Radiation test of LV supply and components in PSI 30.6.2002

Слайд 2


Ivan Hruska,Francisca Calheiros

Radiation test of LV supply and components in PSI 30.6.2002

09/11/2023 Ivan Hruska,Francisca Calheiros Radiation test of LV supply and components in

Component tests
Test1 - SEE in irfp460 6 samples
200V Uds , Flux -> 5e8 p/cm^2/s 40krads -> 9.5 minutes - 2.91e11p/cm^2
result =NOSEE
Test 2 - same as 1 but 250 Vce
result NOSEE
Test3 - SEE in 8x IRF3710
unfortunately 200V on collector for 3 minutes then 50V set then conditions as test1 resulllt NOSEE
Test 4 - Same as 3
Increased voltage to 80 V ,other conditions the same
result NOSEE
Test5 - 8x IRFP9N60
200V Uds
result NOSEE
Test6 - same as 5
250V Uds
result number 4 had SEE after ~8minutes
rest NOSEE

Слайд 3


Ivan Hruska,Francisca Calheiros

Radiation test of LV supply and components in PSI 30.6.2002


09/11/2023 Ivan Hruska,Francisca Calheiros Radiation test of LV supply and components in
Test 7 - LT DCDC converter
40v input 5v/9A output
Up to 17 krads working well
6V output shift ~ 17krads & SEE
then continue 19.2krad next SEE
then continue up to 28.2krads and there was again SEE
then continue up to 38 krads and again SEE
then after stop the beam without power cycling function is back
Test8 OIA
two ramps without radiation
Preliminary result is that transfer function is still linear with constant gain up to 40krads
Имя файла: Radiation-test-of-LV-supply-and-components-in-PSI-30.6.2002.pptx
Количество просмотров: 38
Количество скачиваний: 0