Water ecosystem pollution

Слайд 2


Risk –possibility of hazard realization , or expected value of damage due

Risk Risk –possibility of hazard realization , or expected value of damage
to, for example, pollution of water.
Risk can NOT be measurement by technical methods
in a qualitative sense risk is characterized by adverse consequences nature
in a quantitatively sense risk is characterized by probability of their beginnings

Слайд 3

Risk - quantitatively

in a quantitatively sense risk can be shown:
P, Pi

Risk - quantitatively in a quantitatively sense risk can be shown: P,
– probability of adverse consequences Z, Zi , that can be put into money (sum damage) or publik permissible risk without money dimension.
As a publik permissible risk can be used MPL (maximum permissible load) of different toxic substances

Слайд 4

Risk factor

Risk factor – has dimension and can be show by:
Risk=Exposition *

Risk factor Risk factor – has dimension and can be show by:
Exposition – volume of contaminant for one biological target
Risk management - decision about contaminant using or putting a veto upon it, limitation its production, preparation of special corresponding documentation

Слайд 5

Risk factor

Pw – characteristic of hydrolyze volume (speed) (Pw=1 – for quick

Risk factor Pw – characteristic of hydrolyze volume (speed) (Pw=1 – for
type an Pw=2 – for slow)
BA – bioaccumulation factor, corresponds to contaminant bioconcentration Bcf in a hydrobiont
Cf – contaminant concentration in hydrobiont
Cw – contaminant concentration in water

R – risk factor
E – exposition factor,
from 04 to 25Cw
EFw – factor of effectiveness impact of contaminant
Ew – factor of water exposition
U – method of chemical using (U=5 for “close” - indoors and U=1 for “open”)
BA=2 for Bcf<100;
BA=4 for 100BA=8 for 1000BA=16 for Bcf>10000.

Слайд 6


Toxic – potential risk of contaminant, its possibility to damage.
for toxic estimation

Toxic Toxic – potential risk of contaminant, its possibility to damage. for
there are some standard tests, for lethal (fatal) dose of 50% fish destruction.
In Europe there are 9 tests and three of them - for water:
LC50 – during 96 hours – for fish;
LC50 – during 48 hours – for water flea;
EC50 - inhibition of algea growth
LC50 depend on water conductivity and species diversity
Sum of tests results – EFw.
R →Sy, maxR=1, minR=0 (Isidorov, 1997).

LC50 for:
Cu – 0,02-1,0;
Zn – 0,5-5,0;
Pb – 0,5-10,0;
Cd – 0,5-105,0;
Cr – 3,5-118,0;
Ni – 5.0-100,0;
Fe – 1,4-133,0 mg/l
Conclution about risk by risk factor volume:
Sy≥0,55 – high risk
0,3≤Sy <0,55 - potencial
Sy<0,3 –without risk

Слайд 7

Your work

Calculate risk correspond to contaminant “X” in water availability
Calculate risk

Your work Calculate risk correspond to contaminant “X” in water availability Calculate
correspond to contaminant “Y” in water availability
Normalized a risk factor (R) by the equation if risk increases account of “X” increasing
Calculate risk factor for natural water object (LC50 for fish – as was above noticed)
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