Organisation Behaviour


Слайд 2

The Development of Management Theory

Up to the 20th century (pre-modern era)

The Development of Management Theory Up to the 20th century (pre-modern era)
Adam smith’s contribution to the field of management
Industrial revolution’s influence on management practices
In the early 20th century
Scientific management
General administrative theory
The human resources approach
The quantitative approach
From the later 20th century to the present
The process approach
The systems approach
The contingency approach

Слайд 3

Adam Smith’s Contribution to the Field of Management

The general popularity today of

Adam Smith’s Contribution to the Field of Management The general popularity today
job specialization is undoubtedly due to Smith’s view about division of labor.
Division of labor is the breakdown of jobs into narrow, repetitive tasks.

Слайд 4

Industrial Revolution’s Influence on Management Practices

Industrial Revolution has originated in late-18th-century

Industrial Revolution’s Influence on Management Practices Industrial Revolution has originated in late-18th-century
Great Britain, and crossed the Atlantic to America by the end of the Civil War.
Because of the Industrial Revolution, machine power was rapidly substituted for human power, which made it economical to manufacture goods in factories.
With the development of big organizations, a formal theory to guide managers running these organizations efficiently and effectively was needed.

Слайд 5

The Development of Management Theory

Up to the 20th century
Adam smith’s contribution

The Development of Management Theory Up to the 20th century Adam smith’s
to the field of management
Industrial revolution’s influence on management practices
In the early 20th century
Scientific management
General administrative theory
The human resources approach
The quantitative approach
From the later 20th century to the present
The process approach
The systems approach
The contingency approach

Слайд 6

Scientific Management

Frederick Taylor
Frederick Taylor was called as the father of Scientific

Scientific Management Frederick Taylor Frederick Taylor was called as the father of
management. His book The Principles of Scientific management was published in 1911. Immediately, its contents became widely accepted by managers throughout the world.

Слайд 7

Background of That Time

There were no clear concepts of responsibilities to

Background of That Time There were no clear concepts of responsibilities to
workers and managers.
No effective work standards existed.
Management decisions were based on hunch and intuition.
Workers were placed on jobs with little or no concern for matching their abilities and aptitudes with the tasks required.
Managers and workers considered themselves to be in continual conflict—any gain by one would be at the expense of the other.

Слайд 8

Taylor’s Four Principles of Management

Develop a scientific way for each element of

Taylor’s Four Principles of Management Develop a scientific way for each element
an individual’s work, which replaces the old rule-of-thumb method.
Scientifically select and then train, teach, and develop the worker.
Heartily cooperate with the workers so as to ensure that all work is done in accordance with the scientific way that has been developed.
Divide work and responsibility almost equally between managers and workers. Managers take over all work for which it is better fitted than the workers.

Слайд 9

The Development of Management Theory

Up to the 20th century
Adam smith’s contribution

The Development of Management Theory Up to the 20th century Adam smith’s
to the field of management
Industrial revolution’s influence on management practices
In the early 20th century
Scientific management
General administrative theory
The human resources approach
The quantitative approach
From the later 20th century to the present
The process approach
The systems approach
The contingency approach

Слайд 10

General Administrative Theory

Herial Fayol’s contributions
He argued that management

General Administrative Theory Herial Fayol’s contributions He argued that management was an
was an activity common to all human undertakings in business, in government, and even in the home. He stated 14 principles of management—fundamental or universal truths.
Max Weber’s contributions
Weber developed a theory of authority structures and described organizational activity on the basis of authority relations. He described an ideal type of organization that he called a bureaucracy, characterized by division of labor, a clearly defined hierarchy, detailed rules and regulations, and impersonal relationships.

Слайд 11

Fayol’s 14 Principles of Management

Division of Work
Unity of Command

Fayol’s 14 Principles of Management Division of Work Authority Discipline Unity of

Unity of Direction
Subordination of Individual Interests to the General Interest

9. Scalar Chain
10. Order
11. Equity
12. Stability of Tenure of Personnel
13. Initiative
14. Esprit de corps

Слайд 12

Weber’s Ideal Bureaucracy

Division of labor
Authority hierarchy
Formal selection

Weber’s Ideal Bureaucracy Division of labor Authority hierarchy Formal selection Formal rules
rules and regulations
Career orientation

Слайд 13

The Development of Management Theory

Up to the 20th century
Adam smith’s contribution

The Development of Management Theory Up to the 20th century Adam smith’s
to the field of management
Industrial revolution’s influence on management practices
In the early 20th century
Scientific management
General administrative theory
The human resources approach
The quantitative approach
From the later 20th century to the present
The process approach
The systems approach
The contingency approach

Слайд 14

The Human Resources Approach

Hawthorne Studies
Human Relations Movement
Dale Carnegie

The Human Resources Approach Hawthorne Studies Human Relations Movement Dale Carnegie Abraham
Douglas McGregor
Behavior Science

Слайд 15

Hawthorne Studies

Time: 1924—the early 1930s
Place: Hawthorne plant in the Western Electric Company

Hawthorne Studies Time: 1924—the early 1930s Place: Hawthorne plant in the Western
Western Electric industrial engineers
Elton Mayo and his associates
Mayo’s Finding:
Behavior and sentiments are closely related.
Group influences significantly affect individual behavior.
Group standards establish individual worker output.
Money is less a factor in determining output than are group standards, group sentiments, and security.

Слайд 16

Chapter Two The Development of Management Theory

Up to the 20th century

Chapter Two The Development of Management Theory Up to the 20th century
smith’s contribution to the field of management
Industrial revolution’s influence on management practices
In the early 20th century
Scientific management
General administrative theory
The human resources approach
The quantitative approach
From the later 20th century to the present
The process approach
The systems approach
The contingency approach

Слайд 17

The Quantitative Approach
What are quantitative approaches?

The quantitative approach to management, sometimes

The Quantitative Approach What are quantitative approaches? The quantitative approach to management,
referred to as operations research (OR) or management science. It includes applications of statistics, optimization models, information models, and computer simulations, linear programming, and so on, which can be used to solve management problems.

Слайд 18

The Quantitative Approach

How have they contributed to current management practice?

The Quantitative Approach How have they contributed to current management practice? In
general, the quantitative approaches have contributed directly to management decision making, particularly to planning and control decisions.

Слайд 19

Chapter Two The Development of Management Theory

Up to the 20th century

Chapter Two The Development of Management Theory Up to the 20th century
smith’s contribution to the field of management
Industrial revolution’s influence on management practices
In the early 20th century
Scientific management
General administrative theory
The human resources approach
The quantitative approach
From the later 20th century to the present
The process approach
The systems approach
The contingency approach

Слайд 20

The Systems Approach

What’s the system approach?
Two basic types of the system: closed

The Systems Approach What’s the system approach? Two basic types of the
and open
Closed systems are not influenced by and do not interact with their environment. In contrast, an open system dynamically interacts with its environment.
An organization is an open system
The operating model in organizational systems

Слайд 21

What’s the System Approach?

The system approach defines a system as a

What’s the System Approach? The system approach defines a system as a
set of interrelated and interdependent parts arranged in a manner that produces a unified whole. Societies are systems and so, too, are computers, automobiles, organizations, and animal and human bodies.

Слайд 22

An Organization Is an Open System

An organization is a system that interacts

An Organization Is an Open System An organization is a system that
with and depends upon its environment.
Organization’s stakeholders:any group that is affected by organizational decisions and policies. The manager’s job is to coordinate all stakeholders to achieve the organization’s goals.
Organizational survival often depends on successful interactions with the external environment.

Слайд 23

   The Operating Model in Organizational System

The Operating Model in Organizational System

Слайд 24

The Development of Management Theory

Up to the 20th century
Adam smith’s contribution

The Development of Management Theory Up to the 20th century Adam smith’s
to the field of management
Industrial revolution’s influence on management practices
In the early 20th century
Scientific management
General administrative theory
The human resources approach
The quantitative approach
From the later 20th century to the present
The process approach
The systems approach
The contingency approach

Слайд 25

Four Popular Contingency Variables:

Organization size
Routineness of task technology
Environmental uncertainty
Individual differences

Four Popular Contingency Variables: Organization size Routineness of task technology Environmental uncertainty Individual differences
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