- 2. Merry Christmas Christmas Today is Christmas, the city in anticipation of secrets He sleeps in a
- 3. Santa Claus Santa Claus came to see you - The doors open! And good luck with
- 4. Santa Claus The most best santa Сlaus He gift we shall present Snami song will make
- 5. Rozhdestvenskaya fir tree No nothing beautiful no fir tree in cristmas This fir tree simply charming.
- 6. That else can be in cristmas
- 7. That else can be in cristmas
- 9. Скачать презентацию
Слайд 2Merry Christmas
Today is Christmas,
the city in anticipation of secrets
He sleeps
Merry Christmas
Christmas Today is Christmas, the city in anticipation of secrets He sleeps

in a frosted crystal
waiting for: come true magic.
Blizzards seized them,
like a dream.
In cathedrals awe of candles and singing,
and incense smoke srebristy.
Under the bells
Bell clogged heart.
And the fate of his not escape -
of Christmas magic words.
Spring skies - the words source,
they from the flame and light.
And in the world, and in the poet's soul,
and the word God reborn.
Cold also, blizzard-wizard,
Your magical element
transform into other worlds
all the land, city, and people.
Will see miracles
so easily in the crowd of passers-by
and suddenly the music like
human will to vote.
Слайд 3Santa Claus
Santa Claus came to see you -
The doors open!
Santa Claus
Santa Claus came to see you - The doors open! And

good luck with it
In his home run!
Слайд 4Santa Claus
The most best santa Сlaus He gift we shall
Santa Claus
The most best santa Сlaus He gift we shall

present Snami song will make drunk will Without fall congratulate...
Merry christmas!
Merry christmas!
Слайд 5Rozhdestvenskaya fir tree
No nothing beautiful no fir tree in cristmas This
Rozhdestvenskaya fir tree
No nothing beautiful no fir tree in cristmas This

fir tree simply charming.
Narezhayut all her(it)
Then in toys then in varicoloured balls, but star shall put(deliver) we on top fir tree And beautiful all our fir tree will become on light!
Narezhayut all her(it)
Then in toys then in varicoloured balls, but star shall put(deliver) we on top fir tree And beautiful all our fir tree will become on light!
Слайд 6That else can be in cristmas
That else can be in cristmas

Слайд 7That else can be in cristmas
That else can be in cristmas

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