Слайд 3Everybody on a bike!
Под патронажа и съдействието на
Министерство на околна среда
и водите
“Обичам природата и аз участвам!”
Слайд 4Selfconfidence
Active lifestyle
Passive lifestyle
Слайд 5Why a bike?
Active and healthy lifestyle.
Time saving.
No taxes.
No fuel.
No pollution.
No need
of large parking lots.
Cheaper infrastructure.
Слайд 6Safe cycling
towns and villages
Shared road
Cycling lane
Слайд 7Always obey road signs and marking
Слайд 8Always follow the course of traffic
Слайд 9Never ride among parked cars
Слайд 10Wear a helmet and suitable clothes
Слайд 12Be careful of dangers on the road
Слайд 13Choose the best way to turn left
Слайд 14When riding in a group, always move in a line
Слайд 15Keep your hands on the breaks and be ready to stop
Слайд 16Use signal lights in the dark time of the day