Формы научной коммуникации

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Scientific communication

Scientific communication is a set of types and forms of professional communication

Scientific communication Scientific communication is a set of types and forms of
in the scientific community, as well as the transfer of information from one of its components to another. 

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Forms of scientific communication Formal and informal  communication.

The means of formal communication involves documenting scientific knowledge in the form of an article, monograph or

Forms of scientific communication Formal and informal communication. The means of formal
other publication
The means of formal communication, in turn, can be divided into primary and secondary. The primary ones include: a scientific article, a monograph, published abstracts of reports at scientific conferences, etc. Secondary means include abstracts of various scientific publications, analytical reviews, reviews, thematic bibliographies, etc.

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Forms of scientific communication Formal and informal  communication.

The means of informal communication is based on communication technologies that do

Forms of scientific communication Formal and informal communication. The means of informal
not require written registration and subsequent reproduction in scientific literature or electronic media. 
The means of informal communication, as a rule, includes various kinds of conversations, discussions, discussions, as well as a set of pre-publication scientific materials (manuscripts, preprints, research reports, etc.)

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Forms of scientific communication Oral and written communication. 

Since the XVI century, when printing was invented in

Forms of scientific communication Oral and written communication. Since the XVI century,
Europe, the book has become the main form of consolidation and translation of knowledge in science. They presented both specific scientific information about various phenomena and processes, as well as their philosophical and ideological interpretation, principles and forms of inclusion of scientific knowledge in the existing picture of the world. This is how all the outstanding scientists of that time worked: G. Galileo, I. Newton, R. Descartes, G. Leibniz, etc. Due to the need to discuss not only global issues and problems of philosophical and ideological level, but also local, current tasks, the following form of scientific communication and knowledge transfer is being formed - systematic correspondence between scientists, which was mainly carried out in Latin and was devoted to discussing ways and results of scientific research.
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