Слайд 2Principle 1: Popular Sovereignty
The People Rule
All power comes from the

The people consent to be governed (social contract)
Слайд 3Principle 2: Limited Government
The government may only do those things the people

have given it the power to do.
Where do we find a list of these governmental powers?
Слайд 4Principle 3: Separation of powers
Three branches of government, each with its own

Слайд 5Principle 4: checks and balances
Each branch has ways to ‘check’ the power

of the other branches
Why was this so important to the Framers?
Слайд 6Principle 5: judicial review
The power of the courts to determine whether what

government does is aligned with the Constitution
Marbury v. Madison
Слайд 7Principle 6: Federalism
Power is divided between the national, state, and local government