Слайд 2

- идите
- поверните
- пройдите (по этой дороге)
- продолжайте (идти)

- идите - поверните - пройдите (по этой дороге) - продолжайте (идти)

- пока не дойдете (увидите, достигните)
Объект находится ...
- напротив
- перед
- рядом с

Вы объясняете путь



walk (down this road)

keep (walking)

till you get to (see, reach)

opposed to

in front of

next to

next to

opposed to

in front of

keep (walking)



till you get to (see, reach)

walk (down this road)

Слайд 3

The local area

change a cheque

get help when you have problems

have a

The local area change a cheque get help when you have problems

receive medical treatment

do aerobic exercises

buy petrol

You can do it at the ...


doctor's surgery

police station

petrol station

leisure centre



buy medicines

Where can I … ?

Match the questions with the answers.

Слайд 4

map 1

Match the directions with the maps.

Go past the police station. It's

map 1 Match the directions with the maps. Go past the police
the next street on the right.

Take the first right

Go straight on for 200 meters. It's on the right.

Take the second left.

When you get to the supermarket, turn right.






……….on for 200 meters. It's………..

map 2

When you………………….., turn ……..

map 3

Take the………..

map 4

Take the……….

map 5

………….the police station. It's the next street………….

Complete the sentences.

Слайд 5

Compare the sentences

There's a pub on Pennings Road.

There's a doctor's surgery

Compare the sentences There's a pub on Pennings Road. There's a doctor's
on Station Road.

There's a pharmacy on Saint George Road.

There’s a supermarket on Station Road.

The doctor's surgery is on Station Road.

The pub on is on Pennings Road.

The pharmacy is on Saint George Road.

The supermarket is on Station Road.

Слайд 6

Pennings Road

Station Road

Saint George's Road

Listen and сomplete the sentences (1 blue 75)


Pennings Road Station Road Saint George's Road Listen and сomplete the sentences
a pub (Ram Inn) on …

There's a doctor's surgery on ……

There's a pharmacy ( Hedge’s) on ……

There’s a supermarket on …

Pennings Road

Saint George's Road

Station Road

Station Road

Слайд 7

The pub (Ram Inn) on is on …

The doctor's surgery is on

The pub (Ram Inn) on is on … The doctor's surgery is

The pharmacy ( Hedge’s) is on …

The supermarket is on …

Pennings Road

Saint George's Road

Station Road

Station Road

Is there … near here

I'm looking for …

How do I get to …

a doctor's surgery

a pub (Ram Inn)

a pharmacy ( Hedge’s)

a supermarket

Work in pairs


Слайд 8

Listen and complete the conversations (1 blue 76).

Go along …

When you

Listen and complete the conversations (1 blue 76). Go along … When
get to …,

Go past …

A Is there a pharmacy near here?
В It’s on …..
It’s ….. the bank. You can't miss it.

A How do I get to the police station?
В It's on ……
….. the fish shop and it's …..

A I'm looking for the doctor's surgery.
В It's on ……
….. Pennings Road. ……
the petrol station, ……

Turn right / left

Check that you know these expressions

on your left.

next to

Saint George's Road

Station Road

Go along

When you get to

turn left.

Pennings Road

Go past

on your left.

next to

On your left / right

Complete the conversation

Work in pairs

Слайд 9

Excuse me.
Is there … near here?
It’s on …….


Excuse me. Is there … near here? It’s on ……. Sorry. How
How do I get to … ?
It's on ……

Excuse me.
I'm looking for ...
It's on ……

next to
opposite the ...

When you get to…,

Go past

Work in pairs

Pennings Road

Saint George's Road

Station Road


Ram Inn




police station


Go along…

on your left/ right

Turn right / left

Keep walking …

in front of you

Walk down …

till you reach …

Слайд 10

Read the conversation

Good morning.

How can I help you?

Good morning.


Read the conversation Good morning. How can I help you? Good morning.
you tell me where is the Guest House?

Have a look at this map.

We're on the corner of … and ...

The … is located on …

You must go down … .

Go past …

Keep walking down … until

you get to …

Go past …

- that's on your … (side)

and turn …

The … is on your … (side)

Complete the conversation

Ellis street

Wetzel street

Woodfill Road





Слайд 11

Station Road

Saint George's Road

Pennings Road

Is there any supermarket near here ?

Station Road Saint George's Road Pennings Road Is there any supermarket near here ?

Слайд 12

Station Road

Saint George's Road

Pennings Road

Sorry, I am looking for the park.

Station Road Saint George's Road Pennings Road Sorry, I am looking for the park.

Слайд 13

Station Road

Saint George's Road

Pennings Road

Sorry, how can I get to the restaurant

Station Road Saint George's Road Pennings Road Sorry, how can I get to the restaurant ?

Слайд 14

Station Road

Saint George's Road

Pennings Road

Is there any hotel near here?

Station Road Saint George's Road Pennings Road Is there any hotel near here?
Имя файла: The-local-area-.pptx
Количество просмотров: 87
Количество скачиваний: 0