Слайд 2James I and the clash with Parliament
James I wanted absolute power when

he inherited the throne from Queen Elizabeth
Elizabeth wanted absolute power too, but was better at flattering parliament to get her way
Always conflict between the royalty and parliament over $ - royalty wants $ for royal court and foreign wars
Слайд 3James I continued
Also annoyed people b/c he refused to make Puritan reforms

(get rid of Catholic practices).
Hated when anyone told him what to do (sound familiar?)
Known for the King James bible – the Puritan translation of the old bible
Слайд 5Charles I
1625, James I dies and his son, Charles I, gets the

Always needed $ for war
When parliament denied $ requests, he dissolved parliament
1628, parliament gets back together and asks Charles to sign the Petition of Right
Слайд 6More of Charles I
The people hated the taxes (obviously)
Doesn’t he look like

a pompous jerk?
Слайд 7English Civil War
Since Charles I ruled over Scotland AND England, there were

several religions
Charles I wanted ONE religion – ended up in Civil War when the Scots rebelled
War cost $, so Charles needed Parliament. Parliament hated him and wanted to limit his power
Supporters of Charles I = Royalists
The opposition supports Parliament = Roundheads