World environmental organizations

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The reason for the creation of this organization was the nuclear tests

GREENPEACE The reason for the creation of this organization was the nuclear
that the United States conducted in the sixties and seventies. The first unofficial action of the still formally non-existent society took place on October 16, 1970 in Vancouver as a protest against nuclear tests of increasingly powerful bombs. And already on September 15, 1971, environmental activists sent a ship to Alaska to stop dangerous tests in an earthquake-prone region.
At the moment, the organization's field of vision is such issues as global climate change, deforestation from the tropics to the Arctic and Antarctic, overfishing, commercial whaling, radiation hazard, the development of renewable energy sources and resource conservation, environmental pollution with hazardous chemicals , sustainable agriculture, conservation of the Arctic.

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The immediate predecessor of the World Wildlife Fund was

WORLD WILDLIFE FUND, WWF The immediate predecessor of the World Wildlife Fund
The Conservation Foundation, established in New York in 1947 by Henry Fairfield Osborn. The "Nature Conservation Fund" was created to support capitalist-oriented environmental practices.
In 1984, it changed its name to the World Wide Fund for Nature, retaining its former acronym, WWF. The renaming was done in order to better match the activities of the organization. However, in the US and Canada, the organization continues to operate under its former name.
Subsequently, the World Wide Fund for Nature opened offices and carried out activities in many countries of the world. Initially, he only funded existing non-governmental organizations that specialized in the protection of endangered species, using the best science-based methods for this. In the future, as the fund's resources increased, the scope of its activities also included the conservation of biological diversity, the sustainable use of natural resources, the reduction of environmental pollution, and climate change. WWF began not only to finance, but also independently implement environmental projects and campaigns.

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The International Union

for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, IUCN is an international non-profit organization dedicated to highlighting the problems of preserving the planet's biodiversity, presents news, congresses held in different countries, lists of species in need of special protection in different regions of the planet. The organization has observer status at the UN General Assembly. The Union plays an important role in the implementation of a number of international conventions for the conservation of nature and biodiversity. IUCN participated in the creation of the World Wide Fund for Nature and the World Conservation Monitoring Centre.
IUCN was founded in 1948. It was formerly known as the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (1948-1956) and the World Conservation Union (1990-2008).
The organization was founded in 1948 and is headquartered in Glan, Switzerland. IUCN has over 1,400 governmental and non-governmental organizations. About 16,000 scientists and experts participate on a voluntary basis in the work of IUCN commissions. It has about 1,000 full-time employees in more than 50 countries.
IUCN's mission is to influence, encourage and help societies around the world preserve the integrity and diversity of nature and ensure that any use of natural resources is equitable and environmentally sustainable.
IUCN does not aim to mobilize the public in support of nature conservation. It seeks to influence the actions of governments, businesses and other stakeholders through the provision of information and advice, as well as through partnerships. This organization is best known to the general public for compiling and publishing the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, which assesses the conservation status of species worldwide.
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