Слайд 2
Guru Granth Sahib is authority for MOST Sikhs.
Dasam Granth are the

compositions of the Tenth Sikh Guru, Guru Gobind Singh
Слайд 3God
Strictly monotheistic
No gender – Waheguru, strictly an “IT”
Basic beliefs about God in

Mul Mantar/Mool Mantra – very beginning of GGS
The Mul Mantar:
IK ONKAR – There is one and only one God,
SATNAM - Truth is his Name,
KARTA PURKH – The Creator,
NIR BHAU – Without fear,
NIR VAIR - Without hate,
AKAL MURAT – Immortal,
AJUNI – Beyond births and deaths,
SAIBHANG – The Enlightener,
GURPURSAD – He is known by the Guru’s Grace.
Слайд 4Everything dependent on God
God is the True Name – Waheguru, Satnam, Satguru

Usage of Allah and Ram also
God is transcendent – NIRGUNA
God can be experienced – SAGUNA
Bhakti (loving devotion) central to Sikh teachings –
God is immanent in hearts of human beings
Human birth = golden opportunity
Слайд 5The human condition
Human predicament is entrapment in samsara
Reincarnation, escape is MUKTI
Mukti only

through the human birth – not guaranteed though – HUKAM AND NADAR
2 categories of humans:
bhaktas (GURMUKH)
samsaris (MANMUKH)
Haumai is the ego, obstructs
Law of karma/karam is operative in Sikhism
Слайд 6activity
Discuss the concept of reincarnation with a partner:
Do you believe we have

a “soul” – explain your views.
Why do you think the concept of reincarnation is central to Indian religions?
What do you believe?
Слайд 7The man (mind)
No overall definition – but in loose terms the man

is the mind, our thoughts.
Also implications that it is our heart – our attitudes to others that determine our actions.
According to McLeod:
The man is mind and it is heart, and it is also that human attribute which does not perish with physical death and which man must seek to unite with God, which he must strive to have carried across the ocean of Existence.
Mukti only possible if the man is pure
Слайд 8maya
Concept of maya very different to illusory implications found in Hinduism and

World very much real – arena – the karam bhoomi (action ground)
Gurmukh: ultimate dependency on God, world is not permanent
Manmukh: temporary pleasures of world more important than becoming a gurmukh
Слайд 9Nam simran
Nam – Name
Simran – meditation
Nam Simran is central to Sikh philosophy

no images of God – therefore it is the Name that becomes a central focus for the mind
No overall Name of God -
Bhakti and Nam Simran compliment each other
Gurmukh (through nam simran) stands in opposition to 5 vices:
Kam (lust), krodh (anger), lobh (greed), moh (attachment) and ahankar (pride).
Guru Nanak emphasized no ritual (no brahmins) since the essence of God is within one’s heart. Sikhism = interiorized religion.
Guru Nanak’s rejection of the sacred thread
Sabad (the word of God) also important way of reaching God.
Слайд 10The grihasta stage
The stage of the householder, family life is very important

renunciation of life in the world in Sikhism
Raising family is emphasized – men and women equal in raising family.
Balance needed nevertheless between indulgence and abstinence
Social relationship with the community is important through:
Kirt karna (performing good deeds)
Vand chakna (Sharing one’s fortune)
Nam Japna (mediation and association with others)