Functional Interfaces. Lambda expressions


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Functional Interface
Lambda Expression
Built-in Functional Interfaces in Java

Agenda Functional Interface Lambda Expression Built-in Functional Interfaces in Java Function Predicate UnaryOperator BinaryOperator Supplier Consumer

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Functional Interfaces

A functional interface in Java is an interface that contains only a single

Functional Interfaces A functional interface in Java is an interface that contains
abstract (unimplemented) method.
A functional interface can contain default and static methods which do have an implementation, in addition to the single unimplemented method.

public interface MyFunctionalInterface {
public void execute();

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Functional Interfaces

Normally a Java interface does not contain implementations of the methods

Functional Interfaces Normally a Java interface does not contain implementations of the
it declares.
But it can contain implementations
in default methods,
or in static methods

public interface MyFunctionalInterface2{
public void execute();
public default void print(String text) {
public static void print(String text, PrintWriter writer) throws IOException {

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@FunctionalInterface Annotation

@FunctionalInterface annotation is used to ensure that the functional interface can’t

@FunctionalInterface Annotation @FunctionalInterface annotation is used to ensure that the functional interface
have more than one abstract method.
In case more than one abstract methods are present, the compiler flags an ‘Unexpected @FunctionalInterface annotation’ message.
However, it is not mandatory to use this annotation.

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Lambda expressions

lambda expressions are added in Java 8 and provide below functionalities.

Lambda expressions lambda expressions are added in Java 8 and provide below
to treat functionality as a method argument, or code as data.
A function that can be created without belonging to any class.
A lambda expression can be passed around as if it was an object and executed on demand.

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Syntax of lambdas
where lambda operator can be:
Zero parameter:
One parameter:–
It is not mandatory

Syntax of lambdas where lambda operator can be: Zero parameter: One parameter:–
to use parentheses, if the type of that variable can be inferred from the context
Multiple parameters :

lambda operator -> body

(p) -> {System.out.println("One parameter: " + p); return p;}

() -> System.out.println("Zero parameter lambda");

(p1, p2) -> System.out.println("Multiple parameters: " + p1 + ", " + p2);

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 Lambda Expression

A Java functional interface can be implemented by a Java Lambda Expression.

Lambda Expression A Java functional interface can be implemented by a Java
Java lambda expression implements a single method from a Java interface.
In order to know what method the lambda expression implements, the interface can only contain a single unimplemented method. (The interface must be a Java functional interface.)

MyFunctionalInterface lambda = () -> {

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Built-in Functional Interfaces in Java

Built-in Functional Interfaces in Java

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The Function interface (java.util.function.Function) represents a function (method) that takes a single

Function The Function interface (java.util.function.Function) represents a function (method) that takes a
parameter and returns a single value.
The Function interface actually contains a few extra methods in addition to the method shown above, but since they all come with a default implementation, you do not have to implement these extra methods.

public interface Function {
public apply(T parameter);

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The only method you have to implement to implement the Function interface

Function The only method you have to implement to implement the Function
is the apply() method:

public class AddThree implements Function {
public Long apply(Long aLong) {
return aLong + 3;

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An example of using the above AddThree class:
First this example creates a

Function An example of using the above AddThree class: First this example
new AddThree instance and assigns it to a Function variable.
Second, the example calls the apply() method on the AddThree instance.
Third, the example prints out the result (which is 7).

Function adder = new AddThree();
Long result = adder.apply((long) 4);
System.out.println("result = " + result);

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You can also implement the Function interface using a Java lambda expression:

Function You can also implement the Function interface using a Java lambda
Function interface implementation is now inlined in the declaration of the adderLambda variable, rather than in a separate class.

Function adder = (value) -> value + 3;
Long resultLambda = adder.apply((long) 8);
System.out.println("resultLambda = " + resultLambda);

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The Java Predicate interface (java.util.function.Predicate) represents a simple function that takes a

Predicate The Java Predicate interface (java.util.function.Predicate) represents a simple function that takes
single value as parameter, and returns true or false:
The Predicate interface contains more methods than the test() method, but the rest of the methods are default or static methods which you don't have to implement.

public interface Predicate {
boolean test(T t);

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You can implement the Predicate interface using a class, like this:
The Predicate

Predicate You can implement the Predicate interface using a class, like this:
interface contains more methods than the test() method, but the rest of the methods are default or static methods which you don't have to implement.

public class CheckForNull implements Predicate {
public boolean test(Object o) {
return o != null;

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You can also implement the Java Predicate interface using a Lambda expression.

Predicate You can also implement the Java Predicate interface using a Lambda
Here is an example of implementing the Predicate interface using a Java lambda expression:
This lambda implementation of the Predicate interface effectively does the same as the implementation that uses a class.

Predicate predicate = (value) -> value != null;

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The Java UnaryOperator interface is a functional interface that represents an operation

UnaryOperator The Java UnaryOperator interface is a functional interface that represents an
which takes a single parameter and returns a parameter of the same type.
The UnaryOperator interface can be used to represent an operation that takes a specific object as parameter, modifies that object, and returns it again - possibly as part of a functional stream processing chain.

UnaryOperator unaryOperator =
(person) -> { = "New Name"; return person; };

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The Java BinaryOperator interface is a functional interface that represents an operation

BinaryOperator The Java BinaryOperator interface is a functional interface that represents an
which takes two parameters and returns a single value. Both parameters and the return type must be of the same type:
The Java BinaryOperator interface is useful when implementing functions that sum, subtract, divide, multiply etc. two elements of the same type, and returns a third element of the same type

BinaryOperator binaryOperator =
(value1, value2) -> { value1.add(value2); return value1; };

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The Java Supplier interface is a functional interface that represents an function

Supplier The Java Supplier interface is a functional interface that represents an
that supplies a value of some sorts. The Supplier interface can also be thought of as a factory interface.
This Java Supplier implementation returns a new Integer instance with a random value between 0 and 1000.

Supplier supplier = () -> new Integer((int) (Math.random() * 1000D));

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The Java Consumer interface is a functional interface that represents an function

Consumer The Java Consumer interface is a functional interface that represents an
that consumes a value without returning any value. A Java Consumer implementation could be printing out a value, or writing it to a file, or over the network etc.
This Java Consumer implementation prints the value passed as parameter to it out to System.out.

Consumer consumer = (value) -> System.out.println(value);

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Method Reference

Method reference is used to refer a method without invoking it.

Method Reference Method reference is used to refer a method without invoking
of providing implementation of a method like lambdas do, method references refer to a method of an existing class or object.
Operator :: called as Method Reference Delimiter.

Constructor reference

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