Слайд 2Pros
1. Immunizations save lives
One of the most important reasons to get vaccinated

is, it ultimately saves lives. Modern immunizations can help protect children from a wide variety of diseases that could potentially be fatal.
Слайд 3Pros
2. Immunizations protect others around you too
One of the most important

things about vaccinations is the fact that it helps protect you and others from dangerous diseases. While some have been eliminated, thanks to vaccinations, there are still many diseases doing the rounds in the population.
Слайд 4Pros
3. Immunizations save time and money
Practically speaking, vaccinations can save you

in lost time and money over the long run. For example, non-immunized children can be denied attendance at schools.
Слайд 5Pros
4. Immunizations protect future generations too
As previously mentioned, vaccinations have helped

rid the world of some very serious debilitating diseases. Smallpox, for example, has now been eradicated worldwide meaning current and future generations will never have to suffer from it
Слайд 6Pros
5. The old and young are the most at risk from disease-preventable

Not to labor the point, but the very young and very old are the most at risk from contracting vaccine-preventable diseases. Their immune systems simply cannot cope with these diseases that are leading to potentially devastating outcomes.
Слайд 7Pros
6. Vaccines form an important part of your overall health
Finally, you should

think of vaccines as an important part of your overall health. They are as important as a good diet and getting enough exercise for your body.
Слайд 8Сons
Post-vaccination reactions (the term "predictable events" is used abroad) - malaise,

low-grade fever for no more than 1-2 days, and so on - develop in 1-15% of vaccinated people and do not threaten human health
Слайд 9Сons
Complications, mainly due to non-compliance with contraindications, requirements for the quality

of the drug or vaccination technique
Слайд 10Сons
Some vaccines are expensive and are not included in the vaccination

schedule (influenza, pneumococcal infection, etc.)
Слайд 11Сons
Individual intolerance or allergic reactions to vaccine components - aluminum hydroxide,

mercury, formalin