Addiction to drugs is becoming more and more common every day. Drugs among the young people is a problem which affects the whole society and future generations. - презентация_
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- Addiction to drugs is becoming more and more common every day. Drugs among the young people is a problem which affects the whole society and future generations. - презентация_
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Слайд 17Addiction to drugs is becoming more and more common every day.
Drugs among
Addiction to drugs is becoming more and more common every day.
Drugs among
the young people is a problem which affects the whole society and future generations.
Drugs destroy billions of lives every year.
The problem has many faces. From the university student partying for 3 days straight on an ecstasy or meth-amphetamine fueled rave, to the school child addicted to Ritalin (methylphenidate); from the mother who cannot get through a day without taking pills for depression, to the CEO addicted to cocaine.
An estimated 208 million people
internationally consume illegal drugs.
You probably know someone who has been
affected by drugs, directly or indirectly.
Drugs may seem like innocent fun but I have seen first hand how they can destroy lives. I know a lot of teenagers probably experiment but hopefully they realize the dangers and stop there.
To live ...
Drugs destroy billions of lives every year.
The problem has many faces. From the university student partying for 3 days straight on an ecstasy or meth-amphetamine fueled rave, to the school child addicted to Ritalin (methylphenidate); from the mother who cannot get through a day without taking pills for depression, to the CEO addicted to cocaine.
An estimated 208 million people
internationally consume illegal drugs.
You probably know someone who has been
affected by drugs, directly or indirectly.
Drugs may seem like innocent fun but I have seen first hand how they can destroy lives. I know a lot of teenagers probably experiment but hopefully they realize the dangers and stop there.
To live ...
Слайд 18Пристрастяването към наркотици става все по-често - всеки ден.
Наркотиците сред младите хора
Пристрастяването към наркотици става все по-често - всеки ден. Наркотиците сред младите хора
е проблем, който засяга цялото общество и бъдещите поколения.
Наркотиците унищожават живота на милиарди всяка година.
Проблемът е с много лица. От студентските купони за 3 дни направо върху екстази, амфетамини,от детето в училище, пристрастено към Риталин (метилфенидат); от майките, които не могат да преминат нито ден без да вземат хапчета за депресия, до пристрастените към кокаин.
Счита се, че 208 милиона души
в света консумират незаконни наркотици.
Вероятно познавате някой, пряко или косвено , който е бил
засегнат от наркотици.
Наркотиците може да изглеждат като невинно удоволствие, но те могат да унищожат живота.
Много тийнейджъри вероятно експериментират, но се надяваме те да осъзнават опасностите и да се спрат. ДОТУК!!!
Наркотиците може да изглеждат като невинно удоволствие, но те могат да унищожат живота.
Много тийнейджъри вероятно експериментират, но се надяваме те да осъзнават опасностите и да се спрат. ДОТУК!!!