Which of the Universities are you interested in Almaty?
Think of the best Universities which dominated in Kazakhstan. Why?
What evidence is given Kazakhstan's educational success?
What changes would you plan for educational system in Kazakhstan?
Do you think you would enjoy studying in Britain? What advantages and disadvantages would be there?
What are the main differences between university course in Britain/ USA and in your own country?
What sort of activities do students do in your group to improve their knowledge? What do you do?
What measures would you take to reduce the problems of learning English?
What do you think of the educational system of grades and the rules in Kazakhstan?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of individual learning?
Will progress of new technology bring a new approach to comprehensive school?
Do you think education should be free?
Do you think children should be tested at the ages of seven and eleven? Why? Why not?
What are your views of boarding schools? Would you like your child to have attended one yourself