- 2. We will specify following features of OS which allow to allocate questions of maintenance of safety
- 3. Identification. To each resource in system the unique name-identifier should be appropriated. In many systems users
- 4. Meant trust. In many cases of the program of OS consider, that other programs work correctly.
- 5. The basic problem of safety of OS is the problem of creation of mechanisms of control
- 6. Access control to the data. At creation of mechanisms of control of access it is necessary
- 7. THE BASIC PROTECTIVE MECHANISMS OF OS OF FAMILY WINDOWS (NT/2000/XP) Here the basic mechanisms of protection
- 8. Possibilities of management by access to other protected resources, in particular, to the input equipment are
- 9. For DBMS all three basic aspects of information security - confidentiality, integrity and availability are important.
- 10. Identification and check of authenticity of users. Usually in DBMS to identification and check of authenticity
- 11. Usually in DBMS any management of access when the owner of object transfers access rights to
- 12. Role privileges have a priority over privileges of users and groups. Differently, as to the subject
- 13. - Managers of a database. Any user who has created a database concerns this category, and,
- 14. To charge administration of various databases to different people it makes sense only when these bases
- 15. Kinds of privileges. Privileges in DBMS can be subdivided on two categories: privileges of safety and
- 16. security is necessary for the manager of the server of databases, and also the person who
- 17. maintain_locations - The right to management of an arrangement of bases managers of the server of
- 18. Use of representations for management of access. DBMS give a specific control facility access - representations.
- 19. Operational restrictions (at the expense of access rights SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, applicable to all or
- 20. It is possible to look at hierarchy of privileges and from other point of view. Each
- 21. For each object to which access is provided, INGRES tries to find in hierarchy the privilege
- 22. and then to make its accessible to other, not authorised users. It is easy to understand,
- 23. appear useful at designing of system of privileges of numerous users in relation to the big
- 24. Each user DBMS INGRES/Enhanced Security is characterized by degree of reliability which also is defined the
- 25. At addition or change of lines they, as a rule, inherit labels of safety of the
- 27. Скачать презентацию
Слайд 2We will specify following features of OS which allow to allocate questions
We will specify following features of OS which allow to allocate questions

− management of all resources of system;
− presence of the built in mechanisms which expressly or by implication influence safety of programs and the data working in the environment of OS;
− maintenance of the interface of the user with system resources;
− the sizes and complexity OS.
Majority OS possess defects from the point of view of maintenance of safety of data in system that is caused by performance of a problem of maintenance of the maximum availability of system for the user. We will consider typical functional defects of OS which can lead to creation of channels of data leak.
Слайд 3Identification. To each resource in system the unique name-identifier should be appropriated.
Identification. To each resource in system the unique name-identifier should be appropriated.

Passwords. The majority of users is chosen by the elementary passwords which are easy for picking up or guess.
The passwords list. Storage of the list of passwords in not ciphered kind gives the chance it compromise with the subsequent unauthorized access to data.
Threshold values. For prevention of attempts of not authorised input in system by means of pasword selection it is necessary to limit number of such attempts, that in some OS is not provided.
Слайд 4Meant trust. In many cases of the program of OS consider, that
Meant trust. In many cases of the program of OS consider, that

The total memory. At total memory use not always after performance of programs sites of operative memory (RAM).
Communication rupture are cleared. In case of rupture of communication of OS should finish immediately a session with the user or repeatedly establish authenticity subject.
Transfer of parametres under the link, instead of on value (by transfer of parametres under the link preservation of parametres in RAM after check of their correctness is possible, the infringer can change these data before their use).
The system can contain many elements (for example, programs), having various privileges.
Слайд 5The basic problem of safety of OS is the problem of creation
The basic problem of safety of OS is the problem of creation

Слайд 6Access control to the data. At creation of mechanisms of control of
Access control to the data. At creation of mechanisms of control of

For access realization to object the subject should possess corresponding powers. Power is a certain symbol, possession which gives to the subject certain access rights in relation to object, the protection area defines access rights of some subject to set of protected objects and represents set of all powers of the given subject.
Here the basic
Here the basic

1) identification and authentication the user at logon;
2) differentiation of access rights to resources in which basis realisation of discretionary model of access (separately to objects of file system, to devices, to OS register, to printers lies, etc.);
3) audit, i.e. registration of events.
Here possibilities of differentiations of access rights to file objects (for NTFS) are obviously allocated (to the best) - the attributes of access established on various hierarchical objects of file system (logic disks, catalogues, files) are essentially expanded. In particular, the attribute "execution" can be established and on the catalogue then it is inherited by corresponding files.
Слайд 8Possibilities of management by access to other protected resources, in particular, to
Possibilities of management by access to other protected resources, in particular, to

Information security of management systems databases. Management systems databases, in particular relational DBMS, steels the dominating tool of storage of the big files of the information. A little developed information applications rely not on file structures of operating systems, and on multiuser DBMS, executed in technology the client/server. Thereupon maintenance of information security DBMS, and first of all their server components, gets crucial importance for safety of the organization as a whole.
Слайд 9For DBMS all three basic aspects of information security - confidentiality, integrity
For DBMS all three basic aspects of information security - confidentiality, integrity

Слайд 10Identification and check of authenticity of users. Usually in DBMS to identification
Identification and check of authenticity of users. Usually in DBMS to identification

CONNECT the user [/the password] [@database];
Anyhow, at the moment of the beginning of a session with the server of databases, the user is identified by the name, and authentification means the password serves. Details of this process are defined by realization of a client part of the application.
Management of access. For an illustration of the questions connected with management by access, it will be used DBMS INGRES.
Слайд 11Usually in DBMS any management of access when the owner of object
Usually in DBMS any management of access when the owner of object

The group is the called set of users. Association of subjects in groups facilitates administration of databases and, as a rule, is under construction on the basis of formal or actual structure of the organization. Each user can enter into some groups. When the user that or otherwise initiates a session with a database, he can specify, from a name what of the groups it acts. Besides, for the user usually define meant group.
The role is one more possible called carrier of privileges. With a role not associates the list of admissible users - instead roles protect passwords. At the moment of the beginning of a session with a database it is possible to specify a used role (usually by means of flags or the equivalent mechanism) and its password if that is available.
Слайд 12Role privileges have a priority over privileges of users and groups. Differently,
Role privileges have a priority over privileges of users and groups. Differently,

Let's notice that in DBMS Oracle the role is understood as a set of privileges. Such roles serve as means of structurization of privileges and facilitate their updating.
Set of all users is called as PUBLIC. Giving of privileges PUBLIC - a convenient way to set meant access rights.
The basic categories of users. Users DBMS can be broken into three categories:
- The manager of the server of databases. He knows installation, configuring servers, registration of users, groups, roles, etc. the Manager of the server has a name ingres. Expressly or by implication it possesses all privileges which have or other users can have.
Слайд 13- Managers of a database. Any user who has created a database
- Managers of a database. Any user who has created a database

- Other (final) users. They operate with the data stored in bases, within the limits of the privileges allocated with it.
Let's notice only that the manager of the server of databases as the most exclusive user, needs special protection. Discredit its password actually means discredit the server and all databases stored on it.
Слайд 14To charge administration of various databases to different people it makes sense
To charge administration of various databases to different people it makes sense

It is possible to draw an analogy between the user ingres and managers of databases on the one hand, and the superuser of an operating system (root in case of OS UNIX) and office users (in OS UNIX it can be bin, lp, uucp etc.) on the other hand. Introduction of office users allows to administer functional subsystems, without receiving privileges of the superuser. In the same way the information stored on the server of databases, it is possible to divide into compartments so discredit the manager of one compartment does not mean obligatory discredit another.
Слайд 15Kinds of privileges. Privileges in DBMS can be subdivided on two categories:
Kinds of privileges. Privileges in DBMS can be subdivided on two categories:

Safety privileges. Safety privileges are always allocated to the concrete user (instead of group, a role or all) during its creation (operator CREATE USER) or change of characteristics (operator ALTER USER). Such privileges five:
security - the right to operate safety DBMS and to trace actions of users. The user with this privilege can be connected to any database, create, delete and change characteristics of users, groups and roles, to transfer the rights to access to bases to the given other users, to operate record of the registration information, to trace inquiries of other users and, at last, to start INGRES-commands on behalf of other users. The privilege
Слайд 16security is necessary for the manager of the server of databases, and
security is necessary for the manager of the server of databases, and

createdb - the right to creation and removal of databases. This privilege, besides the manager of the server, users by whom it is assigned a part managers of separate databases should possess.
operator - the right to performance of actions which traditionally carry to the competence of the operator. Start and a server stop, preservation and information restoration Mean. Besides managers of the server and databases it is expedient to allocate with this privilege also the manager of an operating system.
Слайд 17maintain_locations - The right to management of an arrangement of bases managers
maintain_locations - The right to management of an arrangement of bases managers

trace - the right to state transition of flags of debugging trace. The given privilege is useful to the manager of the server of databases and other knowing users at the analysis of difficult, not clear situations.
Access privileges. Access privileges are allocated to users, to groups, roles or all means of operator GRANT and are withdrawn by means of operator REVOKE. These privileges are appropriated, as a rule, by the owner of corresponding objects (it - the manager of a database) or the owner of the privilege security (usually the manager of the server of databases).
Слайд 18Use of representations for management of access. DBMS give a specific control
Use of representations for management of access. DBMS give a specific control

Hierarchy of access rights. Operator GRANT and other control facilities access DBMS allow to realise following kinds of restriction of access:
Слайд 19Operational restrictions (at the expense of access rights SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE,
Operational restrictions (at the expense of access rights SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE,

Restrictions on values (at the expense of the mechanism of representations);
Restrictions on resources (at the expense of access privileges to databases).
At processing of inquiry DBMS at first checks access rights to objects. If operational restrictions appear broken, the inquiry is rejected with delivery of corresponding diagnostics. Infringement of restrictions on values influences only quantity of resultants of lines; any diagnostics thus does not stand out (the previous point) see. At last, after the account of two previous restrictions, the inquiry arrives on processing optimizer. If that finds out excess of restrictions on resources, the inquiry will be rejected with delivery of corresponding diagnostics.
Слайд 20It is possible to look at hierarchy of privileges and from other
It is possible to look at hierarchy of privileges and from other

The hierarchy of authorization looks for DBMS INGRES as follows:
Role (the higher priority)
The user
PUBLIC (the lowest priority)
Слайд 21For each object to which access is provided, INGRES tries to find
For each object to which access is provided, INGRES tries to find

Labels of safety and compulsory control of access. Means of any management by access, characteristic safety for level C have been above described. As it was already specified, they basically are sufficient for the overwhelming majority of commercial applications. Nevertheless, they do not solve one rather important problem - problems of tracking information transfer. Means of any management of access cannot prevent to receive justly to the authorized user the classified information
Слайд 22and then to make its accessible to other, not authorised users. It
and then to make its accessible to other, not authorised users. It

In "Criteria of an estimation of reliable computer systems", with reference to systems of level of safety B, the mechanism of labels of the safety, realized in version INGRES/Enhanced Security (INGRES with the raised safety) is described. To put this version into practice it makes sense only in a combination to an operating system and other program components of the same level of safety. Nevertheless, realization label consideration in DBMS INGRES is interesting to safety from the informative point of view, and the approach based on division of the data on levels of privacy and categories of access, it can
Слайд 23appear useful at designing of system of privileges of numerous users in
appear useful at designing of system of privileges of numerous users in

In DBMS INGRES/Enhanced Security to each relational table the column containing labels of safety of lines of the table is implicitly added. The safety label consists of three components:
Privacy level. The sense of this component depends on the application. In particular, the traditional spectrum of levels from "top secret" to “unclassified“ is possible.
Categories. The concept of a category allows to divide the data into "compartments" and by that to raise reliability of system of safety. "Finance", "shots", "material assets" can serve in commercial applications as categories, etc. More low appointment of categories is explained in more details.
Areas. Is additional means of division of the information for compartments. In practice a component "area" can really have geographical sense, designating, for example, the country which the data concerns.
Слайд 24Each user DBMS INGRES/Enhanced Security is characterized by degree of reliability which
Each user DBMS INGRES/Enhanced Security is characterized by degree of reliability which

Level of privacy of the user should be not below level of privacy of the data;
The set of the categories set in a label of safety of the data, should contain entirely in a label of safety of the user;
The set of the areas set in a label of safety of the user, should contain entirely in a label of safety of the data.
Let's notice that the mechanism of labels of safety does not cancel, and supplements any management of access. Users still can operate with tables only within the limits of the privileges, but even in the presence of privilege SELECT the part of the data is accessible to them, generally speaking, only.
Слайд 25At addition or change of lines they, as a rule, inherit labels
At addition or change of lines they, as a rule, inherit labels

The special privilege, DOWNGRADE, allows to change safety labels, associated with the data. Similar possibility is necessary, for example, for correction of the labels, for whatever reasons appeared the wrong.
It is represented natural that DBMS INGRES/Enhanced Security supposes not only hidden, but also obvious inclusion of labels of safety in relational tables. There was a new data type, security label, supporting corresponding operations of comparison.
INGRES/Enhanced Security - the first DBMS, received the certificate equivalent to certification on a class of safety B1. Possibly, safety labels gradually will enter into standard repertoire of management systems databases.