Слайд 2Targets
Valentine’s Day - celebrating which makes sense to women and pairs prefer.

So, using this real life event we can:
Increace loyality of female auditory;
Increase popularity 2-man game mods;
Receive installations of application;
Слайд 3Description of event
Event will be able only 24 hours (00:00 14.02 –

23:59 14.02);
When event able, players can reveice 3 event lootbox:
Fisrt box present for win game in any game mode;
Second box present for win in local game mode;
Third box present for winning in Wi-Fi game mode;
There is icon with information about event at game main screen;
Players must know about this event: advertisments, media channels, “soon” items in-game shop;
Слайд 4Calculating
Count of instalations:
Inst = AP * IE * PCFS * PCSS *

Inst – count of instalations;
AP – active players;
IE – players interesting in event (%);
PCFS – players completed first stage(%) (winnig game in any mode);
PCSS – players completed second stage(%) (winnig game in local mode). Mostly players will do it solo;
PCTS – players completed third stage (%) (winnig game in Wi-Fi mode).
1 000 000 * 50% * 50% * 70% * 50% = 87 500 instalations.
Слайд 5Lootboxes
Box sprites example
Box droplist content 3 items (event vehicle, event helmet, event

Box drop 1 random event item;
Gamers have possible to collect all 3 box by winning 3 game in different mods;
Слайд 6Event items
Example of vehicle:
Example of head (Heruvim’s hair):
Game arena created in same

Слайд 7FAQ
Q: Who interested in this event?
A: People who playing Drive Ahead! and

interested to receive new items;
Q: Where is fun?
A: This event using cooperating game modes. In my opinion it is the most funny and joying mode in game. Playing together – what can be better?
Q: Where is profit?
A: Main profit – instalations.