Speaking Practice

Слайд 2


April 08, 2015 Wednesday

Practice of telling stories;
Spontaneous translation;
English idiom “What’s up?”.

Lesson-13 April 08, 2015 Wednesday Semester-2 Agenda: Practice of telling stories; Spontaneous

Слайд 3

“The mediocre teacher tells.
The good teacher explains.
The superior teacher demonstrates. The great

“The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates.
teacher inspires.”


Слайд 4

Practice of telling stories: what we were doing last lesson

Practice of telling stories: what we were doing last lesson

Слайд 6

Spontaneous translation exercise

Last lesson we began with talk about transition to DST.

Spontaneous translation exercise Last lesson we began with talk about transition to
clock adjustment process takes a great deal of time.
We found varying time difference between USA & Europe.
It is important for international business contacts.
And finally we got acquainted with formal and informal greetings in English.

Последнее занятие мы начали с беседы о переходе на летнее время.
Процесс перевода часов занимает кучу времени.
Мы обнаружили меняющуюся разницу времени между США и Европой.
Это важно для международных деловых контактов.
И наконец мы познакомились с формальными и неформальными приветствиями на английском языке.

Слайд 8

English in a Minute - What's Up.mp4

English in a Minute - What's Up.mp4
Имя файла: Speaking-Practice.pptx
Количество просмотров: 135
Количество скачиваний: 0