of the women was largely restricted to their homes. They were taken as a liability until they reached the age of marriage when they were given away to another family.

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Today the reign of the woman in Chinese culture is no longer

Today the reign of the woman in Chinese culture is no longer
restricted to the walls of her home.
Today we find Chinese women to be playing a prominent role in many different aspects of life from being popular actresses to accomplished musicians and skilled scientists to high posted politicians. There still exists some difference between the life and mindset of the Chinese women that live in rural areas as compared to those that live in urban cities.

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Role of Women in India

In India, Women play a very important role

Role of Women in India In India, Women play a very important
in society. Women in India get a prominent role in all walks of life. Now women are shining in every field and are doing as well as men.

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Over the ages in India women have been treated as the sole

Over the ages in India women have been treated as the sole
property of her father, brother or husband, not been given any choice or freedom of her own.
One more reason for the decline in the status of women and their freedom was that original Indians wanted to shield their women folk from the barbarous Muslim invaders. As polygamy was a norm for these invaders they picked up any women they wanted and kept them in their "harems".
In order to protect them Indian women started using 'Purdah', (a veil), which covers the body. Due to this reason their freedom also became affected.
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