What’s new in InventorCAM 2015


Слайд 2


InventorCAM 2015

General InventorCAM 2015

Слайд 3

Templates: Default templates for 2.5D Mill operations

Default templates are set in

Templates: Default templates for 2.5D Mill operations Default templates are set in
InventorCAM settings ? when new operation is created these templates are used
Useful for example to have a default starting Tool

Слайд 4

Quick Start settings - Skip “New CAM-part” dialog

Options in SolidCAM settings

Quick Start settings - Skip “New CAM-part” dialog Options in SolidCAM settings
to skip the first New CAM-part dialog with default values
Enables the user to start directly adding operations in a new Part

Слайд 5

Feed units: mm/rev or mm/min by default

Define default feed type for

Feed units: mm/rev or mm/min by default Define default feed type for
new CAM-parts in InventorCAM settings

Слайд 6

CAM tree: Advanced sorting of operations

Possibility to sort operations in CAM-tree by

CAM tree: Advanced sorting of operations Possibility to sort operations in CAM-tree
tool number and tool properties (Diameter, Tool Type)

Слайд 7

CAM-tree: Show Tool Offset numbers

Show Tool Offset numbers in CAM-tree

CAM-tree: Show Tool Offset numbers Show Tool Offset numbers in CAM-tree

Слайд 8

Operations: Additional parameters to INFO dialog

Show Cutting depth information and Additional tool

Operations: Additional parameters to INFO dialog Show Cutting depth information and Additional
data in Info dialog

Слайд 9

Operations: Description of parameters in GUI

Description of user-defined parameters is now visible

Operations: Description of parameters in GUI Description of user-defined parameters is now visible inside the operation
inside the operation

Слайд 10

Generate G-code per operation

Generate separate file of G-code per each operation

Generate G-code per operation Generate separate file of G-code per each operation

Слайд 11

Use split name as G-code file name

Use name of Split as

Use split name as G-code file name Use name of Split as name of G-code file
name of G-code file

Слайд 12

Stock: Take target model dimensions by default

When Stock definition mode is set

Stock: Take target model dimensions by default When Stock definition mode is
to Absolute Coordinates – dimensions of Target model will be taken automatically

Слайд 13

High precision of box for CoordSys definition (facetting)

“ High precision“ for

High precision of box for CoordSys definition (facetting) “ High precision“ for
box (facetting) set to ON always during CoordSys definition

Слайд 14

Rotate model to isometric in CoordSys manager

Rotate model to isometric view when

Rotate model to isometric in CoordSys manager Rotate model to isometric view
clicking on CoordSys in CoordSys manager

Слайд 15

Defaults through Settings for Feed Link, Lead in, Lead out

Possibility to

Defaults through Settings for Feed Link, Lead in, Lead out Possibility to
define defaults through Settings for Feed Link, Lead In and Lead Out

Слайд 16

MCO: Faster action definition

Double click on the item in the „Action on...“

MCO: Faster action definition Double click on the item in the „Action
list automatically adds this item to the Process list.

Слайд 17

Machine ID: Change language of VMID

Possibility to show MachineID editor fields in

Machine ID: Change language of VMID Possibility to show MachineID editor fields
any language, independent from main installation language

Слайд 18


InventorCAM 2015

CoordSys InventorCAM 2015

Слайд 19

CoordSys: Always build box around target model

Create by default CoordSys envelope box

CoordSys: Always build box around target model Create by default CoordSys envelope
around the target
Useful for CoordSys Origin definition

Слайд 20

CoordSys: Changes in CoordSys dialog

Radial movement levels are now on the main

CoordSys: Changes in CoordSys dialog Radial movement levels are now on the
dialogue (instead of TAB)
Better noticed by user

Слайд 21

CoordSys: Associativity with Inventor Coordinate System

Support of associativity of a CAM CoordSys,

CoordSys: Associativity with Inventor Coordinate System Support of associativity of a CAM
that is built on a Inventor CoordSys

Слайд 22

Copying of CoordSys in transformation style: Matrix

Create copies of existing CoordSys in

Copying of CoordSys in transformation style: Matrix Create copies of existing CoordSys in Matrix style
Matrix style

Слайд 23

Copying of CoordSys in transformation style: Custom Axis

Create copies of existing CoordSys

Copying of CoordSys in transformation style: Custom Axis Create copies of existing CoordSys around user-defined axis
around user-defined axis

Слайд 24

Copying of CoordSys in transformation style: Combined transformation

Combine 2 styles of CoordSys

Copying of CoordSys in transformation style: Combined transformation Combine 2 styles of
User can use each style of transformation only once

Слайд 25

Select all operations of the same CoordSys

Fast selection of all operations defined

Select all operations of the same CoordSys Fast selection of all operations
in the Coordsys (MAC ) and it‘s positions

Слайд 26


InventorCAM 2015

Transformation InventorCAM 2015

Слайд 27

Transform: Matrix without original operation

Possibility to make Matrix witout original operation toolpath

Transform: Matrix without original operation Possibility to make Matrix witout original operation
for postponed transformed operations

Слайд 28

Transform: Matrix sorting options

Additional Sorting options in Matrix transformation

Transform: Matrix sorting options Additional Sorting options in Matrix transformation

Слайд 29

Transform: Marking of sorting types affected by optimization

If Optimization of operation loops

Transform: Marking of sorting types affected by optimization If Optimization of operation
is turned on in *.VMID, the sorting types which will be affected by optimization, are marked by green color

Слайд 30

Transform: Optimize Matrix Sorting in 4x transformation

If “optimize Matrix sorting“ is

Transform: Optimize Matrix Sorting in 4x transformation If “optimize Matrix sorting“ is
checked – movements between 4th axis positions are done to minimize tool movements

Слайд 31

Transform: Clearance radius for movements between 4th axis positions

Use Tool Z level

Transform: Clearance radius for movements between 4th axis positions Use Tool Z
from MACx-posN for movements between planes in Transformation around 4x

Слайд 32

Transform: Access to transform from operation

Possibility to open Transform dialog straight from

Transform: Access to transform from operation Possibility to open Transform dialog straight from the Operation dialog
the Operation dialog

Слайд 33

Transformation of operations from one CoordSys to another

Coordsys where operations should be

Transformation of operations from one CoordSys to another Coordsys where operations should
copied to , should contain only 1 position (other positions will be created automatically )
Useful for Tombstone operations as it enables the simple transfer of an operation to any Coordinate system, created on any face of the Tombstone.

Слайд 34


InventorCAM 2015

Tooltable InventorCAM 2015

Слайд 35

Tooltable: Changes in STL holders library

Combine Milling and Turning STL Holders

Tooltable: Changes in STL holders library Combine Milling and Turning STL Holders under one machine library
under one machine library

Слайд 36

Tooltable: Update operation feeds/spins according to tooltable

Possibilitiy to update feeds and spins

Tooltable: Update operation feeds/spins according to tooltable Possibilitiy to update feeds and
in operations according to changes in tooltable
Available from tooltable and from CAM-tree

Слайд 37

Tooltable: Permanent tool keeps it’s number during import

If tool is marked as

Tooltable: Permanent tool keeps it’s number during import If tool is marked
permanent – it will be imported without any change in any field

Слайд 38

Tooltable: Insert only – add Lead angle

Option to rotate insert, when working

Tooltable: Insert only – add Lead angle Option to rotate insert, when
in Insert only mode, by setting Insert Lead angle

Слайд 39


InventorCAM 2015

Geometry InventorCAM 2015

Слайд 40

Geometry: Filtering of Pocket Recognition faces by color

Select only faces of specified

Geometry: Filtering of Pocket Recognition faces by color Select only faces of
color in Pocket Recognition geometry

Слайд 41

Geometry: Automatic Curve propagaton with Tangent and Delta-Z

Creating chain geometries has been

Geometry: Automatic Curve propagaton with Tangent and Delta-Z Creating chain geometries has
made a lot easier - this option enables you to use a combination of Tangent and Delta Z to create Multi level Chains.

Слайд 42

Geometry: Selection of faces by color

Select only faces of specified color in

Geometry: Selection of faces by color Select only faces of specified color
HSS and 5x geometries

Слайд 43

Pocket geometry: Option to add Offset

Option to add offset to geometry of

Pocket geometry: Option to add Offset Option to add offset to geometry
Pocket operation
Enable user to handle tolerances, without defining new geometry

Слайд 44

Slot geometry: Option to add Offset

Option to add offset to geometry of

Slot geometry: Option to add Offset Option to add offset to geometry
Slot operation
Enable user to handle tolerances, without defining new geometry

Слайд 45

Drill geometry: Modify option

X and Y shiftings available per hole for Drilling

Drill geometry: Modify option X and Y shiftings available per hole for Drilling geometry

Слайд 46

2D Geometry: Changes in wrapped geometry definition

User Interface changes in Wrapped geometry

2D Geometry: Changes in wrapped geometry definition User Interface changes in Wrapped geometry definition

Слайд 47

2D Geometry: Reverse geometry by F5 button

Easy way to reverse geometry –

2D Geometry: Reverse geometry by F5 button Easy way to reverse geometry
press F5 button on keyboard

Слайд 48

2.5D Mill

InventorCAM 2015

2.5D Mill InventorCAM 2015

Слайд 49

Face milling: Vertical ramping option

New option “Vertical“ for Ramping options in Face

Face milling: Vertical ramping option New option “Vertical“ for Ramping options in Face milling operation
milling operation

Слайд 50

Face milling: Cutting direction optimization

For long geometries that require one way face

Face milling: Cutting direction optimization For long geometries that require one way
milling – there is option to skip long non-cutting tool moves

Слайд 51

Face milling: Shifting from center

Shift the single cutting pass by applying %

Face milling: Shifting from center Shift the single cutting pass by applying % of tool diameter
of tool diameter

Слайд 52

2.5D Mill: Mark by icon changes of geometry offsets

If in an

2.5D Mill: Mark by icon changes of geometry offsets If in an
operation, modification of geometry was applied – an icon indicating a change occured appears near Geometry button.

Слайд 53

Profile: Helical movement improvement

Different start positions: From top to bottom, From

Profile: Helical movement improvement Different start positions: From top to bottom, From
bottom to top
Optional flat circular movement at the bottom of helical cut

Слайд 54

Profile: Lead in/out on each pass of Clear offset

Use lead in/out on

Profile: Lead in/out on each pass of Clear offset Use lead in/out
each cut of Clear offset strategy

Слайд 55

Pocket: Variable depth

Define depth of pocket per chain => possibility to machine

Pocket: Variable depth Define depth of pocket per chain => possibility to
pockets with same start level but different depths, in same operation

Слайд 56

Pocket: Several wall finish passes

Several finish passes at the same place in

Pocket: Several wall finish passes Several finish passes at the same place in Pocket operation
Pocket operation

Слайд 57


InventorCAM 2015

Toolbox InventorCAM 2015

Слайд 58

Toolbox: Angled cylinder

Machining of angled cylinder
Minimizing air cuts

Toolbox: Angled cylinder Machining of angled cylinder Minimizing air cuts

Слайд 59

Toolbox: Saw machining

Special strategy for wood cutting

Toolbox: Saw machining Special strategy for wood cutting

Слайд 60

Toolbox: Rib face milling

Cleaning of rib faces

Toolbox: Rib face milling Cleaning of rib faces

Слайд 61

Toolbox: Roll into closed slot

Constant tool loading, when entering a closed slot

Toolbox: Roll into closed slot Constant tool loading, when entering a closed slot

Слайд 62

Toolbox: Roll into open slot

Constant tool loading when entering an open slot

Toolbox: Roll into open slot Constant tool loading when entering an open slot

Слайд 63

Toolbox: Thin wall machining

Special strategy for 2.5D thin wall machining

Toolbox: Thin wall machining Special strategy for 2.5D thin wall machining

Слайд 64

InventorCAM 2015

Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining (AFRM)

InventorCAM 2015 Automatic Feature Recognition and Machining (AFRM)

Слайд 65

AFRM: Chamfer recognition and machining

Automatic recognition and machining of edges where it

AFRM: Chamfer recognition and machining Automatic recognition and machining of edges where
is possible to apply chamfer

Слайд 66

AFRM: Chamfer recognition and machining

The Automatic recognition of edges is smart and avoids

AFRM: Chamfer recognition and machining The Automatic recognition of edges is smart
gouging the walls

Слайд 67

Automatic Hole Recognition and Machining (AHRM)

InventorCAM 2015

Automatic Hole Recognition and Machining (AHRM) InventorCAM 2015

Слайд 68

AHRM Review

InventorCAM’s AHRM module is designed to automatically:
Classify Shapes and Groups of

AHRM Review InventorCAM’s AHRM module is designed to automatically: Classify Shapes and
Convert to Machinable Features
Select and/or Create All Required Tools
Build Machining Technologies
Generate Machining Operations
Support all Work Position Orientations

Слайд 69

AHRM review – Process steps

Step 1: Recognize Holes (Shapes & Groups)

Step 2:

AHRM review – Process steps Step 1: Recognize Holes (Shapes & Groups)
Convert Holes to Machinable Segments

Step 4: Choose Technological Solution for Machinable Segments

Step 5: Generate all Machining Operations

Step 3: Distribute Machinable Segments to Feature Sets

Слайд 70

AHRM review - Step 1: Recognize Holes

Step 1: Recognize Holes

AHRM review - Step 1: Recognize Holes Step 1: Recognize Holes (Shapes & Groups)
& Groups)

Слайд 71

AHRM review - Step 2: Machinable segments

Step 2: Convert Holes to Machinable

AHRM review - Step 2: Machinable segments Step 2: Convert Holes to

The Machinable Hole Feature consists of one or more Machinable Hole Feature segments that can be machined in one operation with the same tool.

Слайд 72

AHRM review - Step 3: Feature Sets

Step 3: Distribute Machinable segments to

AHRM review - Step 3: Feature Sets Step 3: Distribute Machinable segments
Feature sets

Feature Set is a number of Machinable segments that will be machined within the same setup using one Coordinate System.

Слайд 73

AHRM review - Step 4: Technology Database Solution

Step 4: Choose technological solution

AHRM review - Step 4: Technology Database Solution Step 4: Choose technological
for Machinable Segments from Technology Data base

Слайд 74

AHRM review - Step 5: Machining Operations

Step 5: Generate all machining operations

AHRM review - Step 5: Machining Operations Step 5: Generate all machining operations

Слайд 75

AHRM New: Limitless number of DataBase configurations

The user can:
Define as many

AHRM New: Limitless number of DataBase configurations The user can: Define as
DataBases as he wants
Select any of them for the process
Edit the “Part DataBase ” Independently
Save active DataBase As a NEW one

Слайд 76

AHRM New: Machinable feature parameters (mf_xxx)

Parameters of machinable features are now available

AHRM New: Machinable feature parameters (mf_xxx) Parameters of machinable features are now
with prefix “mf_”, describing all needed dimensions of a machinable feature (which is not always equal to the hole segment)

Слайд 77

AHRM New: Conditional Logic Support

Apply different values to parameters, according to user-defined

AHRM New: Conditional Logic Support Apply different values to parameters, according to
condition in the Machining Process of the AHRM (e.g. Enables Spot drills to be chosen according to hole size)

Слайд 78

iMachining 2D & 3D


iMachining 2D & 3D InventorCAM2015

Слайд 79

Parallel calculation in iMachining

Speeding up iMachining calculation by using multi cores &

Parallel calculation in iMachining Speeding up iMachining calculation by using multi cores
multi threading for parallel calculation

Слайд 80

iDatabase Material: Machinability factor

Increase/Decrease Cutting Conditions, based on Machinability of specific material

iDatabase Material: Machinability factor Increase/Decrease Cutting Conditions, based on Machinability of specific material

Слайд 81

iMachining: Constant chip thickness control for arcs

Controls the feed correction for arcs

iMachining: Constant chip thickness control for arcs Controls the feed correction for

Value of 0 means no feed rate correction, resulting in faster cutting and higher tool wear
Value of 100 means complete correction, slower cutting but less tool wear

Слайд 82

iMachining 3D: Constant Step up

iMachining 3D option: Constant Set up (as

iMachining 3D: Constant Step up iMachining 3D option: Constant Set up (as alternative to Scallop)
alternative to Scallop)

Слайд 83

iMachining 3D: Prismatic parts machining technology

iMachining 3D technology for Prismatic Part

iMachining 3D: Prismatic parts machining technology iMachining 3D technology for Prismatic Part
Machining with automatic scallop calculation

Слайд 84

iMachining 3D: Floor offset

Enables you to define a Floor offset that is

iMachining 3D: Floor offset Enables you to define a Floor offset that
separate from the Wall offset

Слайд 85

Show Cutting angle in simulation of iMachining

Showing the cutting angle in iMachining

Show Cutting angle in simulation of iMachining Showing the cutting angle in iMachining simulation

Слайд 86

3D Milling

InventorCAM 2015

3D Milling InventorCAM 2015

Слайд 87

3D Milling: Reposition options

2 options of tool reposition:
By Rapid move through

3D Milling: Reposition options 2 options of tool reposition: By Rapid move
clearance plane
By Feed move through saftey distance from the surface

Слайд 88


InventorCAM 2015

HSR/HSM InventorCAM 2015

Слайд 89

HSR/HSM: Major Speeding up of updated stock calculation

Choose in Settings option of

HSR/HSM: Major Speeding up of updated stock calculation Choose in Settings option
speeding up Updated stock calculation, if all previous operations are HSR/HSM
Saving on average 40% in updated stock calculation time

Слайд 90

HSR/HSM: Selection of non-calculated operations for updated stock

Even if previous operations are

HSR/HSM: Selection of non-calculated operations for updated stock Even if previous operations
not calculated , it‘s possibe to select them for further updated stock calculation in HSR Rest Roughing

Слайд 91

HSR/HSM: Use updated Stock for linking

Links the passes using dynamic stock(updated stock),

HSR/HSM: Use updated Stock for linking Links the passes using dynamic stock(updated
instead of static stock (the initial stock), resulting in a very efficient toolpath

Слайд 92

HSM: Ramping options added to Constant-Z machining

Ramping options, added to HSM Constant

HSM: Ramping options added to Constant-Z machining Ramping options, added to HSM
Z machining, similar to HSR operations, are useful to increase tool life, when finishing is done immediately after roughing

Слайд 93

HSR/HSM: Link by area added to HM Roughing

Pockets are machined independently, but

HSR/HSM: Link by area added to HM Roughing Pockets are machined independently,
within a pocket, strict Z level ordering is enforced

Слайд 94

Sim 5X Milling & HSS

InventorCAM 2015

Sim 5X Milling & HSS InventorCAM 2015

Слайд 95

New Feed Control tab added.
Feed Control enables the user to

New Feed Control tab added. Feed Control enables the user to reduce/
reduce/ increase cutting feed inside & outside defined volumes.

Feed Control

Слайд 96

Surface quality tab: New option of Synchronize points added.
Option is

Surface quality tab: New option of Synchronize points added. Option is available
available when the Distance check box is ON.

Toolpath parameters: Synchronize points

The Synchronize points option enables you to equalize the spacing and number of points on all contours, thus getting better surface quality

Without Synchronization

With Synchronization

Слайд 97

Sim 5x: Advanced mode button

Only most used options are open in the

Sim 5x: Advanced mode button Only most used options are open in
standard interface, making it easier for customers
Advanced button opens additional control options, needed by advanced users

Слайд 98

In Tool axis direction/Tilted through lines: New option of Always closest

In Tool axis direction/Tilted through lines: New option of Always closest to
to surface is added in the Use tilt through.

Sim5X - Tool axis control: Always closest to surface

This option enables you to tilt the tool as defined in the Tilt lines section, maintaining always the tool at closest distance to the surface, avoiding sudden tilting
This option maintains the tilt by using the tilt lines that are at the closest distance to the surface.

Слайд 99

In Tool axis direction: New option of Tilted relative to contact

In Tool axis direction: New option of Tilted relative to contact point
point is added.

Sim5X - Tool axis control: Tilted relative to contact point

This option is similar to “Tilted Relative to Cutting Direction”, however in this option instead of cutting direction, the tool tilting will be relative to the contact point of the tool with the surface.

Слайд 100

New Multiaxis Roughing operation is added for Roughing of parts, that need

New Multiaxis Roughing operation is added for Roughing of parts, that need
multiple setup if done in 3X.

New operation: Multiaxis Roughing

Слайд 101

New operation: MultiAxis Roughing
This operation creates a multiaxis tool path that can

New operation: MultiAxis Roughing This operation creates a multiaxis tool path that
be used to rough out pocket shaped geometries in full 5 Axis.
The user has to specify the floor, wall and ceiling surfaces and the system automatically creates the roughing tool path.
Adaptive roughing feature also available.

Слайд 102

Contour 5x machining: Enforce cutting direction

Direction is set according to direction of

Contour 5x machining: Enforce cutting direction Direction is set according to direction
machining, ignoring the selected chain direction

Слайд 103

Contour 5x Machining: Tilt away from line

Tilt away from line defines the

Contour 5x Machining: Tilt away from line Tilt away from line defines
side tilt of the tool relative to the contour

Слайд 104

Multiblade Machining: Machine angle limits – Min & Max

Machine angle limit is

Multiblade Machining: Machine angle limits – Min & Max Machine angle limit
now controlled by two parameters: minimum and maximum angle, rather than by only one limit angle in older versions, giving much better control of angles in CNC machines that have less swivel

Слайд 105

Multiblade Machining: Entry & Exit Safety distance

Safety distance is divided into two

Multiblade Machining: Entry & Exit Safety distance Safety distance is divided into
fields: Entry & Exit safety distance, providing better control

Слайд 106

Multiblade Machining: Additional Clearance type - Conical

A new Tool Clearance type, Conical,

Multiblade Machining: Additional Clearance type - Conical A new Tool Clearance type,
is added to enable cutting more material and working deeper, while avoiding gouging

Слайд 107

Levels page: New Levels section is added to enable entry and

Levels page: New Levels section is added to enable entry and exit
exit safety distance.

Multiblade Machining: Levels section

Слайд 108

Tool axis control page: Limits section has enhancements.

Multiblade Machining: Tool Axis

Tool axis control page: Limits section has enhancements. Multiblade Machining: Tool Axis Control Limits
Control Limits

Слайд 109

Multiblade Machining: Plunge arc for link between slices or layers

Option to

Multiblade Machining: Plunge arc for link between slices or layers Option to
use a plunge arc, while performing link between slices or layers, in order to provide gradual entry into the material
Enables you to specify the diameter of the approach & retreat arc, using the ratio of the Arc diameter to the Tool diameter

Слайд 110

Tool path parameters page/Technology/ Options of Rest material, First slice, and

Tool path parameters page/Technology/ Options of Rest material, First slice, and Area
Area are available only when the Advanced check box is selected.

Multiblade Machining: GUI Improvements

Слайд 111

Roughing and More is renamed as Stock and Transformation.

Multiblade Machining: GUI

Roughing and More is renamed as Stock and Transformation. Multiblade Machining: GUI Improvements

Слайд 112

Port Machining: Additional Clearance type - Conical

A new Tool Clearance type,

Port Machining: Additional Clearance type - Conical A new Tool Clearance type,
Conical, is added to enable cutting more material and working deeper, while avoiding gouging

Слайд 113

Port Machining: Tool axis control page

Tool axis control page added in

Port Machining: Tool axis control page Tool axis control page added in
order to provide smoother tool tilting during cutting

Слайд 114

Tool axis control: Minimize tilting is added.

Port Machining: Tool Axis Control

Tool axis control: Minimize tilting is added. Port Machining: Tool Axis Control
- Minimize Tilting

This option improves tool tilting by minimizing angle changes and keeping machine tilt motions to minimum.

Слайд 115

SWARF Machining: Surface normal defines machining side

Side of machining is determined according

SWARF Machining: Surface normal defines machining side Side of machining is determined
to the surface normal, simplifying the determination of the machining side when machining multiple surfaces

Слайд 116

SWARF Machining: New Avoid gouge strategy and new Layout for gouge page


SWARF Machining: New Avoid gouge strategy and new Layout for gouge page
Avoid Gouge strategy, Avoid by Retracting, enables the user to avoid obstacles by retracting the tool.
New simplified layout for gouge page.

Слайд 117

SWARF Machining: Feed control

More flexible control over cutting and retract speeds
Possibility to

SWARF Machining: Feed control More flexible control over cutting and retract speeds
replace Rapid movements by G1 moves

Слайд 118

SWARF Machining: Adding extensions to toolpath

New option to add extensions to the

SWARF Machining: Adding extensions to toolpath New option to add extensions to
tool path, to avoid direct entry into the material, thereby increasing tool life

Слайд 119

SWARF Machining: Degouging strategy

New options to avoid gouges with drive surface

Degouge option

SWARF Machining: Degouging strategy New options to avoid gouges with drive surface Degouge option

Слайд 120

SWARF Machining: Rotate & Translate

Rotate & Translate option is available for SWARF

SWARF Machining: Rotate & Translate Rotate & Translate option is available for SWARF operation also
operation also

Слайд 121

SWARF/MultiBlade/Port/MultiAxis Roughing: Custom triangulation

Provide more control over surface triangulation
Custom triangulation check

SWARF/MultiBlade/Port/MultiAxis Roughing: Custom triangulation Provide more control over surface triangulation Custom triangulation
box = OFF, SolidCAM uses the native CAD triangulation method.
Custom triangulation check box = ON, 5-Axis triangulation method is used to define the Triangulation tolerance and Max. edge length.

Слайд 122

Multiaxis Drilling: retract tool along tool axis

Avoid collisions by preventing sudden tool

Multiaxis Drilling: retract tool along tool axis Avoid collisions by preventing sudden tool „jumps“

Слайд 123

The Multiaxis Drilling Technology page has a new option: Use cycle.


The Multiaxis Drilling Technology page has a new option: Use cycle. Multiaxis
Drilling: Use Cycle option

When this check box is ON, the generated G-code uses canned drill cycles, if CNC machine enables it.
If this check box is OFF, the output is in the form of linear movements.

Слайд 124

New Technology of Autotilt is added.

Convert HSM to Sim 5-Axis Milling:

New Technology of Autotilt is added. Convert HSM to Sim 5-Axis Milling:

This option enables the conversion of a 3-axis input tool path into a full automatic collision-checked 5-axis tool path.
The main aim is to take the 3-axis tool path and use it with a much shorter tool.
The automatic tilting now does compensate the holder with the geometry and tilts it away.

Слайд 125

Tool axis control page has new options when Autotilt is selected

Tool axis control page has new options when Autotilt is selected as
as Technology.

Convert HSM to Sim 5-Axis Milling: Autotilt

Слайд 126

Source operation page has the new option of Workpiece clearance.

Convert HSM

Source operation page has the new option of Workpiece clearance. Convert HSM
to Sim 5-Axis Milling: Autotilt - Workpiece Clearance

The Workpiece clearance option enables you to set a value by which the tool clears the workpiece when moving between two positions.
Note: This option is available only with the Autotilt technology.

Слайд 127

Stock definition: New option of Trim only full contours is added.


Stock definition: New option of Trim only full contours is added. Roughing
and More Page: Trim only full contours

Enables you to keep the cuts that are partially within the stock and remove the cuts which are completely outside the stock - enabling much smoother cuts and less jumps.

Слайд 128

2D Boundary curves content is placed inside Geometry page.

GUI Changes -

2D Boundary curves content is placed inside Geometry page. GUI Changes - Geometry Page
Geometry Page

Слайд 129

Parameters divided into two tabs: Regular (most used) and Advanced.


Parameters divided into two tabs: Regular (most used) and Advanced. GUI Changes - Levels Page
Changes - Levels Page

Слайд 130

New Modify tab is added.
Round corners, Extend/Trim, and Angle range

New Modify tab is added. Round corners, Extend/Trim, and Angle range moved
moved to this page from Geometry page since they are related to toolpath.
Modify tab is available only when the Advanced check box is ON.

GUI Changes - Toolpath parameters Page

Слайд 131

Strategy: Retract along tool axis/ Advanced: New option of Smooth retracts

Strategy: Retract along tool axis/ Advanced: New option of Smooth retracts is
is added.

Gouge check Page: Smooth Retracts

The Smooth retracts check box enables you to smooth the transition from the collision free area to the tool retraction area by avoiding sudden axis jumps.
The Smooth distance field determines the start distance of the smoothing to the collision area.

Слайд 132

The Gouge check strategies are logically named

Gouge check Page: Renaming of

The Gouge check strategies are logically named Gouge check Page: Renaming of strategies

Слайд 133

Remaining collisions section is updated – one option removed.

Gouge check Clearance

Remaining collisions section is updated – one option removed. Gouge check Clearance data Page
data Page

Слайд 134


InventorCAM 2015

Turning InventorCAM 2015

Слайд 135

Turning: Torochoidal Turning operation

iMachining-style torochoidal moves of round grooving tool in turning

Turning: Torochoidal Turning operation iMachining-style torochoidal moves of round grooving tool in turning

Слайд 136

Turning: Use all milling tools in turning drilling

Possibility to use Milling tools

Turning: Use all milling tools in turning drilling Possibility to use Milling
in Turning Drilling operation

Слайд 137

Turning: Offset types in face turning

Output offset value in Face turning cycle


Turning: Offset types in face turning Output offset value in Face turning
==> work_type:rough semi_finish:false finish:false
..> label:5002 start_line:10 end_line:12
..> process_type:face turning_mode:external
..> is_line:false num_points:0
..> rough_offset_x:0.000 rough_offset_z:0.200
..> semi_offset_x:0.000 semi_offset_z:0.000
..> first_pos_x:26.600 first_pos_z:0.000
..> last_pos_x:5.600 last_pos_z:0.000
..> down_step:1.000 safety:2.000
..> retreat_distance:0.200

Слайд 138

Turning: Negative X output

Possibility to get (-X) cutting toolpath with start/end points

Turning: Negative X output Possibility to get (-X) cutting toolpath with start/end points in (+X)
in (+X)

Слайд 139

Turning: Non-descending motion on face surfaces also

Option to avoid penetration to slots

Turning: Non-descending motion on face surfaces also Option to avoid penetration to
on face surfaces also

Слайд 140

Turning: Auto Lead in/out cancelled

In previous versions, an additional movement before

Turning: Auto Lead in/out cancelled In previous versions, an additional movement before
Lead in/out was added automatically. In this version they are not added; user defines lead-in and lead-out



Слайд 141

Turning: Lead in/out Used in rough turning also

In previous versions, we

Turning: Lead in/out Used in rough turning also In previous versions, we
had only an automatic lead in/out for roughing
Now the automatic lead in/out is cancelled and manual lead in/out, if defined,will be applied to Rough toolpath also

without Lead in

without Lead in

with Lead in

Слайд 142

Turning: Split long lines of turning toolpath

Split long lines of turning toolpath

Turning: Split long lines of turning toolpath Split long lines of turning
to short lines, according to the distance defined

Слайд 143


InventorCAM 2015

Mill-Turn InventorCAM 2015

Слайд 144

Machine ID: Machine orientation

World CoordSys is always with Z vertically UP
Machine orientation

Machine ID: Machine orientation World CoordSys is always with Z vertically UP
(vertical, horizontal) is defined in World CoordSys

Z- Blue, X- Red

Слайд 145

Turret: New style of station creation in VMID

Easy way to create multiple

Turret: New style of station creation in VMID Easy way to create multiple stations in VMID
stations in VMID

Слайд 146

MCO: Calculate all related operations when MCO changes

Automatic calculation of changed MCO‘s

MCO: Calculate all related operations when MCO changes Automatic calculation of changed MCO‘s related operations
related operations

Слайд 147

MCO: Move Part by turret or any other device

Possibility to move the

MCO: Move Part by turret or any other device Possibility to move
CAM-part from Table to Table by turret or any other device

Слайд 148

Tooltable: new mounting interface

New tool mounting interface – based on station and

Tooltable: new mounting interface New tool mounting interface – based on station
device CoordSys
Shown as it actually looks in CNC Machine

Слайд 149

Tooltable: Show station name

Show station name in the List of stations in

Tooltable: Show station name Show station name in the List of stations in Tooltable

Слайд 150

Update material boundary (for mill-turn)

Take into account HSR/HSM operations when updating stock

Update material boundary (for mill-turn) Take into account HSR/HSM operations when updating
for further turning operations

Слайд 151

Definition of Cross Control

By default – cross control is always turned on

Definition of Cross Control By default – cross control is always turned
allows to cancel Cross Control (access to devices from opposite channel), if it is not supported by the machine.

Cross control: yes
All devices are available in MCO

Cross control:no
Devices in MCO are filtered by channels

Слайд 152

Channels definition in VMID

Custom channels definition
Definition of channels by sub-machines, not

Channels definition in VMID Custom channels definition Definition of channels by sub-machines,
Enables synchronisation process between tables (Swiss Type lathes)

Слайд 153

Full support of Mazak Mill Turn machines

Opposite spindle
Rotary turret
Simultaneous 5 axes
Balanced turning

Full support of Mazak Mill Turn machines Opposite spindle Rotary turret Simultaneous
Additional devices

Слайд 154

Full support of Fanuc Mill Turn machines

Opposite spindle
Rotary turret with milling functionality

Full support of Fanuc Mill Turn machines Opposite spindle Rotary turret with
5 axes
Balanced turning
Part transfer
Additional devices

Слайд 155

Support of machines with combined turrets

Opposite spindle
Rotary turret as B-axis
Linear turrets
Simultaneous 5

Support of machines with combined turrets Opposite spindle Rotary turret as B-axis
Part transfer
Combined turrets

Слайд 156

Support of Multi-station Combined-turrets Mill-Turn machines

Two spindles, Each turret is a combined

Support of Multi-station Combined-turrets Mill-Turn machines Two spindles, Each turret is a
turret (Rotary type and Linear type)
Channel synchronization by tables

Quicktech Ultimate I42

Слайд 157

Support of Willemin-style Mill-Turn machines

Willemin-style: Two spindles, B-axis, Additional devices (Clamps and

Support of Willemin-style Mill-Turn machines Willemin-style: Two spindles, B-axis, Additional devices (Clamps
tail Stock)
Additional devices support by MCO, with full machine simulation

Willemin 508 MT

Cutting Video 1

Cutting Video2

Слайд 158

Support of Chiron-style Mill-Turn machines

Chiron-style: Main spindle, Rotary Turret, B-axis, Tilting of

Support of Chiron-style Mill-Turn machines Chiron-style: Main spindle, Rotary Turret, B-axis, Tilting
back spindle
Full support of MCO operations with full machine simulation
Working with Synchronization (Multi-Channel)

Chiron FZ 12 MT

Слайд 159

Support of Index-style Mill-Turn machines

Index-style: Two spindles, Each turret is a combined

Support of Index-style Mill-Turn machines Index-style: Two spindles, Each turret is a
turret (B-axis type and Linear type)
Full support of MCO operations, with full machine simulation
Programming by Channels (not by Turrets)

Index R200

Слайд 160



Simulation InventorCAM2015

Слайд 161

Simulation: Show STL holders in simulation

Show STL holders in simulation and in

Simulation: Show STL holders in simulation Show STL holders in simulation and in gouge checking
gouge checking

Слайд 162

Simulation: Show current CoordSys in SolidVerify simulation

Show current CoordSys in SolidVerify simulation

Simulation: Show current CoordSys in SolidVerify simulation Show current CoordSys in SolidVerify
for Shop Floor Editor, where SolidCAM runs standalone.

Слайд 163

Tool Libraries integrations

InventorCAM 2015

Tool Libraries integrations InventorCAM 2015

Слайд 164

Tool Libraries

Online / Offline Databases from Tool Manufacturer
Offering 2D/3D CAD Models with

Tool Libraries Online / Offline Databases from Tool Manufacturer Offering 2D/3D CAD
exact Tool Dimensions
.. and recommended Cutting Conditions for their Tools




Слайд 165

ISCAR Tool Advisor (ITA)

Online Catalog with assistance to guide users to the

ISCAR Tool Advisor (ITA) Online Catalog with assistance to guide users to the best ISCAR Tools
best ISCAR Tools

Слайд 166

Integration with ISCAR Tool Advisor (ITA)

At the Import Option of the Tool

Integration with ISCAR Tool Advisor (ITA) At the Import Option of the
Table, select ISCAR Tool Advisor to launch it


Слайд 167


Carmex is specialized in the Production of Threading Tools for Turning and

Carmex Carmex is specialized in the Production of Threading Tools for Turning and Milling http://www.carmex.com


Слайд 168

Integration with Carmex Tool Library

( Carmex software should be installed )

Integration at

Integration with Carmex Tool Library ( Carmex software should be installed )
the Tool Type Thread Mill in the Table of Pitch / Standard
Select Carmex from the List - Carmex Tool Recommendation Software starts

Слайд 169


Vardex is a Product Line from Vargus for Threading Tools


Vardex Vardex is a Product Line from Vargus for Threading Tools http://www.vargus.de/

Слайд 170

Integration with Vardex Tool Library

( Vardex software should be installed )


Integration with Vardex Tool Library ( Vardex software should be installed )
at the Tool Type Thread Mill in the Table of Pitch / Standard
Select Vardex from the List - The Vardex TM Assistant starts

Слайд 171

Tool Management Softwares Integration

InventorCAM 2015

Tool Management Softwares Integration InventorCAM 2015

Слайд 172

Tool Data Management Softwares

Software to manage the overall information of Tools



Tool Data Management Softwares Software to manage the overall information of Tools WinTool TDM

Слайд 173

Tool Data Management (TDM) Software

Cutting Conditions

2D / 3D CAD Model

Production Information

Tool Presetting

Tool Data Management (TDM) Software Cutting Conditions 2D / 3D CAD Model Production Information Tool Presetting

Слайд 174

Workflow using TDM Software

e.g. downloaded 2D/3D CAD Models

Tool with Holder imported

Workflow using TDM Software e.g. downloaded 2D/3D CAD Models Tool with Holder
from TDM Software

Build a Tool as a combination of different CAD Models and Information

Слайд 175

TDM Version 4.6


TDM Version 4.6 http://youtu.be/A3a-jyhMmUY

Слайд 176

Management of Tools and Manufacturing Data in TDM

Users collect the models form

Management of Tools and Manufacturing Data in TDM Users collect the models
online Recourses and build the Assembly of the whole Tool inside TDM
TDM generates automatically ready to use Data for the InventorCAM Tool Table

Слайд 177

Integration with TDM

(TDM should be installed at the Client / Server)

Tool Import

Integration with TDM (TDM should be installed at the Client / Server)
filtering dialog

At the InventorCAM Import Option of Tool table, select TDM – tool import filtering dialog opens

Слайд 178

WinTool Professional 2012

For more nformation click to the Logo

WinTool - Software for

WinTool Professional 2012 For more nformation click to the Logo WinTool -
Tool Data Management

Слайд 179

Management of Tools and Manufacturing Data

Users collect the Models form Online Recourses

Management of Tools and Manufacturing Data Users collect the Models form Online
and build the Assembly of the whole Tool inside WinTool
WinTool generates ready to use Tool Data to import to InventorCAM ToolTable
Имя файла: What’s-new-in-InventorCAM-2015.pptx
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