The studying an influence of external endometriosis through the histological preparations which are processed by dinitrosyl

Слайд 3

Relevance of the problem

Represents the interest of studying about the effect of

Relevance of the problem Represents the interest of studying about the effect
dinitrosyl iron complexes on fast-growing, hormone-dependent tissue in vivo.
As a model of such tissue, the pathological process of endometriosis was chosen.
Endometriosis can rightfully be considered an epidemic of the 21st century that has engulfed all strata of the female population. Endometriosis affects approximately 10-15% of women of childbearing age, 30-50% of which are infertile. This determines the high social significance of this disease

The essence of endometriosis


Слайд 4

The essence of endometriosis

Endometriosis is a chronic disease of a complex etiology,

The essence of endometriosis Endometriosis is a chronic disease of a complex
it consists in a massive proliferation of foci of tissue similar to a normal endometrium, beyond the normal localization - including outside the abdominal cavity.

Endometriosis tissue

Without endometriosis

Слайд 5


The effect of estrogens on thyroid function
The close connection of the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian

Etiology The effect of estrogens on thyroid function The close connection of
and hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid systems
Activation of vascular endothelial growth factors
excess formation of free radical
Defects in the protein portion of the transferrin
Blocked capillary circulation

Слайд 6

To study the influence of external endometriosis in rats with an assessment

To study the influence of external endometriosis in rats with an assessment
of the possibility of using exogenous dinitrosyl complexes (DIC)

The aim of the work

Слайд 7

Scientific novelty

For the first time endogenous protein DIC was found in the

Scientific novelty For the first time endogenous protein DIC was found in
contents of the endometriotic focus and in the liver, which indicates the excessive presence of nitric oxide and free iron (II). The latter contributes to the enhanced production of highly active free radicals in inflammation.
It was shown that low-molecular-weight DIC cause regression of endometriotic foci. This effect is more pronounced in the early stage of the formation of endometriotic foci.

Слайд 8

для спикинга

Обзор состоит из трех подразделов. В первом приводятся данные литературы о

для спикинга Обзор состоит из трех подразделов. В первом приводятся данные литературы
сущности эндометриоза, клинических особенностях, этиологии. Во втором описываются свойства гормона ингибина и связанные с ним сигнальные механизмы в живых клетках. В третьем рассматриваются свойства монооксида азота NO, его роль в метаболизме и регуляции живых клеток, а также структура и роль его комплексов с железом.
В тексте диссертации приведены сформированные автором на основе современных литературных данных две схемы воздействия на вышеупомянутую систему сигнальных путей, отвечающих на воздействие ингибина (рисунок 7), а также универсальной сигнальной молекулы — оксида азота.

Слайд 9

The main content of the project

Effects on the course of experimental endometriosis

The main content of the project Effects on the course of experimental
of DIC with glutathione and inhibin hormone.

When histological examination in control samples, inflammation is observed: filling of the lumen with detritus, neutrophil infiltration; and tissue degeneration - the focus is surrounded by a fibrous pseudocapsule

a - control
Staining with hematoxylin and eosin, a - x40

Слайд 10

In the part of the prototypes, there is a lack of endometriosis

In the part of the prototypes, there is a lack of endometriosis
glands, their replacement with fibrous tissue, collagen deposition and the presence of mature lipocytes

b - after therapy with DNA gland with glutathione.
Staining with hematoxylin and eosin, a - x40

Слайд 11

Mechanisms of biological action of DIC and nitrogen monoxide NO

The principle

Mechanisms of biological action of DIC and nitrogen monoxide NO The principle
of work of DIC is the formation of complexes with signaling molecules or the functioning of nitrosonium (NO +) ions as donors, which leads to nitrosylation of target molecules.
Under normal conditions, NO stimulates the growth and survival of cells, but in increased concentrations and with an excess of free iron, it is able to stimulate proapoptotic signaling pathways manifests itself, has an indirect effect on the growth of the endometriotic focus due to the ability of NO in elevated concentrations to inhibit angiogenesis.

Слайд 12


Inhibin is really capable of forming dinitrosyl iron complexes and, acting as

Results Inhibin is really capable of forming dinitrosyl iron complexes and, acting
a donor of NO and NO +, can modify receptors. And thus, in the zone of the endometriotic focus in conditions of high local concentrations of NO and iron, inhibin can change its effect as a result of its modification. And thus, in the zone of the endometriotic focus in conditions of high local concentrations of NO (10 μM) and iron (100 μM), inhibin can change its effect as a result of its modification. As a result, high affinity of Fe (NO) 2 grouping to thiol-containing protein ligands sufficiently stable protein DIC are formed.

Слайд 13

In the endometriotic focal under the influence of exogenous DIC, a change

Conclusion In the endometriotic focal under the influence of exogenous DIC, a
in the ratio of glandular and stromal cells is observed, then the concentration of nitric oxide decreases.
the wall of the endometriotic focus and adjacent tissues of rats with model endometriosis are observed in protein DNAs for the first time in the liver
Histological studies showed a change in the ratio of glandular and stromal cells in the endometriotic focal under the action of the hormone inhibin.
Имя файла: The-studying-an-influence-of-external-endometriosis-through-the-histological-preparations-which-are-processed-by-dinitrosyl.pptx
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