Segmenting and targeting


Слайд 2

Prepared by
Charles Lamb, Joseph Hair, Carl McDaniel & Alison Barker
Lecture Slides available

Prepared by Charles Lamb, Joseph Hair, Carl McDaniel & Alison Barker Lecture
on Moodle on the Friday BEFORE the lecture occurs

Lecture Presentation Slides

Слайд 3

Learning outcomes:
Describe the characteristics of markets and market segments
Explain the importance of

Learning outcomes: Describe the characteristics of markets and market segments Explain the
market segmentation
Discuss the criteria for successful market segmentation
Describe the bases commonly used to segment consumer and business markets
List the steps involved in segmenting markets
Discuss alternative strategies for selecting target markets
Explain how and why firms implement positioning strategies and how product differentiation plays a role.
Understand how a perceptual map is created.

Chapter 8: Segmenting and
Targeting Markets

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Characteristics of a Market

people or organizations with
needs or wants, and

Characteristics of a Market people or organizations with needs or wants, and
the ability and
the willingness to buy.
A group of people that lacks any one of these characteristics is NOT a market.

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Market Segmentation

Market Segmentation

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Three Reasons for Segmentation

Enables marketers to identify groups of customers with similar

Three Reasons for Segmentation Enables marketers to identify groups of customers with
Provides marketers with information to help them design marketing mixes
Consistent with the marketing concept of satisfying customer wants and needs while meeting organization’s objectives

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Four Criteria for Segmentation

Is it large enough?
Identifiability and measurability
Can you measure or

Four Criteria for Segmentation Substantiality Is it large enough? Identifiability and measurability
identify this market?
Can you get to this market?
Will they respond to your product or marketing mix?

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Bases for Segmentation

Bases for Segmentation

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Geographic Segmentation

Region of the country or world
Market size
Market density

Geographic Segmentation Region of the country or world Market size Market density Climate

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Market segmentation/ Region examples

Examples of regional segmentation
In Asia ‘Diet Coke’ is ‘Coke light’

Market segmentation/ Region examples Examples of regional segmentation In Asia ‘Diet Coke’
max in Australia is Pepsi One in USA
KFC customised for Japanese market- positioned as a trendy and high class store- not as a fast food outlet. Chips were substituted for mashed potato and a menu of fried fish and smoked chicken were added
McDonalds don’t sell thick shakes in Singapore and Hong Kong; Singapore and HK have spicy McLamb burgers; burgers come with chilli sauce not tomato sauce.
Krispy Kreme – Green Tea donut in Malaysia

CRICOS Provider Code 00301J

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Demographic Segmentation

Demographic Segmentation

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CRICOS Provider Code 00301J

General Segments

Baby boomers
Generation X
Generation Y
Generation W

Yummy Mummies

Market segmentation/

CRICOS Provider Code 00301J General Segments Baby boomers Generation X Generation Y

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Demographic segmentation

McDonalds targets children with McHappy meals, adults with McCafe and Salads

Demographic segmentation McDonalds targets children with McHappy meals, adults with McCafe and
Plus Menu
McDonalds use different media vehicles to target senior citizens, kids, adults
National Australia Bank is targeting women for credit cards by promoting in Cosmopolitan
Toyota website in the USA has a section for women
Health Clubs for WOMEN only e.g. Curves
Ready to drink alcohol ‘Smirnoff Ice’ targeted at women, VB is targeted at men
S’OK Potato Chips are targeting health conscious women
Best for Less/Crazy Clarks- targeting low income consumers

CRICOS Provider Code 00301J

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Softdrink People

CRICOS Provider Code 00301J

Softdrink People CRICOS Provider Code 00301J

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Age/Gender segmentation

CRICOS Provider Code 00301J





Age/Gender segmentation CRICOS Provider Code 00301J Kids Women Adults Men

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Bases for Psychographic Segmentation

Bases for Psychographic Segmentation

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Benefit Segmentation

The process of grouping customers into market segments according to the

Benefit Segmentation The process of grouping customers into market segments according to
benefits they seek from the product.

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Usage-Rate Segmentation

Usage-Rate Segmentation

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Note that steps 5 and 6 are actually marketing activities
that follow market

Note that steps 5 and 6 are actually marketing activities that follow
segmentation (steps 1 through 4).

Steps in Segmenting Markets

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Strategies for Selecting Target Markets

Strategies for Selecting Target Markets

Слайд 23

Undifferentiated Targeting Strategy

Adopts a mass-market philosophy, viewing the market as
One big market

Undifferentiated Targeting Strategy Adopts a mass-market philosophy, viewing the market as One
with no individual segments.
The firm uses one marketing mix for the entire market.
Assumes that individual customers have similar needs that can be met with a common marketing mix.
Good for products with no competition

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Concentrated Targeting

Selects a market niche
Concentrating on a narrowly defined market
May be too

Concentrated Targeting Selects a market niche Concentrating on a narrowly defined market
defined and will shrink or be too small when environment changes

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Multisegment Targeting

Chooses one or more well defined market segments to serve
Greater sales

Multisegment Targeting Chooses one or more well defined market segments to serve
volume, higher profits, larger market share and economies of scale in manufacturing and marketing
Side effects: Cannibalization
Prada and Miu Miu

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CRICOS Provider Code 00301J

Toyota CRICOS Provider Code 00301J

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developing a specific marketing mix to influence potential customers’ overall perception or

Positioning developing a specific marketing mix to influence potential customers’ overall perception
a brand, product line, or organization in general.

Слайд 29

Perceptual Mapping

a means of displaying or graphing, in two or more dimensions,

Perceptual Mapping a means of displaying or graphing, in two or more
the location of products, brands, or groups of products in customers’ minds.

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Perceptual Map

Perceptual Map

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Positioning Bases

Positioning Bases

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changing consumers’ perceptions of a brand in relation to competing brands.

Repositioning changing consumers’ perceptions of a brand in relation to competing brands.
Имя файла: Segmenting-and-targeting-.pptx
Количество просмотров: 139
Количество скачиваний: 0