Russian and british character

Слайд 2

Relations between Russians and Englishmen.

The relation of Englishmen to Russians is on

Relations between Russians and Englishmen. The relation of Englishmen to Russians is
the whole benevolent. A standard reaction on a report, that you are Russian is like a phrase about a weather. As it's well known in England it is always talked about a weather, but in combination with our country it is inevitable theme of cold.
The promoted interest, curiosity and well-wisher, is incident to Russian national character both to the foreigners on the whole and to England in particular. England - it one of the respected nations for Russians. Possibly, it is related to positive appearance of England taken away from literature and films. And even after the personal contact, in spite of all oddities of the English, Russians however perceive them positively.

Слайд 3

Let’s have a look at the similarity and differences of the both

Let’s have a look at the similarity and differences of the both
nations and then compare them.

The English
England like to present itself as quiet, reasonable and patient people, possessing good sense. It's supposed that English are restrained, unemotional, independent and a little eccentric people. In addition, they have the special sense of humor, based on an implication, irony and playing on words. Such qualities can be complemented with a certain aggressiveness, obstinacy and indifference.

The Russians
Among positive qualities, incident to Russian character, most often are named kindness, honesty, sincerity and warmth, nobleness, decency. Also are typical such features as association, tolerance, faultlessness, hospitableness, courage. Two most negative touches of the Russian people, in opinion of many, are predilection for an alcohol, and also hope on "perhaps", laziness, languor.

Слайд 4

At first sight England seem to be restrained and imperturbable. With the

At first sight England seem to be restrained and imperturbable. With the
emotions and steadfast self-possession, fastened on all buttons, they appear reliable and successive - both for each other and for the whole world.
But if the unbridled passions flares up in the soul of outwardly impassive Englishman and the mask of icy calmness glissade from his person, he'll come in confusion. English people have no ability to manage the wild instincts. And running into the display of similar passions in other, they, probably, will quite lose their head, hidden after the unfolded newspapers and will pretend, that nothing special takes place; England consider that "it is not in English" to react to the outside meddling in their life.

The English

The Englishmen also had a very original sense of humor, which sometimes cannot be understood by people of other nationalities.

Слайд 5

Strains which are peculiar to English people

Contrast aspirations

Love to the traditions



Two fundamental

Strains which are peculiar to English people Contrast aspirations Love to the
and simultaneously opposite features are love to the clear sequence of events and passionate tendency to the sweepings changes.

Longing for the past is incident to England, and there is no nothing more dear for them than customs and traditions. Alike, however them, from where one or another tradition appeared
and why it was saved. Traditions are traditions! In our changeable time it gives them feeling of constancy.

Moderation has an enormous value for England. All which is related to loud scandal or scream on trifles, determined a few steady expressions, by which both sides are laid to that they "arrange stir and hurly-burly", "ridiculous bustle", "nightmarish noise" and "inappropriate merriment", - and it is perceived by society as extremely undesirable.

For Englishman sense of the personal freedom, which is in the most emphatic form expressed approximately in the following, is well developed: "All right, I will submit this law, but only because I decided so myself."

Слайд 6

You can hear such opinion about Russians: sometimes, when you run into

You can hear such opinion about Russians: sometimes, when you run into
a boor, spite, laziness, stealing, drunkenness, it is possible to assert that more disgusting people in the world are not present. But then, when adjoin with their kindness, heartiness, generosity, sympathy, wide nature, hospitality, it is possible to say confidently that there can not be better people. Now, there are some features of Russian character.

Merry, even if businesses keep bad time.
Russians are able to be glad to little successes. They love a good meal, drinks and pleasant society.

Emotionality and open-hearted display of feelings: In Russia it is often possible to notice , that people think of businesses not rationally, but emotionally. The personal likings and antipathies are deciding even in such questions, to which others don't get into the habit to regard in similar manner.

Russians are rough and indifferent to unknown people, but cordial to the friends:
People can be rude, for example, in shops or in the street, in a subway or bus, but when you will meet with them , you will become friends easily.

The Russians

Russians are often unorganized. When something is needed, it is begun to search in the last minute and can not be find. The same disorganization there is often possible to see in the way of life. Businesses are not made expediently, but everything accumulates.

Слайд 7


Russians are unconcerned, to naivety optimistically behave to the future and often

Also: Russians are unconcerned, to naivety optimistically behave to the future and

Family connections are the great value for Russians.

Russians are very hospitable.

Russians are unpunctual and use working hours inefficiently.

They are ready to risk with most precious, they are reckless in realization of their suppositions and ideas.

The Russian not able to control itself, he is immoderate, does not want to go middle a way. “Golden mean” - it not about him. All - or nothing.

"Russia" means hospitality and heartiness. Bad weather, but at the same time excellent winter. It is toasts, and always a lot of reasons for a holiday.

Main stereotype about Russian life

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