Слайд 6the dizzy heights of sth (humorous)
a very important position:
E.g. Do you think

Tess will reach the dizzy heights of Senior Editor before she's 30?
Слайд 8line manager - Your line manager is the person at work who

is in charge of your department, group, or project.
against (all) the odds/ against all odds. If you

do or achieve something against (all) the odds (against all odds), you do or achieve it although there were a lot of problems and you were not likely to succeed. Ex.: Against all the odds, he recovered.
Слайд 12daunting (adj.) If something is daunting, it makes you worried because it

is difficult or frightening.
daunted (adj.) - feeling afraid or worried. Ex.: He was a bit daunted by the prospect of meeting her parents
Слайд 13A feather in one's cap - an achievement to be proud of.

It's a real feather in our cap to be playing in the state championship.
Слайд 14Come out with flying colours
come out/pass with flying colors = to

achieve a great success
The image is from the days of sailing ships returning from a successful sea battle flying their flags, known as colors
Слайд 21Why I find The Prospect Of A Labour Victory Terrifying

Слайд 31High-flying
Very successful and determined to achieve more things
A high- flying banker
We are

under constant pressure to look good, bring up perfect families and have high-flying careers
I didn't plan to have a high-flying job and a large family