The National Bank of Ukraine


Слайд 2

Buildings of the State Bank

Buildings of the State Bank

Слайд 3

O.Kobelyev O.Verbytskyi
First architects of the modern building of the State

O.Kobelyev O.Verbytskyi First architects of the modern building of the State Bank

Слайд 4

New two-storied building of the State Bank

New two-storied building of the State Bank

Слайд 5

В. Rykov – one of the architects, who designed the reconstruction of

В. Rykov – one of the architects, who designed the reconstruction of 1934

Слайд 6

Building of the State Bank before & after reconstruction of 1934

Building of the State Bank before & after reconstruction of 1934

Слайд 7

National Bank of Ukraine today

National Bank of Ukraine today

Слайд 8

Legal status, principles of organization and activities of the National Bank of

Legal status, principles of organization and activities of the National Bank of
Ukraine are determined by the Constitution of Ukraine and the Law of Ukraine "On the National Bank of Ukraine".
The National Bank of Ukraine is a legal entity with separated property, which is the object of the state property. Its authorized capital amounts to UAH 10 million and is the state-owned property which is in the full economic competence of the National Bank.
According to Article 99 of the Constitution of Ukraine, adopted in 1996, the main function of the country's central bank is to ensure stability of monetary unit -the Hryvnia. To carry out its main function, the National Bank shall foster the stability of the banking system and, within its competence, the price stability.

Слайд 9

According to the Law of Ukraine "On the National Bank of Ukraine",

According to the Law of Ukraine "On the National Bank of Ukraine",

the National Bank is the central bank of Ukraine, a specific central body of the state administration, its issuing center which pursue common state policy in money circulation, credit, strengthening of monetary unit; it coordinates functioning of the banking system in general; determines exchange rate of the monetary unit against foreign currencies.

Слайд 10

The National Bank determines a kind of bank notes, their denomination, distinctive

The National Bank determines a kind of bank notes, their denomination, distinctive
features and their protection system.
The National Bank of Ukraine ensures the accumulation and custody of the gold and currency reserves and the conduction of transactions with them and the banking metals.
The National Bank of Ukraine sets up the order of determining a discount rate and other interest rates; it gives permission for commercial banks' registration and licenses banking business; determines the standard of emergency funds for commercial banks and other financial and credit institutions.

Слайд 11

Governors of the National Bank of Ukraine

Governors of the National Bank of Ukraine

Слайд 12

Матвієнко Володимир Павлович

Матвієнко Володимир Павлович

Слайд 13

Гетьман Вадим Петрович

Гетьман Вадим Петрович

Слайд 14

Ющенко Віктор Андрійович

Ющенко Віктор Андрійович

Слайд 15

Стельмах Володимир Семенович

Стельмах Володимир Семенович

Слайд 16

Тигіпко Сергій Леонідович

Тигіпко Сергій Леонідович

Слайд 17

Яценюк Арсеній Петрович

Яценюк Арсеній Петрович

Слайд 18

Sergiy G. Arbusov Former Governor of the National Bank of Ukraine

Sergiy G. Arbusov Former Governor of the National Bank of Ukraine

Слайд 19

Ihor V. SORKIN Governor of the National Bank of Ukraine

Ihor V. SORKIN Governor of the National Bank of Ukraine

Слайд 20

The main governing bodies of the National Bank of Ukraine are the

The main governing bodies of the National Bank of Ukraine are the
Council of the National Bank of Ukraine and the Board of the National Bank of Ukraine.
The National Bank of Ukraine is accountable to the President and the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, who are vested with authorities to appoint and discharge the Governor of the National Bank of Ukraine and to form the Council of the National Bank of Ukraine.

Слайд 21

Valerii I.

Chairman of the NBU Council pursuant to NBU Council Decision of 26.04.12 No.1
13.Viktor M. FEDOSOV
14.Roman V. SHPEK

Council Members of the National bank of Ukraine

Слайд 22

Board of the National Bank of Ukraine

Ihor V. SORKIN, Governor of

Board of the National Bank of Ukraine Ihor V. SORKIN, Governor of
the National Bank of Ukraine
Oleksandr I. PETRYK

Слайд 23

Main Function

According to the Constitution of Ukraine, the main function of the

Main Function According to the Constitution of Ukraine, the main function of
National Bank is to ensure the stability of Ukraine's monetary unit. To carry out its major function, the National Bank shall foster the stability of the banking system and within its competence, the price stability.

Слайд 24

Other functions

to determine and pursue the monetary policy in accordance with the

Other functions to determine and pursue the monetary policy in accordance with
General Principles of the Monetary Policy developed by the Council of the National Bank of Ukraine;
to issue the national currency of Ukraine on a monopoly basis and to organize its circulation;
The National Bank of Ukraine in compliance with the applicable laws has the exclusive right to issue money into circulation and to withdraw it from circulation. Cash money issued by the central bank is the only legal tender on the territory of the country to be accepted when effecting all payments.
There are the Banknote Printing and Minting Works and the Banknote Paper Mill to provide NBU’s needs in cash.

Слайд 25

to act as the last-instance creditor for banks and to organize the

to act as the last-instance creditor for banks and to organize the
refinancing system;
to establish the rules of conducting banking transactions, accounting and reporting, protection of the information, funds and property for the banks;
The efficient and reliable system of electronic interbank transfers of the National Bank of Ukraine works in Ukraine, which covers the system of electronic payments and the system of express money transfers.
to organize and to provide the methodological support to the system of the monetary, crediting and banking statistical information and the statistics of the balance of payments;

Слайд 26

to determine the system, procedure and modes of payments, including those between

to determine the system, procedure and modes of payments, including those between
to determine the areas of the development of modern electronic banking technologies, to establish, co-ordinate and control the creation of electronic means of payment, payment system, banking automation and the banking information protection facilities;
to exercise the banking regulation and supervision;
to keep a Register of banks, to license banking business and transactions, if provided for by the laws;
to keep the official Register of identification numbers of issuers of payment cards of domestic payment systems;

Слайд 27

to exercise the inspection certification of auditors for conducting audit of banks,

to exercise the inspection certification of auditors for conducting audit of banks,
temporary administrators and liquidators of a bank;
to compile, analyze and forecast the balance of payments;
For the purpose of carrying out the adequate macroeconomic analysis and forecasting the National Bank of Ukraine develops, keeps up to date and distributes monetary, banking and balance of payments statistics, publishes analytical and information materials.
to represent Ukraine's interests in central banks of other states, international banks and other crediting institutions, where the cooperation takes place at the level of central banks;

Слайд 28

One of the basic functions of the National Bank of Ukraine is

One of the basic functions of the National Bank of Ukraine is
to represent the interests of Ukraine in its relations with the central banks of other countries and international financial organizations.
The National Bank of Ukraine cooperates with the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the Bank for International Settlements, central banks of many countries on the issues of monetary policy, organization of banking supervision, monetary and banking statistics, compilation of balance of payments, implementation of settlement systems and international accounting standards used in the international practice.

Слайд 29

14. to exercise the currency regulation with the competence to be defined

14. to exercise the currency regulation with the competence to be defined
by a special law, to determine the procedure of effecting payments in the foreign currency, to organize and exercise the currency control over the commercial banks and other credit institutions which are in possession of a National Bank's license for the transactions with currency values;
15. to ensure the accumulation and custody of the gold and currency reserves and the conduction of transactions with them and the banking metals;

Слайд 30

to analyze the status of the monetary, crediting, financial, pricing and currency

to analyze the status of the monetary, crediting, financial, pricing and currency
to organize the collection and transportation of bank notes, coins and other values; to grant licenses for collection and transportation of bank notes, coins and other values;
to implement the national policy of the protection of state secrets within the system of the National Bank;
Имя файла: The-National-Bank-of-Ukraine-.pptx
Количество просмотров: 290
Количество скачиваний: 12