Introduction to Digital Systems. Combinational Circuits. Digital Integrated Circuits. Lecture 1


Слайд 2

Introduction to Digital Systems. Combinational Circuits. Digital Integrated Circuits.

Lecture 1
Dana Utebayeva

Introduction to Digital Systems. Combinational Circuits. Digital Integrated Circuits. Lecture 1 Dana Utebayeva

Слайд 3


Basic concepts
Simple gates
Logic functions
Expressing logic functions
Boolean algebra
Boolean identities
Logical equivalence
Logic Circuit Design Process


Outline Basic concepts Simple gates Completeness Logic functions Expressing logic functions Equivalence
logical expressions
Sum-of-products form
Product-of-sums form
Simplifying logical expressions
Algebraic manipulation
Karnaugh map method
Quine-McCluskey method
Generalized gates
Multiple outputs
Implementation using other gates (NAND and XOR)

Слайд 4


Hardware consists of a few simple building blocks
These are called logic gates

Introduction Hardware consists of a few simple building blocks These are called
OR, NOT, …
Logic gates are built using transistors
NOT gate can be implemented by a single transistor
AND gate requires 3 transistors
Transistors are the fundamental devices
Pentium consists of 3 million transistors
Compaq Alpha consists of 9 million transistors
Now we can build chips with more than 100 million transistors

Слайд 5

Basic Concepts

Simple gates
Functionality can be expressed by a truth table
A truth table

Basic Concepts Simple gates AND OR NOT Functionality can be expressed by
lists output for each possible input combination
Other methods
Logic expressions
Logic diagrams

Слайд 6

Basic Concepts (cont’d)

Additional useful gates
NOR = OR +

Basic Concepts (cont’d) Additional useful gates NAND NOR XOR NAND = AND
XOR implements exclusive-OR function
NAND and NOR gates require only 2 transistors
AND and OR need 3 transistors!

Слайд 7

Basic Concepts (cont’d)

Number of functions
With N logical variables, we can define
22N functions

Basic Concepts (cont’d) Number of functions With N logical variables, we can
of them are useful
Some are not useful:
Output is always 1
Output is always 0
“Number of functions” definition is useful in proving completeness property

Слайд 8

Basic Concepts (cont’d)

Complete sets
A set of gates is complete
if we can implement

Basic Concepts (cont’d) Complete sets A set of gates is complete if
any logical function using only the type of gates in the set
You can uses as many gates as you want
Some example complete sets
{AND, OR, NOT} Not a minimal complete set
Minimal complete set
A complete set with no redundant elements.

Слайд 9

Basic Concepts (cont’d)

Proving NAND gate is universal

Basic Concepts (cont’d) Proving NAND gate is universal

Слайд 10

Basic Concepts (cont’d)

Proving NOR gate is universal

Basic Concepts (cont’d) Proving NOR gate is universal

Слайд 11

Logic Chips

Basic building block:
Three connection points
Transistor can operate
Linear mode
Used in amplifiers

Logic Chips Basic building block: Transistor Three connection points Base Emitter Collector
Used to implement digital circuits

Слайд 12

Logic Chips (cont’d)




Logic Chips (cont’d) NOT NAND NOR

Слайд 13

Logic Chips (cont’d)

Low voltage level: < 0.4V
High voltage level: > 2.4V
Positive logic:

Logic Chips (cont’d) Low voltage level: High voltage level: > 2.4V Positive
voltage represents 0
High voltage represents 1
Negative logic:
High voltage represents 0
Low voltage represents 1
Propagation delay
Delay from input to output
Typical value: 5-10 ns

Слайд 14

Logic Chips (cont’d)

Logic Chips (cont’d)

Слайд 15

Logic Chips (cont’d)

Integration levels
SSI (small scale integration)
Introduced in late 1960s
1-10 gates (previous

Logic Chips (cont’d) Integration levels SSI (small scale integration) Introduced in late
MSI (medium scale integration)
Introduced in late 1960s
10-100 gates
LSI (large scale integration)
Introduced in early 1970s
100-10,000 gates
VLSI (very large scale integration)
Introduced in late 1970s
More than 10,000 gates

Слайд 16

Logic Functions

Logical functions can be expressed in several ways:
Truth table
Logical expressions
Graphical form

Logic Functions Logical functions can be expressed in several ways: Truth table
Output is one whenever majority of inputs is 1
We use 3-input majority function

Слайд 17

Logic Functions (cont’d)

3-input majority function
0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0
0 1 0 0
0 1 1 1
1 0 0 0
1 0 1 1
1 1 0 1
1 1 1 1

Logical expression form
F = A B + B

Logic Functions (cont’d) 3-input majority function A B C F 0 0
C + A C

Слайд 18

Logical Equivalence

All three circuits implement F = A B function

Logical Equivalence All three circuits implement F = A B function

Слайд 19

Logical Equivalence (cont’d)

Proving logical equivalence of two circuits
Derive the logical expression for

Logical Equivalence (cont’d) Proving logical equivalence of two circuits Derive the logical
the output of each circuit
Show that these two expressions are equivalent
Two ways:
You can use the truth table method
For every combination of inputs, if both expressions yield the same output, they are equivalent
Good for logical expressions with small number of variables
You can also use algebraic manipulation
Need Boolean identities

Слайд 20

Logical Equivalence (cont’d)

Derivation of logical expression from a circuit
Trace from the input

Logical Equivalence (cont’d) Derivation of logical expression from a circuit Trace from
to output
Write down intermediate logical expressions along the path

Слайд 21

Logical Equivalence (cont’d)

Proving logical equivalence: Truth table method
A B F1 = A B F3

Logical Equivalence (cont’d) Proving logical equivalence: Truth table method A B F1
= (A + B) (A + B) (A + B)
0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0
1 0 0 0
1 1 1 1

Слайд 22

Thanks for your attention

Thanks for your attention

Слайд 23



Слайд 24


“Binary systems”

[email protected]

Dana Utebayeva

FUNDAMENTALS OF LOGICAL DESIGN SIS 2 “Binary systems” Dana Utebayeva

Слайд 25


Convert Decimal Number to a Binary Number:





DECIMAL TO BINARY CONVERSION Convert Decimal Number to a Binary Number: Decimal Binary 1110011100000 7392

Слайд 26

QUIZ for SIS Project 1

Conversion of Decimal Number to a Binary Number:

QUIZ for SIS Project 1 Conversion of Decimal Number to a Binary
Zh. Utebayeva:… 
опубликовано в 13507 Fundamentals of Logic Design (Утебаева Д..) 2021-2022/1 или Общий в Tuesday, September 14, 2021 12:19:40 PM

Слайд 27


Lecture 2
“Number systems and Codes”

[email protected]

Dana Utebayeva

FUNDAMENTALS OF LOGICAL DESIGN Lecture 2 “Number systems and Codes” Dana Utebayeva

Слайд 28

Goal of the lecture is to be familiar with number systems and

Goal of the lecture is to be familiar with number systems and code in digital electronics.
code in digital electronics.

Слайд 29

Outline of Lecture

Counting in Decimal and Binary
Place Value
Binary to Decimal Conversion
Decimal to

Outline of Lecture Counting in Decimal and Binary Place Value Binary to
Binary Conversion

Electronic Translators
Hexadecimal Numbers
Octal Numbers

Слайд 30

Number systems

Radix and subscript

Number systems Radix and subscript

Слайд 31


Number System -
Code using symbols that

COUNTING IN DECIMAL AND BINARY Number System - Code using symbols that
refer to
a number of items.
Decimal Number System -
Uses ten symbols (base 10 system)
Binary System -
Uses two symbols (base 2 system)

Слайд 32

Generalized approach of Number systems

A number with a decimal point is represented

Generalized approach of Number systems A number with a decimal point is
by series of coefficients

Слайд 33


Numeric value of symbols in different positions.
Example - Place value in

PLACE VALUE Numeric value of symbols in different positions. Example - Place
binary system:







Place Value









RESULT: Binary 1100 = decimal 8 + 4 + 0 + 0 = decimal 12

Слайд 34


Convert Binary Number 110011 to a Decimal Number:

BINARY TO DECIMAL CONVERSION Convert Binary Number 110011 to a Decimal Number:
32 + 16 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 51

1 1 0 0 1 1



Слайд 35


Convert the following binary numbers into decimal numbers:

Binary 1001 =


Binary 1111 =


TEST Convert the following binary numbers into decimal numbers: Binary 1001 =
0010 =



Слайд 36


Divide by 2 Process

Decimal #

13 ÷ 2 = 6

DECIMAL TO BINARY CONVERSION Divide by 2 Process Decimal # 13 ÷
remainder 1

6 ÷ 2 = 3 remainder 0

3 ÷ 2 = 1 remainder 1

1 ÷ 2 = 0 remainder 1





Слайд 37


Convert the following decimal numbers into binary:

Decimal 11 =

Decimal 4 =

Decimal 17

TEST Convert the following decimal numbers into binary: Decimal 11 = Decimal




Слайд 38


Devices that convert from decimal to binary numbers and from binary

ELECTRONIC TRANSLATORS Devices that convert from decimal to binary numbers and from
to decimal numbers.

Encoders -
translates from decimal to binary
Decoders -
translates from binary to decimal

Слайд 39




Binary output

Decimal input

0 0 0 0


0 1

ELECTRONIC ENCODER - DECIMAL TO BINARY 0 Decimal to Binary Encoder Binary
0 1


0 1 1 1

0 0 1 1

Encoders are available in IC form.
This encoder translates from decimal input to binary (BCD) output.

Слайд 40



Binary input

0 0 0 0

Decimal output

0 0 0

Binary-to- 7-Segment Decoder/ Driver ELECTRONIC DECODING: BINARY TO DECIMAL Binary input 0

0 0 1 0

0 0 1 1

0 1 0 0

Electronic decoders are available in IC form.
This decoder translates from binary to decimal.
Decimals are shown on an 7-segment LED display.
This decoder also drives the 7-segment display.

Слайд 41

Uses 16 symbols -Base 16 System
0-9, A, B, C, D, E,

Uses 16 symbols -Base 16 System 0-9, A, B, C, D, E,





Слайд 42

Hexadecimal to Binary Conversion

Hexadecimal C 3

Binary 1100 0011

Binary 1110 1010

Hexadecimal E

Hexadecimal to Binary Conversion Hexadecimal C 3 Binary 1100 0011 Binary 1110

Binary to Hexadecimal Conversion


Слайд 43


Divide by 16 Process

Decimal #

47 ÷ 16 = 2

DECIMAL TO HEXADECIMAL CONVERSION Divide by 16 Process Decimal # 47 ÷
remainder 15

2 ÷ 16 = 0 remainder 2



Слайд 44


Convert hexadecimal number 2DB to a decimal number


HEXADECIMAL TO DECIMAL CONVERSION Convert hexadecimal number 2DB to a decimal number
+ 208 + 11 = 731

2 D B



Place Value

256s 16s 1s

(256 x 2) (16 x 13) (1 x 11)

Слайд 45


Convert Hexadecimal number A6 to Binary

Convert Hexadecimal number 16 to Decimal

Convert Decimal

TEST Convert Hexadecimal number A6 to Binary Convert Hexadecimal number 16 to
63 to Hexadecimal

63 =

16 =

A6 =

1010 0110 (Binary)

22 (Decimal)

3F (Hexadecimal)

Слайд 46


Uses 8 symbols -Base 8 System
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,

OCTAL NUMBERS Uses 8 symbols -Base 8 System 0, 1, 2, 3,
6, 7



001 000
001 001

Слайд 47


Use a scientific calculator


PRACTICAL SUGGESTION ON NUMBER SYSTEM CONVERSIONS Use a scientific calculator Most scientific
scientific calculators have DEC, BIN,
OCT, and HEX modes and can either
convert between codes or perform
arithmetic in different number systems.

Most scientific calculators also have other
functions that are valuable in digital
electronics such as AND, OR, NOT,
XOR, and XNOR logic functions.

Слайд 48

1) first page (Names, Title: “Binary systems”)
2) Outline (План)
3) Part I: (images

1) first page (Names, Title: “Binary systems”) 2) Outline (План) 3) Part
from your “конспект”)
4) Part II: Upload/insert your screens from your Quiz
5) Part: Assignments: screens from your copybook
6) About calculators

Deadline: Monday till 18.oo (20.09.2021)

SIS project 1

Слайд 49

Attendance for Lecture 2

Dana Zh. Utebayeva:… 
опубликовано в 13507 Fundamentals of Logic

Attendance for Lecture 2 Dana Zh. Utebayeva:… опубликовано в 13507 Fundamentals
Design (Утебаева Д..) 2021-2022/1 или Общий в Tuesday, September 14, 2021 1:46:25 PM

Слайд 50



Слайд 51


Binary numbers
Logic States
The Buffer Logic Gate using n-p-n transistors
Logic Gates using

Outline Binary numbers Logic States Implementation The Buffer Logic Gate using n-p-n
Logic functions
Expressing logic functions
Building block diagrams
Boolean algebra
Boolean algebra laws
Logic Circuit Design Process

Deriving logical expressions
Sum-of-products form
Product-of-sums form
Generalized gates
Multiple outputs
Implementation using other gates (NAND and XOR)

Слайд 52

POS – product of sums

POS – product of sums

Слайд 53

Logic Gates

Simple gates
Functionality can be expressed by a truth table
A truth table

Logic Gates Simple gates AND OR NOT Functionality can be expressed by
lists output for each possible input combination
Other methods
Logic expressions
Logic diagrams

Слайд 54

Basic Concepts (cont’d)

Additional useful gates
NOR = OR +

Basic Concepts (cont’d) Additional useful gates NAND NOR XOR NAND = AND
XOR implements exclusive-OR function
NAND and NOR gates require only 2 transistors
AND and OR need 3 transistors!

Слайд 55

Basic Concepts (cont’d)

Number of functions
With N logical variables, we can define
22N functions

Basic Concepts (cont’d) Number of functions With N logical variables, we can
of them are useful
Some are not useful:
Output is always 1
Output is always 0
“Number of functions” definition is useful in proving completeness property

Слайд 56

Basic Concepts (cont’d)

Complete sets
A set of gates is complete
if we can implement

Basic Concepts (cont’d) Complete sets A set of gates is complete if
any logical function using only the type of gates in the set
You can uses as many gates as you want
Some example complete sets
{AND, OR, NOT} Not a minimal complete set
Minimal complete set
A complete set with no redundant elements.

Слайд 57

Basic Concepts (cont’d)

Proving NAND gate is universal

Basic Concepts (cont’d) Proving NAND gate is universal

Слайд 58

Basic Concepts (cont’d)

Proving NOR gate is universal

Basic Concepts (cont’d) Proving NOR gate is universal

Слайд 59

Logic Chips

Basic building block:
Three connection points
Transistor can operate
Linear mode
Used in amplifiers

Logic Chips Basic building block: Transistor Three connection points Base Emitter Collector
Used to implement digital circuits

Слайд 60

Logic Chips (cont’d)




Logic Chips (cont’d) NOT NAND NOR

Слайд 61

Logic Chips (cont’d)

Low voltage level: < 0.4V
High voltage level: > 2.4V
Positive logic:

Logic Chips (cont’d) Low voltage level: High voltage level: > 2.4V Positive
voltage represents 0
High voltage represents 1
Negative logic:
High voltage represents 0
Low voltage represents 1
Propagation delay
Delay from input to output
Typical value: 5-10 ns

Слайд 62

Logic Chips (cont’d)

Logic Chips (cont’d)

Слайд 63

Logic Chips (cont’d)

Integration levels
SSI (small scale integration)
Introduced in late 1960s
1-10 gates (previous

Logic Chips (cont’d) Integration levels SSI (small scale integration) Introduced in late
MSI (medium scale integration)
Introduced in late 1960s
10-100 gates
LSI (large scale integration)
Introduced in early 1970s
100-10,000 gates
VLSI (very large scale integration)
Introduced in late 1970s
More than 10,000 gates

Слайд 64

Logic Functions

Logical functions can be expressed in several ways:
Truth table
Logical expressions
Graphical form

Logic Functions Logical functions can be expressed in several ways: Truth table
Output is one whenever majority of inputs is 1
We use 3-input majority function

Слайд 65

Logic Functions (cont’d)

3-input majority function
0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0
0 1 0 0
0 1 1 1
1 0 0 0
1 0 1 1
1 1 0 1
1 1 1 1

Logical expression form
F = A B + B

Logic Functions (cont’d) 3-input majority function A B C F 0 0
C + A C

Слайд 66

Logical Equivalence

All three circuits implement F = A B function

Logical Equivalence All three circuits implement F = A B function

Слайд 67

Logical Equivalence (cont’d)

Proving logical equivalence of two circuits
Derive the logical expression for

Logical Equivalence (cont’d) Proving logical equivalence of two circuits Derive the logical
the output of each circuit
Show that these two expressions are equivalent
Two ways:
You can use the truth table method
For every combination of inputs, if both expressions yield the same output, they are equivalent
Good for logical expressions with small number of variables
You can also use algebraic manipulation
Need Boolean identities

Слайд 68

Logical Equivalence (cont’d)

Derivation of logical expression from a circuit
Trace from the input

Logical Equivalence (cont’d) Derivation of logical expression from a circuit Trace from
to output
Write down intermediate logical expressions along the path

Слайд 69

Logical Equivalence (cont’d)

Proving logical equivalence: Truth table method
A B F1 = A B F3

Logical Equivalence (cont’d) Proving logical equivalence: Truth table method A B F1
= (A + B) (A + B) (A + B)
0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0
1 0 0 0
1 1 1 1

Слайд 70

Thanks for your attention

Thanks for your attention

Слайд 71



Слайд 72

#3 Boolean Algebra and Digital Logic Gates. #4 Combinational logic design. Completely

#3 Boolean Algebra and Digital Logic Gates. #4 Combinational logic design. Completely
and Incompletely Specified Logic Functions. Design of a combinational Circuits.

Lecture 3 - 4
Dana Utebayeva

Слайд 73


Binary numbers
Logic States
The Buffer Logic Gate using n-p-n transistors
Logic Gates using

Outline Binary numbers Logic States Implementation The Buffer Logic Gate using n-p-n
Logic functions
Expressing logic functions
Building block diagrams
Boolean algebra
Boolean algebra laws
Logic Circuit Design Process

Deriving logical expressions
Sum-of-products form
Product-of-sums form
Generalized gates
Multiple outputs
Implementation using other gates (NAND and XOR)

Слайд 74

Basic Concepts (cont’d)

Number of functions
With N logical variables, we can define
22N functions

Basic Concepts (cont’d) Number of functions With N logical variables, we can
of them are useful
Some are not useful:
Output is always 1
Output is always 0
“Number of functions” definition is useful in proving completeness property

Слайд 75

Basic Concepts (cont’d)

Complete sets
A set of gates is complete
if we can implement

Basic Concepts (cont’d) Complete sets A set of gates is complete if
any logical function using only the type of gates in the set
You can uses as many gates as you want
Some example complete sets
{AND, OR, NOT} Not a minimal complete set
Minimal complete set
A complete set with no redundant elements.

Слайд 76

Basic Concepts (cont’d)

Proving NAND gate is universal

Basic Concepts (cont’d) Proving NAND gate is universal

Слайд 77

Basic Concepts (cont’d)

Proving NOR gate is universal

Basic Concepts (cont’d) Proving NOR gate is universal

Слайд 78

Logic Chips

Basic building block:
Three connection points
Transistor can operate
Linear mode
Used in amplifiers

Logic Chips Basic building block: Transistor Three connection points Base Emitter Collector
Used to implement digital circuits

Слайд 79

Logic Chips (cont’d)




Logic Chips (cont’d) NOT NAND NOR

Слайд 80

Logic Chips (cont’d)

Low voltage level: < 0.4V
High voltage level: > 2.4V
Positive logic:

Logic Chips (cont’d) Low voltage level: High voltage level: > 2.4V Positive
voltage represents 0
High voltage represents 1
Negative logic:
High voltage represents 0
Low voltage represents 1
Propagation delay
Delay from input to output
Typical value: 5-10 ns

Слайд 81

Logic Chips (cont’d)

Logic Chips (cont’d)

Слайд 82

Logic Chips (cont’d)

Integration levels
SSI (small scale integration)
Introduced in late 1960s
1-10 gates (previous

Logic Chips (cont’d) Integration levels SSI (small scale integration) Introduced in late
MSI (medium scale integration)
Introduced in late 1960s
10-100 gates
LSI (large scale integration)
Introduced in early 1970s
100-10,000 gates
VLSI (very large scale integration)
Introduced in late 1970s
More than 10,000 gates

Слайд 83

Logic Functions

Logical functions can be expressed in several ways:
Truth table
Logical expressions
Graphical form

Logic Functions Logical functions can be expressed in several ways: Truth table
Output is one whenever majority of inputs is 1
We use 3-input majority function

Слайд 84

Logic Functions (cont’d)

3-input majority function
0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0
0 1 0 0
0 1 1 1
1 0 0 0
1 0 1 1
1 1 0 1
1 1 1 1

Logical expression form
F = A B + B

Logic Functions (cont’d) 3-input majority function A B C F 0 0
C + A C

Слайд 85

Logical Equivalence

All three circuits implement F = A B function

Logical Equivalence All three circuits implement F = A B function

Слайд 86

Logical Equivalence (cont’d)

Proving logical equivalence of two circuits
Derive the logical expression for

Logical Equivalence (cont’d) Proving logical equivalence of two circuits Derive the logical
the output of each circuit
Show that these two expressions are equivalent
Two ways:
You can use the truth table method
For every combination of inputs, if both expressions yield the same output, they are equivalent
Good for logical expressions with small number of variables
You can also use algebraic manipulation
Need Boolean identities

Слайд 87

Logical Equivalence (cont’d)

Derivation of logical expression from a circuit
Trace from the input

Logical Equivalence (cont’d) Derivation of logical expression from a circuit Trace from
to output
Write down intermediate logical expressions along the path

Слайд 88

Logical Equivalence (cont’d)

Proving logical equivalence: Truth table method
A B F1 = A B F3

Logical Equivalence (cont’d) Proving logical equivalence: Truth table method A B F1
= (A + B) (A + B) (A + B)
0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0
1 0 0 0
1 1 1 1

Слайд 89

Thanks for your attention

Thanks for your attention

Слайд 90



Слайд 91

«СРС»: SIS, Practice class and Lab class assignments explanation #5 Combinational and

«СРС»: SIS, Practice class and Lab class assignments explanation #5 Combinational and
Sequential Circuit. Adders. Subtractors. Comparators.

Lecture 5
Dana Utebayeva

Слайд 92


«СРС» SIS assignments explanation
Practice class
Lab class
SIS assignments explanation
Boolean Identities/Postulates/laws
Expressing logic

Outline «СРС» SIS assignments explanation Practice class Lab class SIS assignments explanation
Building block diagrams
Simplification Using Boolean Identities

Standard Representations
Combinational and Sequential circuits
Full Subtractor

Слайд 93

Boolean Identities / Postulates / laws Boolean Laws

Boolean Identities / Postulates / laws Boolean Laws

Слайд 94

Problem 2

(a) Implementation of f= ABCD + ABCD + BC(b) implementation of

Problem 2 (a) Implementation of f= ABCD + ABCD + BC(b) implementation
the simplified function f= BC + DImplementation of Boolean function using logic gates

Слайд 96

Simplification Using Boolean Identities


Simplification Using Boolean Identities f= ABCD + ABCD + BC

Слайд 98

Complement of a Boolean Function

(А + В + С)

Complement of a Boolean Function (А + В + С)

Слайд 99

Complement of a Boolean Function

f= C'(AB + A'B'D + A'BD')

f= C(AB

Complement of a Boolean Function f= C'(AB + A'B'D + A'BD') f=
+ ABD + ABD)

Слайд 100

Combinational and Sequential circuits

Combinational and Sequential circuits

Слайд 103

Full Adder

Full Adder

Слайд 104

Logic Diagram of Full Adder

Logic Diagram of Full Adder

Слайд 105

Two-bit Comparator

Two-bit Comparator

Слайд 107

Full Subtractor

Full Subtractor

Слайд 108

Logic Chips (cont’d)

Integration levels
SSI (small scale integration)
Introduced in late 1960s
1-10 gates (previous

Logic Chips (cont’d) Integration levels SSI (small scale integration) Introduced in late
MSI (medium scale integration)
Introduced in late 1960s
10-100 gates
LSI (large scale integration)
Introduced in early 1970s
100-10,000 gates
VLSI (very large scale integration)
Introduced in late 1970s
More than 10,000 gates

Слайд 110

Multiplexer design Procedure and applications

Lecture 6
Utebayeva dana

Multiplexer design Procedure and applications Lecture 6 Utebayeva dana

Слайд 118

Truth table for MUX
Truth table for 4-to-1 MUX

Truth table for MUX Truth table for 4-to-1 MUX

Слайд 120

Demultiplexers and their Applications

Lecture 7, By dana Utebayeva

Demultiplexers and their Applications Lecture 7, By dana Utebayeva

Слайд 121



Слайд 125

MUX and DEMUX applications

MUX and DEMUX applications

Слайд 126

MUX and DEMUX applications

MUX and DEMUX applications

Слайд 127

MUX and DEMUX applications

MUX and DEMUX applications

Слайд 128



Слайд 129

Introduction to Karnaugh map (k-map)

СРС (SIS) by Dana Utebayeva

Introduction to Karnaugh map (k-map) СРС (SIS) by Dana Utebayeva

Слайд 138

Sequential Circuit. Sequential logic design. Flip-Flop. Counters Lecture 9

By Dana Utebayeva

Sequential Circuit. Sequential logic design. Flip-Flop. Counters Lecture 9 By Dana Utebayeva

Слайд 139

Sequential Circuit. Sequential logic design. Flip-Flop. Counters

Sequential Circuit. Sequential logic design. Flip-Flop. Counters

Слайд 140

In Sequential Circuit, the Present Output depends on the Present Input as

In Sequential Circuit, the Present Output depends on the Present Input as
well as Past output / outputs

Слайд 142

Cascaded NOT logic gate

Cascaded NOT logic gate

Слайд 143

The basic storage element is called latch

The basic storage element is called latch

Слайд 151



Слайд 152

Lecture 10-11



Слайд 153

1.1 Basic Blocks of a Microcomputer
1.2 Typical Microcomputer Architecture
1.3 Single-Chip

ADC and DAC 1.1 Basic Blocks of a Microcomputer 1.2 Typical Microcomputer
1.4 Program Execution by Conventional Microprocessors
1.5 Program Execution by typical 32-bit Microprocessors
1.6 Scalar and Superscalar Microprocessors
1.7 RISC vs. CISC


Слайд 155


Work use of ADC and DAC

Sound Waves Electrical Voltage Binary

ADC and DAC Work use of ADC and DAC Sound Waves Electrical
Data Electrical Voltage Sound Waves

Слайд 156

Need Conversation

Need Conversation

Слайд 157

ADC in Multisim

ADC in Multisim

Слайд 158


DAC scheme DAC circuit

DAC DAC scheme DAC circuit

Слайд 159

A microcomputer has three basic blocks: a central processing unit (CPU), a

A microcomputer has three basic blocks: a central processing unit (CPU), a
memory unit,
and an input/output (I/O) unit.
The CPU(microprocessor) executes all the instructions and performs arithmetic and logic operations on data.
A memory unit stores both data and instructions. The memory section typically
contains ROM and RAM chips.
A system bus (comprised of several wires) connects these blocks.

2.1 Basic Blocks of a Microcomputer

Слайд 160

2.1 Basic Blocks of a Microcomputer

System bus

2.1 Basic Blocks of a Microcomputer System bus

Слайд 161

In a single-chip microcomputer, these three elements are on one chip, whereas

In a single-chip microcomputer, these three elements are on one chip, whereas
a single-chip microprocessor, separate chips are required for memory and I/O.

2.1 Basic Blocks of a Microcomputer

Слайд 162

2.2 Typical Microcomputer Architecture

Simplified version of typical microprocessor

2.2 Typical Microcomputer Architecture Simplified version of typical microprocessor

Слайд 163

The microcomputer’s system bus contains three buses, address, data, and control bus

The microcomputer’s system bus contains three buses, address, data, and control bus

When a memory or an I/O chip receives data from the microprocessor, it is called a WRITE operation, and data is written into a selected memory location or an I/O port (register).
When a memory or an I/O chip sends data to the microprocessor, it is called a READ operation, and data is read from a selected memory location or an I/O port.

2.2.1 System Bus

Слайд 164

The Address Bus
Unidirectional bus: Information transfer takes place in only one

The Address Bus Unidirectional bus: Information transfer takes place in only one
direction, from the microprocessor to the memory or I/O elements.
Typically 20 to 32 bits long.
The size of the address bus determines the
total number of memory addresses available

2.2.1 System Bus

For example : microprocessor with 32 address pins can
generate 232 = 4,294,964,296 bytes

Слайд 165

The data bus,
bidirectional bus: data can flow in both directions, that

The data bus, bidirectional bus: data can flow in both directions, that
is, to or from the microprocessor.
The size of the data bus varies from one microprocessor to another.

2.2.1 System Bus

Слайд 166

The control bus
consists of a number of signals that are used

The control bus consists of a number of signals that are used
to synchronize operation of the individual microcomputer elements.

2.2.1 System Bus

Is it Unidirectional or bidirectional bus ??

Слайд 167

The system clock signals are contained in the control bus.
The number of

The system clock signals are contained in the control bus. The number
cycles per second (hertz, abbreviated Hz) is referred to as the clock frequency.
clock cycle = 1/f where f is the clock frequency.
clock frequency determines the speed of the microcomputer.

2.2.2 Clock Signals

Слайд 168

The microprocessor is the CPU of the microcomputer
The logic inside the microprocessor

The microprocessor is the CPU of the microcomputer The logic inside the
chip can be divided into three main areas: the
register section, the control unit, and the arithmetic-logic unit (ALU).

2.3 Single-Chip Microprocessor

Слайд 169

The number, size, and types of registers vary from one microprocessor to

The number, size, and types of registers vary from one microprocessor to
Basic Microprocessor Registers There are four basic microprocessor registers: instruction register, program counter, memory address register, and accumulator.

2.3.1 Register Section

Слайд 170

Instruction register (IR) :
The instruction register stores instructions.
The word size of the

Instruction register (IR) : The instruction register stores instructions. The word size
microprocessor determines the size of the instruction register. For example, a 32-bit microprocessor has a 32-bit instruction register.

2.3.1 Register Section

Слайд 171

Program Counter (PC):
The program counter contains the address of the instruction or

Program Counter (PC): The program counter contains the address of the instruction
operation code (op-code).
The program counter normally contains the address of the next instruction to be executed.
The size of the program counter is determined by the size of the address bus.

2.3.1 Register Section

Слайд 172

How Program Counter is Work ?
Upon activating the microprocessor’s RESET input,

How Program Counter is Work ? Upon activating the microprocessor’s RESET input,
the address of the first instruction to be executed is loaded into the program counter.
To execute an instruction, the microprocessor typically places the contents of the program counter on the address bus and reads (“fetches”) the contents of this address(i.e., instruction) from memory
The program counter contents are incremented automatically by the microprocessor’s internal logic. Microprocessor executes a program sequentially, unless the program contains an instruction such as a JUMP instruction, which changes the sequence.

2.3.1 Register Section

Слайд 173

Memory Address Register (MAR).
The memory address register contains the address of

Memory Address Register (MAR). The memory address register contains the address of
data. The microprocessor uses the address, which is stored in the memory address register, as a direct pointer to memory. The contents of the address is the actual data that is being transferred.

2.3.1 Register Section

Слайд 174

General Purpose Register (GPR). For an 8-bit microprocessor, the general-purpose register is

General Purpose Register (GPR). For an 8-bit microprocessor, the general-purpose register is
called the accumulator.
It stores the result after most ALU operations.
These 8-bit microprocessors have instructions to shift or rotate the accumulator one bit to the right or left through the carry flag.
In16- and 32-bit microprocessors the accumulator is replaced by a GPR.
any GPR can be used as an accumulator.

2.3.1 Register Section

Слайд 175

General Purpose Register (GPR).
The term general-purpose comes from the fact that these

General Purpose Register (GPR). The term general-purpose comes from the fact that
registers can hold data, memory
addresses, or the results of arithmetic or logic operations.
Most registers are general-purpose, but some, such as the program counter (PC),are provided for dedicated functions.

2.3.1 Register Section

Слайд 176

Other Microprocessor Registers such as general-purpose registers, index register, status register and

Other Microprocessor Registers such as general-purpose registers, index register, status register and
stack pointer register.
general-purpose registers speeds up the execution of a program because the microprocessor does not have to read data from external memory via the data bus if data is stored in one of its general-purpose registers.
Index Register is typically used as a counter in address modification for an instruction or for general storage functions. Used to access tables or arrays of data.
Status Register( a processor status word register or condition code register, contains individual bits, with each bit having special significance. The bits in the status register are called flags.

2.3.1 Register Section

Слайд 177

Flags Type
A carry flag is used to reflect whether or not the

Flags Type A carry flag is used to reflect whether or not
result generated by an arithmetic operation is greater than the microprocessor’s word size.

2.3.1 Register Section

Auxiliary carry flag

Слайд 178

Flags Type
A zero flag is used to show whether the result of

Flags Type A zero flag is used to show whether the result
an operation is zero. It is set to1 if the result is zero, and it is reset to 0 if the result is nonzero.
A parity flag is set to 1 to indicate whether the result of the last operation contains either an even number of 1’s (even parity) or an odd number of 1’s (odd parity), depending on the microprocessor.

2.3.1 Register Section

Слайд 179

Flags Type
A sign flag (sometimes called a negative flag) is used to

Flags Type A sign flag (sometimes called a negative flag) is used
indicate whether the result of the last operation is positive(set to 0) or negative(set to 1)
Overflow flag arises from representation of the sign flag by the most significant bit of a word in signed binary operation. The overflow flag is set to1 if the result of an arithmetic operation is too big for the microprocessor’s maximum word size, otherwise it is reset to 0

2.3.1 Register Section

Слайд 180

Find the sign,carry,zero,overflow,and parity even flag for the following arithmetic sign

EXAMPLE : Find the sign,carry,zero,overflow,and parity even flag for the following arithmetic
(11110000)+(10100001) =10010001
SF =1 ,CF=1 ,ZF=0 ,OF=0 ,PF=0

2.3.1 Register Section

Слайд 181

Stack Pointer Register A stack consists of a number of RAM locations

Stack Pointer Register A stack consists of a number of RAM locations
set aside for reading data from or writing data into these locations and is typically used by subroutines
Two instructions, PUSH and POP, are usually available with a stack. The PUSH operation
is defined as writing to the top or bottom of the stack, whereas the POP operation means reading from the top or bottom of the stack.

2.3.1 Register Section

Слайд 182

2.3.1 Register Section

Push operation when accessing a stack from the bottom

2.3.1 Register Section Push operation when accessing a stack from the bottom

Слайд 183

2.3.1 Register Section

2.3.1 Register Section

Слайд 184

2.3.1 Register Section

2.3.1 Register Section

Слайд 185

2.3.1 Register Section

2.3.1 Register Section

Слайд 186

The main purpose of the control unit is to read and decode

The main purpose of the control unit is to read and decode
instructions from the program memory.
To execute an instruction, the control unit steps through the appropriate blocks of the ALU based on the op-codes contained in the instruction register.

2.3.2 Control Unit

Слайд 187

Control Signal Actions
RESET. This input is common to all microprocessors. When this

Control Signal Actions RESET. This input is common to all microprocessors. When
input pin is driven HIGH or LOW (depending on the microprocessor), the program counter is loaded with a predefined address specified by the manufacturer.

2.3.2 Control Unit

Слайд 188

Control Signal Actions
READ/WRITE (R/W) This output line is common to all microprocessors.

Control Signal Actions READ/WRITE (R/W) This output line is common to all
The status of this line tells the other microcomputer elements whether the microprocessor is performing a READ or a WRITE operation. A HIGH signal on this line indicates a READ operation, and a LOW indicates a WRITE operation.

2.3.2 Control Unit

Слайд 189

Control Signal Actions
READY, This is an input to a microprocessor. Slow devices

Control Signal Actions READY, This is an input to a microprocessor. Slow
(memory and I/O) use this signal to gain extra time to transfer data to or receive data from a microprocessor. The READY signal is usually an active low signal; that is, LOW indicates that the microprocessor is ready. Therefore, when the microprocessor selects a slow device, the device places a LOW on the READY pin. The microprocessor responds by suspending all its internal operations and enters a WAIT state. When the device is ready to send or receive data, it removes the READY signal. The microprocessor comes out of the WAIT state and performs the appropriate operation.

2.3.2 Control Unit

Слайд 190

Control Signal Actions
Interrupt Request (INT or IRQ). The external I/O devices can

Control Signal Actions Interrupt Request (INT or IRQ). The external I/O devices
interrupt the microprocessor via this input pin on the microprocessor chip. When this signal is activated by the external devices, the microprocessor jumps to a special program called the interrupt service routine. This program is normally written by the user for performing tasks that the interrupting device wants the microprocessor to carry out. After completing this program, the microprocessor returns to the main program it was executing when the interrupt occurred.

2.3.2 Control Unit

Слайд 191

The ALU performs all the data manipulations, such as arithmetic and logic

The ALU performs all the data manipulations, such as arithmetic and logic
operations, inside a microprocessor. The size of the ALU conforms to the word length of the microcomputer.
ALU Functions:
1.Binary addition and logic operations
2. Finding the one’s complement of data
3. Shifting or rotating the contents of a general-purpose register 1 bit to the left or right through a carry

2.3.3 Arithmetic-Logic Unit

Слайд 192

Simple Microprocessor

2.3.4 Functional Representations of Simple and Typical Microprocessors

Simple Microprocessor 2.3.4 Functional Representations of Simple and Typical Microprocessors

Слайд 193

Buffer Register : Stores any data read from memory for further processing

Buffer Register : Stores any data read from memory for further processing
by the ALU.

2.3.4 Functional Representations of Simple and Typical Microprocessors

Слайд 194

Typical Microprocessor

2.3.4 Functional Representations of Simple and Typical Microprocessors

Typical Microprocessor 2.3.4 Functional Representations of Simple and Typical Microprocessors

Слайд 196

The Pentium contains two instruction pipelines: the U-pipe and the V-pipe. The

The Pentium contains two instruction pipelines: the U-pipe and the V-pipe. The
U-pipe can execute all integer and floating-point instructions. The V-pipe can execute simple integer instructions
The Pentium contains two separate cache memories: code cache and data cache.

Слайд 197

The control unit performs two basic operations:
instruction interpretation
and instruction sequencing.

2.3.5 Simplified

The control unit performs two basic operations: instruction interpretation and instruction sequencing.
Explanation of Control Unit design

Слайд 198

There are two methods for designing a control unit:

2.3.5 Simplified Explanation of

There are two methods for designing a control unit: 2.3.5 Simplified Explanation of Control Unit design
Control Unit design

Слайд 199

How incrementing the contents of the register by 1 is done in

How incrementing the contents of the register by 1 is done in
control ??
(see figures in next slides)

2.3.5 Simplified Explanation of Control Unit design

Слайд 200

2.3.5 Simplified Explanation of Control Unit design

Transferring register contents to a data

2.3.5 Simplified Explanation of Control Unit design Transferring register contents to a data bus

Слайд 201

2.3.5 Simplified Explanation of Control Unit design

2.3.5 Simplified Explanation of Control Unit design

Слайд 202

2.3.5 Simplified Explanation of Control Unit design

2.3.5 Simplified Explanation of Control Unit design

Слайд 203

2.3.5 Simplified Explanation of Control Unit design

2.3.5 Simplified Explanation of Control Unit design

Слайд 204

2.3.5 Simplified Explanation of Control Unit design

2.3.5 Simplified Explanation of Control Unit design

Слайд 205

The following three steps for completing the instruction:
1.Fetch. The microprocessor fetches (instruction

The following three steps for completing the instruction: 1.Fetch. The microprocessor fetches
read) the instruction from the main memory (external to the microprocessor) into the instruction register.
2. Decode. The microprocessor decodes or translates the instruction using the control unit. The control unit inputs the contents of the instruction register, and then decodes (translates) the instruction to determine the instruction type.
3. Execute. The microprocessor executes the instruction using the control unit. To accomplish the task, the control unit generates a number of enable signals required by the instruction.

2.4 Program Execution by Conventional Microprocessors

Слайд 206

For example, suppose that it is desired to add the contents of

For example, suppose that it is desired to add the contents of
two registers, X and Y, and store the result in register Z. To accomplish this, a conventional microprocessor performs the following steps:
1. The microprocessor fetches the instruction into the instruction register.
2. The control unit (CU) decodes the contents of the instruction register.
3. The CU executes the instruction by generating enable signals for the register and ALU sections to perform the following:
a. The CU transfers the contents of registers X and Y from the Register section into the ALU.
b. The CU commands the ALU to ADD.
c. The CU transfers the result from the ALU into register Z of the register section.

2.4 Program Execution by Conventional Microprocessors

Слайд 207

Enhancement in 32-bit microprocessors (like Pentium) include : cache memory, memory

Enhancement in 32-bit microprocessors (like Pentium) include : cache memory, memory management,
pipelining, floating-point arithmetic, and branch prediction.
Cache memory is a high-speed read/write memory implemented as on-chip
hardware in typical 32-bit microprocessors in order to increase processing rates. This topic
is covered in more detail in Chapter 3.

2.5 Program Execution by typical 32-bit Microprocessors

Слайд 208

Memory management allows programmers to write programs much larger than those that

Memory management allows programmers to write programs much larger than those that
could fit in the main memory space available to the microprocessors; the programs are simply stored on a secondary device, such as a hard disk. This topic is covered in more detail in Chapter 3.

2.5 Program Execution by typical 32-bit Microprocessors

Слайд 209

Basic Concept

2.5.1 Pipelining

Hi is Hardware designed to perform activity Ai

Basic Concept 2.5.1 Pipelining Hi is Hardware designed to perform activity Ai

Слайд 210

2.5.1 Pipelining

2.5.1 Pipelining

Слайд 211

Two Kind of Pipelining:
Arithmetic operations and instruction execution.

2.5.1 Pipelining

Two Kind of Pipelining: Arithmetic operations and instruction execution. 2.5.1 Pipelining

Слайд 212

Arithmetic Pipelines
Consider the process of adding two floating-point numbers x =0.9234 *

Arithmetic Pipelines Consider the process of adding two floating-point numbers x =0.9234
104 and y = 0.48 * 10 2.
First: exponents of x and y are unequal.
Second: exponent alignment.
Third: Perform the addition
Fourth: Normalize the final answer

2.5.1 Pipelining

Слайд 213

Pipelined floating-point add/subtract unit


Pipelined floating-point add/subtract unit segment

Слайд 214

Instruction Pipelines
Instruction cycle typically involves the
following activities:
1. Instruction fetch -?needs five

Instruction Pipelines Instruction cycle typically involves the following activities: 1. Instruction fetch
clocks to complete
2. Instruction decode
3. Operand fetch (Data Read)
4. Operation execution
5. Result routing.

2.5.1 Pipelining

Слайд 215

Five-segment instruction pipeline

Five-segment instruction pipeline

Слайд 216

Example of the execution of a stream of five instructions: 11,12,13,14, and

Example of the execution of a stream of five instructions: 11,12,13,14, and
15, in which I3 is a conditional branch instruction.

2.5.1 Pipelining

Слайд 217

This allows these microprocessors to anticipate jumps of the instruction flow ahead

This allows these microprocessors to anticipate jumps of the instruction flow ahead
of time.

2.5.2 Branch Prediction Feature

Слайд 218

To accomplish this, the Pentium includes on-chip hardware called the Branch Unit

To accomplish this, the Pentium includes on-chip hardware called the Branch Unit
(BU). The BU contains the branch execution unit (BEU) and the branch prediction unit (BPU). Whenever the Pentium encounters a conditional branch instruction, it sends it to the BU for execution. The BU evaluates the instruction’s branch condition using the BEU and determines whether the branch should or should not be taken. Once the BU determines the branch condition, it calculates the starting address (Branch target) of the next block of code to be executed. The Pentium then starts fetching code at the new address.

2.5.2 Branch Prediction Feature

Слайд 219

Scalar processors such as the 80486 can execute one instruction per cycle.

Scalar processors such as the 80486 can execute one instruction per cycle.

The 80486 contains only one pipeline.
Superscalar microprocessors, can execute
more than one instruction per cycle. These microprocessors contain more than one pipeline.
The Pentium, a superscalar microprocessor, contains two independent pipelines. This
allows the Pentium to execute two instructions per cycle.

2.6 Scalar and Superscalar Microprocessors

Слайд 220

There are two types of microprocessor architectures: RISC and CISC.
RISC stand

There are two types of microprocessor architectures: RISC and CISC. RISC stand
for (reduced instruction set computer) and CISC for (complex instruction set computer)

2.7 RISC vs. CISC

Слайд 221

2.7 RISC vs. CISC

2.7 RISC vs. CISC

Слайд 222

Intel’s original Pentium is a CISC microprocessor. Intel Pentium Pro and other

Intel’s original Pentium is a CISC microprocessor. Intel Pentium Pro and other
succeeding members of the Pentium family and Motorola 68060 use a combination of RISC and CISC architectures for providing high performance. The Pentium Pro and other succeeding

2.7 RISC vs. CISC

Слайд 223



Слайд 224

Lecture 10-11



Слайд 225

1.1 Basic Blocks of a Microcomputer
1.2 Typical Microcomputer Architecture
1.3 Single-Chip

ADC and DAC 1.1 Basic Blocks of a Microcomputer 1.2 Typical Microcomputer
1.4 Program Execution by Conventional Microprocessors
1.5 Program Execution by typical 32-bit Microprocessors
1.6 Scalar and Superscalar Microprocessors
1.7 RISC vs. CISC


Слайд 226

Flags Type
A zero flag is used to show whether the result of

Flags Type A zero flag is used to show whether the result
an operation is zero. It is set to1 if the result is zero, and it is reset to 0 if the result is nonzero.
A parity flag is set to 1 to indicate whether the result of the last operation contains either an even number of 1’s (even parity) or an odd number of 1’s (odd parity), depending on the microprocessor.

2.3.1 Register Section

Слайд 227

Flags Type
A sign flag (sometimes called a negative flag) is used to

Flags Type A sign flag (sometimes called a negative flag) is used
indicate whether the result of the last operation is positive(set to 0) or negative(set to 1)
Overflow flag arises from representation of the sign flag by the most significant bit of a word in signed binary operation. The overflow flag is set to1 if the result of an arithmetic operation is too big for the microprocessor’s maximum word size, otherwise it is reset to 0

2.3.1 Register Section

Слайд 228

Find the sign,carry,zero,overflow,and parity even flag for the following arithmetic sign

EXAMPLE : Find the sign,carry,zero,overflow,and parity even flag for the following arithmetic
(11110000)+(10100001) =10010001
SF =1 ,CF=1 ,ZF=0 ,OF=0 ,PF=0

2.3.1 Register Section

Слайд 229

Stack Pointer Register A stack consists of a number of RAM locations

Stack Pointer Register A stack consists of a number of RAM locations
set aside for reading data from or writing data into these locations and is typically used by subroutines
Two instructions, PUSH and POP, are usually available with a stack. The PUSH operation
is defined as writing to the top or bottom of the stack, whereas the POP operation means reading from the top or bottom of the stack.

2.3.1 Register Section

Слайд 230

2.3.1 Register Section

2.3.1 Register Section

Слайд 231

2.3.1 Register Section

2.3.1 Register Section

Слайд 232

2.3.1 Register Section

2.3.1 Register Section

Слайд 233

2.3.1 Register Section

2.3.1 Register Section

Слайд 234

The main purpose of the control unit is to read and decode

The main purpose of the control unit is to read and decode
instructions from the program memory.
To execute an instruction, the control unit steps through the appropriate blocks of the ALU based on the op-codes contained in the instruction register.

2.3.2 Control Unit

Слайд 235

Control Signal Actions
RESET. This input is common to all microprocessors. When this

Control Signal Actions RESET. This input is common to all microprocessors. When
input pin is driven HIGH or LOW (depending on the microprocessor), the program counter is loaded with a predefined address specified by the manufacturer.

2.3.2 Control Unit

Слайд 236

Control Signal Actions
READ/WRITE (R/W) This output line is common to all microprocessors.

Control Signal Actions READ/WRITE (R/W) This output line is common to all
The status of this line tells the other microcomputer elements whether the microprocessor is performing a READ or a WRITE operation. A HIGH signal on this line indicates a READ operation, and a LOW indicates a WRITE operation.

2.3.2 Control Unit

Слайд 237

Control Signal Actions
READY, This is an input to a microprocessor. Slow devices

Control Signal Actions READY, This is an input to a microprocessor. Slow
(memory and I/O) use this signal to gain extra time to transfer data to or receive data from a microprocessor. The READY signal is usually an active low signal; that is, LOW indicates that the microprocessor is ready. Therefore, when the microprocessor selects a slow device, the device places a LOW on the READY pin. The microprocessor responds by suspending all its internal operations and enters a WAIT state. When the device is ready to send or receive data, it removes the READY signal. The microprocessor comes out of the WAIT state and performs the appropriate operation.

2.3.2 Control Unit

Слайд 238

Control Signal Actions
Interrupt Request (INT or IRQ). The external I/O devices can

Control Signal Actions Interrupt Request (INT or IRQ). The external I/O devices
interrupt the microprocessor via this input pin on the microprocessor chip. When this signal is activated by the external devices, the microprocessor jumps to a special program called the interrupt service routine. This program is normally written by the user for performing tasks that the interrupting device wants the microprocessor to carry out. After completing this program, the microprocessor returns to the main program it was executing when the interrupt occurred.

2.3.2 Control Unit

Слайд 239

The ALU performs all the data manipulations, such as arithmetic and logic

The ALU performs all the data manipulations, such as arithmetic and logic
operations, inside a microprocessor. The size of the ALU conforms to the word length of the microcomputer.
ALU Functions:
1.Binary addition and logic operations
2. Finding the one’s complement of data
3. Shifting or rotating the contents of a general-purpose register 1 bit to the left or right through a carry

2.3.3 Arithmetic-Logic Unit

Слайд 240

Simple Microprocessor

2.3.4 Functional Representations of Simple and Typical Microprocessors

Simple Microprocessor 2.3.4 Functional Representations of Simple and Typical Microprocessors

Слайд 241

Buffer Register : Stores any data read from memory for further processing

Buffer Register : Stores any data read from memory for further processing
by the ALU.

2.3.4 Functional Representations of Simple and Typical Microprocessors

Слайд 242

Typical Microprocessor

2.3.4 Functional Representations of Simple and Typical Microprocessors

Typical Microprocessor 2.3.4 Functional Representations of Simple and Typical Microprocessors

Слайд 244

The Pentium contains two instruction pipelines: the U-pipe and the V-pipe. The

The Pentium contains two instruction pipelines: the U-pipe and the V-pipe. The
U-pipe can execute all integer and floating-point instructions. The V-pipe can execute simple integer instructions
The Pentium contains two separate cache memories: code cache and data cache.

Слайд 245

The control unit performs two basic operations:
instruction interpretation
and instruction sequencing.

2.3.5 Simplified

The control unit performs two basic operations: instruction interpretation and instruction sequencing.
Explanation of Control Unit design

Слайд 246

There are two methods for designing a control unit:

2.3.5 Simplified Explanation of

There are two methods for designing a control unit: 2.3.5 Simplified Explanation of Control Unit design
Control Unit design

Слайд 247

How incrementing the contents of the register by 1 is done in

How incrementing the contents of the register by 1 is done in
control ??
(see figures in next slides)

2.3.5 Simplified Explanation of Control Unit design

Слайд 248

2.3.5 Simplified Explanation of Control Unit design

2.3.5 Simplified Explanation of Control Unit design

Слайд 249

2.3.5 Simplified Explanation of Control Unit design

2.3.5 Simplified Explanation of Control Unit design

Слайд 250

2.3.5 Simplified Explanation of Control Unit design

2.3.5 Simplified Explanation of Control Unit design

Слайд 251

2.3.5 Simplified Explanation of Control Unit design

2.3.5 Simplified Explanation of Control Unit design

Слайд 252

2.3.5 Simplified Explanation of Control Unit design

2.3.5 Simplified Explanation of Control Unit design

Слайд 253

The following three steps for completing the instruction:
1.Fetch. The microprocessor fetches (instruction

The following three steps for completing the instruction: 1.Fetch. The microprocessor fetches
read) the instruction from the main memory (external to the microprocessor) into the instruction register.
2. Decode. The microprocessor decodes or translates the instruction using the control unit. The control unit inputs the contents of the instruction register, and then decodes (translates) the instruction to determine the instruction type.
3. Execute. The microprocessor executes the instruction using the control unit. To accomplish the task, the control unit generates a number of enable signals required by the instruction.

2.4 Program Execution by Conventional Microprocessors

Слайд 254

For example, suppose that it is desired to add the contents of

For example, suppose that it is desired to add the contents of
two registers, X and Y, and store the result in register Z. To accomplish this, a conventional microprocessor performs the following steps:
1. The microprocessor fetches the instruction into the instruction register.
2. The control unit (CU) decodes the contents of the instruction register.
3. The CU executes the instruction by generating enable signals for the register and ALU sections to perform the following:
a. The CU transfers the contents of registers X and Y from the Register section into the ALU.
b. The CU commands the ALU to ADD.
c. The CU transfers the result from the ALU into register Z of the register section.

2.4 Program Execution by Conventional Microprocessors

Слайд 255

Enhancement in 32-bit microprocessors (like Pentium) include : cache memory, memory

Enhancement in 32-bit microprocessors (like Pentium) include : cache memory, memory management,
pipelining, floating-point arithmetic, and branch prediction.
Cache memory is a high-speed read/write memory implemented as on-chip
hardware in typical 32-bit microprocessors in order to increase processing rates. This topic
is covered in more detail in Chapter 3.

2.5 Program Execution by typical 32-bit Microprocessors

Слайд 256

Memory management allows programmers to write programs much larger than those that

Memory management allows programmers to write programs much larger than those that
could fit in the main memory space available to the microprocessors; the programs are simply stored on a secondary device, such as a hard disk. This topic is covered in more detail in Chapter 3.

2.5 Program Execution by typical 32-bit Microprocessors

Слайд 257

Basic Concept

2.5.1 Pipelining

Hi is Hardware designed to perform activity Ai

Basic Concept 2.5.1 Pipelining Hi is Hardware designed to perform activity Ai

Слайд 258

2.5.1 Pipelining

2.5.1 Pipelining

Слайд 259

Two Kind of Pipelining:
Arithmetic operations and instruction execution.

2.5.1 Pipelining

Two Kind of Pipelining: Arithmetic operations and instruction execution. 2.5.1 Pipelining

Слайд 260

Arithmetic Pipelines
Consider the process of adding two floating-point numbers x =0.9234 *

Arithmetic Pipelines Consider the process of adding two floating-point numbers x =0.9234
104 and y = 0.48 * 10 2.
First: exponents of x and y are unequal.
Second: exponent alignment.
Third: Perform the addition
Fourth: Normalize the final answer

2.5.1 Pipelining

Слайд 262

Instruction Pipelines
Instruction cycle typically involves the
following activities:
1. Instruction fetch -?needs five

Instruction Pipelines Instruction cycle typically involves the following activities: 1. Instruction fetch
clocks to complete
2. Instruction decode
3. Operand fetch (Data Read)
4. Operation execution
5. Result routing.

2.5.1 Pipelining

Слайд 264

Example of the execution of a stream of five instructions: 11,12,13,14, and

Example of the execution of a stream of five instructions: 11,12,13,14, and
15, in which I3 is a conditional branch instruction.

2.5.1 Pipelining

Слайд 265

This allows these microprocessors to anticipate jumps of the instruction flow ahead

This allows these microprocessors to anticipate jumps of the instruction flow ahead
of time.

2.5.2 Branch Prediction Feature

Слайд 266

To accomplish this, the Pentium includes on-chip hardware called the Branch Unit

To accomplish this, the Pentium includes on-chip hardware called the Branch Unit
(BU). The BU contains the branch execution unit (BEU) and the branch prediction unit (BPU). Whenever the Pentium encounters a conditional branch instruction, it sends it to the BU for execution. The BU evaluates the instruction’s branch condition using the BEU and determines whether the branch should or should not be taken. Once the BU determines the branch condition, it calculates the starting address (Branch target) of the next block of code to be executed. The Pentium then starts fetching code at the new address.

2.5.2 Branch Prediction Feature

Слайд 267

Scalar processors such as the 80486 can execute one instruction per cycle.

Scalar processors such as the 80486 can execute one instruction per cycle.

The 80486 contains only one pipeline.
Superscalar microprocessors, can execute
more than one instruction per cycle. These microprocessors contain more than one pipeline.
The Pentium, a superscalar microprocessor, contains two independent pipelines. This
allows the Pentium to execute two instructions per cycle.

2.6 Scalar and Superscalar Microprocessors

Слайд 268

There are two types of microprocessor architectures: RISC and CISC.
RISC stand

There are two types of microprocessor architectures: RISC and CISC. RISC stand
for (reduced instruction set computer) and CISC for (complex instruction set computer)

2.7 RISC vs. CISC

Слайд 269

2.7 RISC vs. CISC

2.7 RISC vs. CISC

Слайд 270

Intel’s original Pentium is a CISC microprocessor. Intel Pentium Pro and other

Intel’s original Pentium is a CISC microprocessor. Intel Pentium Pro and other
succeeding members of the Pentium family and Motorola 68060 use a combination of RISC and CISC architectures for providing high performance. The Pentium Pro and other succeeding

2.7 RISC vs. CISC

Слайд 271



Слайд 277

• The Requirements of a memory chip
A memory chip requires address lines

• The Requirements of a memory chip A memory chip requires address
to identity a memory register.
The number of address lines required is determined by thenumber of registers in a chip(2n = number of registers where n is the number of addresslines).A memory chip requires a Chip Select (CS) signal to enablethe chip. The remaining address lines of themicroprocessor can be connected to the CS signalthrough an interfacing logic.The address lines connected to CS select the chip, and theaddress lines connected to the address lines of the memorychip select the register.° The control signal Read (RD) enables the output buffer,and data from the selected register are made available onthe output lines.° The control signal (WR) enables the input buffer, and dataon the input lines are written into memory cells.

Слайд 279

• Input/output devices are the means

• INPUT AND OUTPUT (I/O) DEVICES : • Input/output devices are the
through which theMPU communicates with "the outside world.“
• There are two different methods by which I/O devices canbe identified.1. I/Os with 8-Bit Addresses (Peripheral-Mapped I/O)
• The steps in communicating with an I/O deviceThe MPU places an 8-bit address on the address bus.which is decoded by external decode logic.The MPU sends a control signal (I/O Read or I/O Write)and enables the I/O device.Data are transferred using the data bus.2. I/Os with l6-Bit Addresses (Memory-Mapped I/O)the MPU uses 16 address lines to identify an I/O device.This is known as memory-mapped I/O.

Слайд 281

• THE 8085 MPUoThe term microprocessing unit (MPU) is similar to theterm

• THE 8085 MPUoThe term microprocessing unit (MPU) is similar to theterm
central processing unit (CPU) used in traditionalcomputers.MicroProcessing Unit (MPU)A device or a group of devices (as a unit) that cancommunicate with peripherals, provide timing signals,direct data flow, and perform computing tasks asspecified by the instructions in memory.The 8085 microprocessor can almost qualify as an MPUwith the following two limitations.1. The low-order address bus of the 8085 microprocessor ismultiplexed (time-shared) with the data bus. The busesneed to be demultiplexed.2. Appropriate control signals need to be generated tointerface memory and I/O with the 8085.

Слайд 283

• THE 8085 AND ITS PIN DESCRIPTION• The 8085 is an 8-bit

• THE 8085 AND ITS PIN DESCRIPTION• The 8085 is an 8-bit
general purpose microprocessorthat can address 64K Byte of memory.• It has 40 pins and uses +5V for power. It can run at amaximum frequency of 3 MHz.• The pins on the chip can be grouped into 6 groups:Address Bus and Multiplexed Data Bus. ( 16 Pins )Control and Status Signals. ( 6 Pins )Power supply and frequency. ( 4 Pins )Externally Initiated Signals. ( 7 Pins )Interupt Signals. ( 5 pins )Serial I/O ports. ( 2 Pins )

Слайд 284

8085 Microprocessor Pin Out Diagram

8085 Microprocessor Pin Out Diagram

Слайд 287

• Control and Status Signals :-o ALE-Address Latch Enable:This is a positive

• Control and Status Signals :-o ALE-Address Latch Enable:This is a positive
going pulse generated every time the 8085begins an operation (machine cycle): it indicates that thebits on AD7-AD, are address bits.This signal is used primarily to latch the low-order addressfrom the multiplexed bus and generate a separate set ofeight address lines. A7-A0-o RD-READ :This is a Read control signal (active low).This signal indicates that the selected I/O or memorydevice is to be read and data are available on the data bus.WR-WRITE :This is a Write control signal (active low).This signal indicates that the data on the data bus are tobe written into a selected memory or I/O location.

Слайд 289

IO/M :This is a status signal used to differentiate between I/Oand memory

IO/M :This is a status signal used to differentiate between I/Oand memory
operations.When it is high it indicates an I/O operation; when it islow, it indicates a memory operation.This signal is combined with RD (Read) and WR (Write) togenerate I/O and memory control signals.o S, & So :These status signals, similar to IO/M.They can identify various operations, but they are rarelyused in small systems

Слайд 292

• Interrupts :Processor has 5 interrupts. They are presented below inthe order

• Interrupts :Processor has 5 interrupts. They are presented below inthe order
of their priority (from lowest to highest):INTR is maskable interrupt. When the interrupt occursthe processor fetches instruction from the bus.RST 5.5 is a maskable interrupt. When this interrupt is… received the processor saves the contents of the PC cregister into stack and branches to 2CH (hexadecimal)address.RST 6.5 is a maskable interrupt. When this interrupt isreceived the processor saves the contents of the PCregister into stack and branches to 34H (hexadecimal)address.

Слайд 294

RST 7.5 is a maskable interrupt. When this interrupt isreceived the processor

RST 7.5 is a maskable interrupt. When this interrupt isreceived the processor
saves the contents of the PCregister into stack and branches to 3CH (hexadecimal)address.TRAP is a non-maskable interrupt. When this interruptis received the processor saves the contents of the PCregister into stack and branches to 24H (hexadecimal)address.All maskable interrupts can be enabled or disabled usingEI and DI instructions.

Слайд 298


address bits (20H) are placed on>the address lines A8 - A15 and the low order bits areplaced on AD7-ADO.The ALE signal goes high to indicate that AD0 - AD8 arecarrying an address.At exactly the same time, the IO/M signal goes low toindicate a memory operation.At the beginning of the T2 cycle, the low order 8 addressbits are removed from AD7- ADO and the controllersends the Read (RD) signal to the memory.The signal remains low (active) for two clock periods toallow for slow devices.During T2 , memory places the data from the memory>location on the lines AD7- AD0 .

Слайд 300

During T3 the RD signal is Disabled (goes high). This turnsoff the

During T3 the RD signal is Disabled (goes high). This turnsoff the
output Tri-state buffers in the memory. That makesthe AD7- ADO lines go to high impedence mode.The machine code or the byte (4FH) is decoded by theinstruction decoder, and the contents of theaccumulator are copied into register C. This task isperformed during the period T4

Слайд 302

• DEMULTIPLEXING AD7-ADO• From the above description, it becomes obvious thatthe AD7-

• DEMULTIPLEXING AD7-ADO• From the above description, it becomes obvious thatthe AD7-
ADO lines are serving a dual purpose andthat they need to be demultiplexed to get all theinformation.• The high order bits of the address remain on the busfor three clock periods. However, the low order bitsremain for only one clock period and they would belost if they are not saved externally.• Also, notice that the low order bits of the addressdisappear when they are needed most.• To make sure we have the entire address for the fullthree clock cycles, we will use an external latch tosave the value of AD7- ADO when it is carrying theaddress bits. We use the ALE signal to enable thislatch.

Слайд 303

Demultiplexing AD7-AD0

Demultiplexing AD7-AD0

Слайд 304

Given that ALE operates as a pulse during T1, wewill be able

Given that ALE operates as a pulse during T1, wewill be able
to latch the address. Then when ALEgoes low, the address is saved and the AD7- ADOlines can be used for their purpose as the bi-directional data lines.

Слайд 306

• CYCLES AND STATES• From the above discussion, we can define terms

• CYCLES AND STATES• From the above discussion, we can define terms
thatwill become handy later on:• T- State: One subdivision of an operation. A T-statelasts for one clock period.• An instruction's execution length is usuallymeasured in a number of T-states. (clock cycles).• Machine Cycle: The time required to complete oneoperationofaccessingmemory, I/O,oracknowledging an external request.• This cycle may consist of 3 to 6 T-states.• Instruction Cycle: The time required to complete theexecution of an instruction.• In the 8085, an instruction cycle may consist of 1to 6 machine cycles.

Слайд 308

•GENERATING CONTROL SIGNALS• The 8085 generates a single RD signal. However, thesignal

•GENERATING CONTROL SIGNALS• The 8085 generates a single RD signal. However, thesignal
needs to be used with both memory and I/O. So,it must be combined with the IO/M signal to generatedifferent control signals for the memory and I/O.• Keeping in mind the operation of the IO/M signal wecan use the following circuitry to generate the right setof signals:

Слайд 311

• THE 8085 MACHINE CYCLES• The 8085 executes several types of instructions

• THE 8085 MACHINE CYCLES• The 8085 executes several types of instructions
witheach requiring a different number of operations ofdifferent types. However, the operations can begrouped into a small set.• The three main types are:• Memory Read and Write.• I/O Read and Write.• Request Acknowledge.• These can be further divided into various operations(machine cycles).

Слайд 313

• OPCODE FETCH MACHINE CYCLE• The first step of executing any instruction

• OPCODE FETCH MACHINE CYCLE• The first step of executing any instruction
is theOpcode fetch cycle.• In this cycle, the microprocessor brings in theinstruction's Opcode from memory.• To differentiate this machine cycle from the verysimilar "memory read" cycle, the control & statussignals are set as follows:• IO/M=0, s0 and s1 are both 1.• This machine cycle has four T-states.• The 8085 uses the first 3 T-states to fetch theopcode.• T4 is used to decode and execute it.• It is also possible for an instruction to have 6 T-states in an opcode fetch machine cycle.

Слайд 316

the memory read machine cycle• To understand the memory read machine cycle,

the memory read machine cycle• To understand the memory read machine cycle,
let'sstudy the execution of the following instruction:• MVI A, 322000H3E• In memory, this instruction looks like:2001H32• The first byte 3EH represents the opcode forloading a byte into the accumulator (MVI A), thesecond byte is the data to be loaded.• The 8085 needs to read these two bytes from memorybefore it can execute the instruction. Therefore, it willneed at least two machine cycles.• The first machine cycle is the opcode fetchdiscussed earlier.• The second machine cycle is the Memory ReadCycle.

Слайд 318


instruction length, do not have a directrelationship.• To illustrate lets look at the machine cycles needed to executethe following instruction.• STA 2065H• This is a 3-byte instruction requiring 4 machine cycles and 13 T-states.32H 2010-• The machine code will be stored65H 2011Hin memory as shown to the right20H2012H• This instruction requires the following 4 machine cycles:• Opcode fetch to fetch the opcode (32H) from location 2010H,decode it and determine that 2 more bytes are needed (4 T-states).• Memory read to read the low order byte of the address (65H) (3T-states).•• Memory read to read the high order byte of the address (20H) (3T-states).• A• A memory write to write the contents of the accumulator intothe memory location.

Слайд 319



Слайд 320



Слайд 322

Input / OutputInput DevicesSwitches , Keyboard , …Output Devices:Seven Segments (LEDs) ,

Input / OutputInput DevicesSwitches , Keyboard , …Output Devices:Seven Segments (LEDs) ,
printer , Monitor ,…The processor reads the instructions from thememory , data from the input devices,processes them, produces the output

Слайд 323

The CPU includes ALU, control Units, and Various Registers

The CPU includes ALU, control Units, and Various Registers

Слайд 324

The Von Neumann Model
It uses von Neumann execution cycle
(also called the fetch-decode-execute

The Von Neumann Model It uses von Neumann execution cycle (also called the fetch-decode-execute cycle)

Слайд 326

A cycle could be as follows:The control unit fetches the next programinstruction

A cycle could be as follows:The control unit fetches the next programinstruction
from the memory, using the programcounter to determine where the instruction islocated.The instruction is decoded into a language theALU can understand.Any data operands required to execute theinstruction are fetched from memory and placedinto registers within the CPU.The ALU executes the instruction and places theresults in registers or memory.

Слайд 330

Advances in SemiconductorTechnologyIC- Integrated Circuits -> few transistors and diodes onone chipSSI

Advances in SemiconductorTechnologyIC- Integrated Circuits -> few transistors and diodes onone chipSSI
-small scale Integration-> few gates on one chipMSI- Medium scale Integration- 100 gates on a chipLSI - Large Scale Integration - 1000 gates on a chipVLSI - Very large scale IntegrationSLSI - Super Large Scale IntegrationBorders between VLSI and SLSI are not strict.

Слайд 331

Microprocessor programming
* Machine language
Instruction written in binary format
Assembly language
Text based format

Microprocessor programming * Machine language Instruction written in binary format Assembly language
add a, b
*High level language

Слайд 332

Z80 instructions and alphanumeric codes

Z80 instructions and alphanumeric codes

Слайд 333

Microprocessor Based System

Microprocessor Based System

Слайд 334

Microprocessor Unit Progremmable logic unit with a designed set of instructions

Microprocessor Unit Progremmable logic unit with a designed set of instructions

Слайд 335

MPU frequently communicates with the memory, I/O devices

MPU frequently communicates with the memory, I/O devices

Слайд 336

What does it needs to do so..

What does it needs to do so..

Слайд 337

What does it needs to do so…Group of logic circuitsSet of signal

What does it needs to do so…Group of logic circuitsSet of signal
to transfer informationControl signals for timingClock circuits

Слайд 339

Program-initiated operationsand BusesanMicroprocessor and Memory OperationsMemory ReadReads instructions or data from the

Program-initiated operationsand BusesanMicroprocessor and Memory OperationsMemory ReadReads instructions or data from the
memoryMemory WriteWrites instructions and data into memoryI/O ReadAccepts data from input devicesI/O WriteWrites data to output devices

Слайд 341

Program-initiated operationsand BusesFrom where to read or to write?We need an address!

Program-initiated operationsand BusesFrom where to read or to write?We need an address!
Right?How the input/output will know about the operation?We need a control signal to tell themMPU Operations Steps:Identify the addressSend synchronization SIGNAL- control signal•Transfer the binary dataSo, how many buses do we need?

Слайд 343

BusesAddress BusIdentify the memorylocationsCPU(ALU, Registers,and Control)MemoryInputandOutputData BusData BusHolds the data duringAddress Bustransfer

BusesAddress BusIdentify the memorylocationsCPU(ALU, Registers,and Control)MemoryInputandOutputData BusData BusHolds the data duringAddress Bustransfer
operationControl BusControl Lines° For timing signal

Слайд 345

BusesAddress Bus Size - bitsDepends on the number of memory locations thatcan

BusesAddress Bus Size - bitsDepends on the number of memory locations thatcan
be accessedZ80 has 16 address lines to address 216 locationsData Bus Size - bitsDepends on the data to be transferredZ80 has 8 bits data busWhat is the maximum memory size Z80 can use?

Слайд 351

How the MPU Writes into the Memory?•MPU places the 16 bit address

How the MPU Writes into the Memory?•MPU places the 16 bit address
on the address busMemory interfacing circuits will decode address tospecify the target registerMPU Places a byte on the data bus• MPU sends a control signal (Memory Write) tothe memory to write

Слайд 353

How the MPU reads from the Memory?MPU places the 16 bit address

How the MPU reads from the Memory?MPU places the 16 bit address
on the address busMemory interfacing circuits will decode address tospecify the target registerMPU sends a control signal (Memory Read) tothe memory to enable the output buffer•The memory puts the data on the data bus and theprocessor will read it

Слайд 354



Слайд 358

BusesAddress Bus Size - bitsDepends on the number of memory locations thatcan

BusesAddress Bus Size - bitsDepends on the number of memory locations thatcan
be accessedZ80 has 16 address lines to address 216 locationsData Bus Size - bitsDepends on the data to be transferredZ80 has 8 bits data bus• What is the maximum memory size Z80 can use?

Слайд 360

Externally Initiated operationInterruptions categories :Reset - e. g. timer to reset everything

Externally Initiated operationInterruptions categories :Reset - e. g. timer to reset everything
in the MPUInterrupt - stop temporarily and do something , then come back.Wait: the memory can not handle the MPU request , wait signalmust be generated.Bus Request: sometimes the processor is too slow to hand arequest that can be handled faster by another device.E.g transfer large amount of data through the DMA could befaster than using the MPU

Слайд 366



Слайд 367


Fundamentals of Logic Design

By Dana Utebayeva

Microcontrollers Fundamentals of Logic Design By Dana Utebayeva

Слайд 368


A single chip Computer (to some extent)
I/O in form of pins

Micro-Controller A single chip Computer (to some extent) Has CPU RAM EEPROM
(Timer , Communication modes , ADC etc)

Слайд 369


Line Following Robots
Wireless keyboards
They were made using Microcontrollers

Background Line Following Robots Wireless keyboards They were made using Microcontrollers

Слайд 370

Suppose we want to make a Line following Robot
What do we do ?

Suppose we want to make a Line following Robot What do we
a computer with 2.4Ghz Intel core I7 with 4 Gb RAM , 500 Gb Hard disk , 1 Gb Graphics Card ??

Слайд 371

Why not a Computer ?

PC is a general purpose computer.
Can run thousand

Why not a Computer ? PC is a general purpose computer. Can
of softwares
Microsoft ppt in which you are seeing this presentation
Games (NFS , AOE , Call of Duty)
Highly expensive

Слайд 372


Small reflected by the word “MICRO”
Ideal for doing repetitive tasks
Easy to

Why MCU Small reflected by the word “MICRO” Inexpensive Ideal for doing
Highly Efficient and fast

Слайд 373

Selecting a MCU

Two family of MCU extremely popular
We use AVR series of

Selecting a MCU Two family of MCU extremely popular AVR PIC We
MCU from Atmel
The instructions are fed once in the form of a Hex file

Слайд 374

Tools Required -> CVAVR

Tools Required -> CVAVR

Слайд 375

Compiler -> CVAVR

The code is written in C language so we need

Compiler -> CVAVR The code is written in C language so we
to convert it into the format that Atmega understands

Слайд 376

Transfer code to Atmega AVR Studio

Transfer code to Atmega AVR Studio

Слайд 377

Avr Programmer

Avr Programmer

Слайд 378

So we need two softwares overall
CVAVR –> Editor and Compiler
Avr Studio –> Transfer Code

So we need two softwares overall CVAVR –> Editor and Compiler Avr
to Atmega

Слайд 380

Basics of C language

If else block
… …
… …

Basics of C language If else block If(condition) { … … }

Слайд 381

While & For

While (conditon)
… ...
for(initialisation; condition; increment)
… …

While & For While (conditon) { … ... } for(initialisation; condition; increment) { … … }

Слайд 383

Lets Begin by blinking a simple LED

Lets Begin by blinking a simple LED

Слайд 384

Circuit Diagram

Circuit Diagram

Слайд 385

Getting Started with CVAVR

Getting Started with CVAVR

Слайд 386


Go to File



Open CVAVR Go to File New Project

Слайд 387



Слайд 388

Go to File

Go to File

Слайд 389

Click on New

Click on New

Слайд 390

Select Project- > Click OK

Select Project- > Click OK

Слайд 392

Select Chip

Select Chip

Слайд 393

Introduction to I/O

Introduction to I/O

Слайд 394

Atmega has total of 40 pins out of which 32 pins can

Atmega has total of 40 pins out of which 32 pins can
be used as Input or Output
These 32 pins are divided into 4 groups of 8 pins PORTA, PORTB , PORTC , PORTD

Слайд 395

Data Direction register (DDR)

This sets direction for all pins (32)
Direction for these pins

Data Direction register (DDR) This sets direction for all pins (32) Direction
can be Input or Output
To blink an LED we need to set pin as “OUTPUT” but “HOW“ ?
DDRA = 0b00000001 ;
DDRA = 0x01 ;
1 Stands for Output & 0 stands for Input

Слайд 397

What is Next ?

We have set the Pin as Output
What else do

What is Next ? We have set the Pin as Output What
we need to light the LED ??
Supply of 5 Volts !!! This is given by PORT Register

Слайд 398

PORT Register

Only after you have set the Pin to Output you can control

PORT Register Only after you have set the Pin to Output you
them through this Register
It is a 8 bit register . It corresponds to the pin in same manner as that of DDR Register
Used to set output value ( 0 or 1 ) only if the corresponding Pin has been set as output by DDR Register
PORTA= 0b 00000001;
PORTA= 0x01 ;
1 stands for 5V
0 stands for 0V



Слайд 399

Simple Questions

DDRA= 0b 00101100
DDRD = 0xf4
DDRC = 0b 01111110
DDRB = 0x3b
Assume all

Simple Questions DDRA= 0b 00101100 DDRD = 0xf4 DDRC = 0b 01111110
32 pins set as output
PORTA = 0b00001100;
PORTD = 0b11110000;

Слайд 400

Setting I/O

Setting I/O

Слайд 401

Go to Ports

Go to Ports

Слайд 402

Click on In to make that pin Output
Can do so for all

Click on In to make that pin Output Can do so for all four ports
four ports

Слайд 403

Click on File

Click on File

Слайд 404

Generate Save and Exit

Generate Save and Exit

Слайд 405

Enter name (3 times)

Enter name (3 times)

Слайд 406

Where is the code stored ?

Where is the code stored ?

Слайд 407

Then Click Save

Then Click Save

Слайд 408

Name of Project & Location

Name of Project & Location

Слайд 409

Writing the Code

Writing the Code

Слайд 410

NOTE : We write our code in While block
While (1)
PORTA.1=1; // sets

NOTE : We write our code in While block While (1) {
the Pin to 5 volts PORTA.1=0; // sets the Pin to 0 volts
This makes the LED to blink but we cannot see blinking !!!

Слайд 411

This is because Atmega runs at a frequency of 8000000 Hz
We need to

This is because Atmega runs at a frequency of 8000000 Hz We
introduce delay so as to see blinking
Use header file delay.h
Function to be used ? delay_ms(time in millis); While (1)
delay_ms(1000); PORTA.1=1;
delay_ms(1000); PORTA.1=0;

Слайд 412

How to compile

Code is written in C language but Atmega understands Hex file

How to compile Code is written in C language but Atmega understands
we need to convert the C file to Hex file

Слайд 414

Make the Project

Make the Project

Слайд 415

Check for errors

Check for errors

Слайд 416

Hex File

You can find the Hex file in Bin folder or the EXE

Hex File You can find the Hex file in Bin folder or
folder of the directory where You installed CVAVR

Слайд 417

So we Have our Code ready
Feed this code to Atmega using Programmer

So we Have our Code ready Feed this code to Atmega using
(we will see this in workshop )
Lets see the code in action

Слайд 418

Lets add an Input

Most Common Input ? Button
Since we have already made A0

Lets add an Input Most Common Input ? Button Since we have
as Input
We connect a button to that pin
If button is pressed light the LED else turn it off
First draw the Circuit Diagram

Слайд 419

Circuit Diagram

Circuit Diagram

Слайд 420

Never leave any Input pin unconnected / floating at any point of

Never leave any Input pin unconnected / floating at any point of
time while your circuit is working
In Last Circuit A0 is floating when button is not pressed so our Circuit Diagram is wrong

Слайд 421

What is the Voltage at the Floating PIN ?
Not 5 V
Not 0V

What is the Voltage at the Floating PIN ? Not 5 V
never leave an input pin unconnected
Use the Concept of Pull up / Pull down

Слайд 422

In Layman terms
PULL DOWN : Gives 0V when unconnected
PULL UP : Gives 5V

In Layman terms PULL DOWN : Gives 0V when unconnected PULL UP
when unconnected
Connect the PIN to Ground through a resistance for pulling down
Connect the PIN to 5V through a resistance for Pulling up

Слайд 423

Correct Circuit Diagram

Correct Circuit Diagram

Слайд 424

PIN Register

It is a 8 bit register . It corresponds to the

PIN Register It is a 8 bit register . It corresponds to
pin in same manner as that of DDR Register
It is used to read voltage at a pin
To be used only after the pin has been set as input by DDR register

Слайд 425

Using Pin Register

int a; // Define the variable a to store the value

Using Pin Register int a; // Define the variable a to store
of voltage a=PINA.0; // read value at pin A.0 (make sure it is input)
If (a==1) // if voltage is 5V
PORTA.1=1; // Light the LED
PORTA.1=0; // Turn off the LED

Слайд 426

Code in Action

Code in Action

Слайд 427

Microprocessor consists of only a Central Processing Unit, whereas Micro Controller contains

Microprocessor consists of only a Central Processing Unit, whereas Micro Controller contains
a CPU, Memory, I/O all integrated into one chip. The microprocessor is useful in Personal Computers whereas Micro Controller is useful in an embedded system. The microprocessor uses an external bus to interface to RAM, ROM, and other peripherals, on the other hand, Microcontroller uses an internal controlling bus. Microprocessors are based on Von Neumann model Microcontrollers are based on Harvard architecture The microprocessor is complicated and expensive, with a large number of instructions to process but Microcontroller is inexpensive and straightforward with fewer instructions to process.

1) What is a Microprocessor?
In simple words, The microprocessor is useful in very intensive processes. It only contains a CPU (central processing unit) but there are many other parts needed to work with the CPU to complete a process. These all other parts are connected externally.
Microprocessors are not made for a specific task as well as they are useful where tasks are complex and tricky like the development of software, games, and other applications that require high memory and where input and output are not defined.
Do you understand? I think a bit, but it's ok, let’s understand by some daily life examples
A) Household devices: Complex home security, Home computers, Video game systems and many more.
B) Transportation and Industrial Devices: Automobiles, trains, planes, Computer servers, high tech medical devices, etc.
Did you notice! All the above applications are complex and they need to process all complicated data.

2) What is Microcontroller?
The microcontroller is designed for a specific task or to perform the assigned task repeatedly. Once the program is embedded on a microcontroller chip, it can’t be altered easily and you may need some special tools to reburn it. As per application, the process is fixed in microcontroller. Hence, the output depends on the input given by the user or sensors or predefined inputs.
The applications easily connect with concepts, so let's find out day to day life examples
e.g. Calculator, Washing Machine, ATM machine, Robotic Arm, Camera, Microwave oven, Oscilloscope, Digital multimeter, ECG Machine, Printer so on and so forth.

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Applications of Microprocessors & Microcontrollers

Dana Utebayeva

Applications of Microprocessors & Microcontrollers Dana Utebayeva

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Best Processors of PCs and Laptops

Best Processors of PCs and Laptops

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Mobile Processor

The mobile processor is used in mobile computers and cell phones.

Mobile Processor The mobile processor is used in mobile computers and cell
The CPU IC is designed for laptop computers to run without a fan, with a power rating of less than 10-15W, which is cool enough without a fan.

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5 chips (in alphabetic order)especially designed for AI

AMD Radeon Instinct


Radeon Instinct is

5 chips (in alphabetic order)especially designed for AI AMD Radeon Instinct Usage
AMD’s brand of deep learning oriented GPUs. It replaced AMD’s FirePro S brand in 2016. Compared to the Radeon brand of mainstream consumer/gamer products, the Radeon Instinct branded products are intended to accelerate deep learning, artificial neural network, and high-performance computing/GPGPU applications.

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Apple A11 Bionic Neural Engine

The Apple A11 Bionic is a 64-bit ARM-based

Apple A11 Bionic Neural Engine The Apple A11 Bionic is a 64-bit
system on a chip (SoC), designed by Apple Inc. and manufactured by TSMC. It first appeared in the iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus, and iPhone X. The A11 includes dedicated neural network hardware that Apple calls a “Neural Engine”. This neural network hardware can perform up to 600 billion operations per second and is used for Face ID, Animoji and other machine learning tasks. The neural engine allows Apple to implement neural network and machine learning in a more energy-efficient manner than using either the main CPU or the GPU.

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Google Tensor Processing Unit

A tensor processing unit (TPU) is an application-specific integrated

Google Tensor Processing Unit A tensor processing unit (TPU) is an application-specific
circuit (ASIC) developed by Google specifically for machine learning. Compared to a graphics processing unit, it is designed for a high volume of low precision computation (e.g. as little as 8-bit precision) with higher IOPS per watt, and lacks hardware for rasterisation/texture mapping. The chip has been specifically designed for Google’s TensorFlow framework. However, Google still uses CPUs and GPUs for other types of machine learning. Other AI accelerator designs are appearing from other vendors also and are aimed at embedded and robotics markets.

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Huawei Kirin 970

Kirin 970 is powered by an 8-core CPU and a

Huawei Kirin 970 Kirin 970 is powered by an 8-core CPU and
new generation 12-core GPU. Built using a 10nm advanced process, the chipset packs 5.5 billion transistors into an area of only one cm². HUAWEI’s flagship Kirin 970 is HUAWEI’s first mobile AI computing platform featuring a dedicated Neural Processing Unit (NPU). Compared to a quad-core Cortex-A73 CPU cluster, the Kirin 970’s heterogeneous computing architecture delivers up to 25x the performance with 50x greater efficiency.

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IBM Power9

Recently launched by IBM, Power9 is a chip which has a

IBM Power9 Recently launched by IBM, Power9 is a chip which has
new systems architecture that is optimized for accelerators used in machine learning. Intel makes Xeon CPUs and Nervana accelerators and NVIDIA makes Tesla accelerators. IBM’s Power9 is literally the Swiss Army knife of ML acceleration as it supports an astronomical amount of IO and bandwidth, 10X of anything that’s out there today

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Intel Nervana

The Nervana ‘Neural Network Processor’ uses a parallel, clustered computing approach

Intel Nervana The Nervana ‘Neural Network Processor’ uses a parallel, clustered computing
and is built pretty much like a normal GPU. It has 32 GB of HBM2 memory dedicated in 4 different 8 GB HBM2 stacks, all of which is connected to 12 processing clusters which contain further cores (the exact count is unknown at this point). Total memory access speeds combine to a whopping 8 terabits per second.
Имя файла: Introduction-to-Digital-Systems.-Combinational-Circuits.-Digital-Integrated-Circuits.-Lecture-1.pptx
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