- 2. Films Legionnaire (1998) Director: Peter MacDonald Day of the Falcon (2011) Director: Jean-Jacques Annaud
- 3. Legionnaire: denotation and connotation Attack of men on horses wearing traditional clothes Connotation Arabs are savages
- 4. Legionnaire: denotation and connotation Men in black clothes attack positions of the legionnaires Connotation Arabs are
- 5. Legionnaire: denotation and connotation Widely screaming men with guns Connotation Arabs are barbaric Arabs are warriors
- 6. Day of the Falcon: denotation and connotation The man in traditional clothes shoots down a plane
- 7. Day of the Falcon: denotation and connotation Fight between men on horses and modern machines Connotation
- 8. Day of the Falcon: denotation and connotation One group of Arabs attack machines, while the other
- 9. Conclusions Legionnaire The film represents negative stereotypes of Arabs as savages and violent warriors Legionnaires who
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