Lecture Туб бренд укор


Слайд 2

Lung tuberculoma

Lung tuberculoma unites etiologically various capsulated caseous foci of more than

Lung tuberculoma Lung tuberculoma unites etiologically various capsulated caseous foci of more
1 cm in diameter
The prevalence of tuberculoma among all forms of pulmonary tuberculosis is
6-10 %.

Слайд 4


The lung tuberculoma has the distinctive original clinical and anatomical

THE LUNG TUBERCULOMA The lung tuberculoma has the distinctive original clinical and
display of secondary form of the pulmonary tuberculosis.
It is characterized by the development of the dense caseous focus (some time several focuses) in lungs, of rounded forms, sharply outlined from surrounding tissue by fibrotic capsule.

Слайд 5


Physically active people.
Decreased virulence and pathogenicity of

CONDITIONS FOR FORMATION OF TUBERCULOMAS Physically active people. Decreased virulence and pathogenicity
Increased resistance of the organism to Mycobacterium.
Social factors:
Male sex.
Age 20-40 years.

Слайд 6

The source of tuberculoma formation

is mainly of two forms of pulmonary

The source of tuberculoma formation is mainly of two forms of pulmonary
infiltrative-pneumonic and focal.
Besides this, tuberculoma forms from cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis by means of filling the cavity with caseous masses.
Filled cavities refer to tuberculoma only conditionally, as the filling of a cavity occurs mechanically, while tuberculomas are an original phenomenon in lung tissue.

Слайд 7


Infiltrative-pneumonic tuberculoma

PATHOMORPHOLOGICAL CLASSIFICATION OF TUBERCULOMAS. Infiltrative-pneumonic tuberculoma Caseoma Pseudotuberculoma

Слайд 8


Presents as a round focus of pneumonia, containing masses of clotty

INFILTRATIVE-PNEUMONIC TUBERCULOMA Presents as a round focus of pneumonia, containing masses of
necrosis, clearly limited from the surrounding lung tissue.
The capsule is weakly expressed.
Usually as a result of infiltrative tuberculosis.

Слайд 9


Big focus of caseous pneumonia surrounded by a fresh capsule.
Solitary homogenic caseoma

CASEOMA Big focus of caseous pneumonia surrounded by a fresh capsule. Types:
(massive caseous focus inside the capsule)
Solitary layered caseoma (alternation of layers of caseous masses with layers of connective tissue).
Conglomerated caseoma (multiple caseous foci surrounded by one capsule).

Слайд 10

Тuberculoma (solitary (homogeneous) and lauered)

Тuberculoma (solitary (homogeneous) and lauered)

Слайд 11


Тuberculoma (solitary) (homogeneous)

Слайд 12

Conglomerated tuberculema

Conglomerated tuberculema

Слайд 13


Lauered tuberculoma

Слайд 14


Only revealed in case of dynamic observation of the patient and histological

PSEUDOTUBERCULOMA Only revealed in case of dynamic observation of the patient and
examination of material after operation.

Слайд 15

There are three clinical variants of tuberculoma course:

1. progressing,
described by

There are three clinical variants of tuberculoma course: 1. progressing, described by
occurrence of disintegration at some stage of illness,
perifocal inflammation around tuberculoma,
bronchogenic dissemination in surrounding lung tissue.

Слайд 16

Variants of the tuberculema aggravation:
1) development of the perifocal inflammation;
2) cavitation - discharge of

Variants of the tuberculema aggravation: 1) development of the perifocal inflammation; 2)
the caseous masses from a cavity, through draining bronchus.

Слайд 17

2. stable –

absence of tuberculoma X-ray changes
or rare aggravations without signs

2. stable – absence of tuberculoma X-ray changes or rare aggravations without signs of tuberculoma progressing;
of tuberculoma progressing;

Слайд 18

3. regressing tuberculoma

is characterized by its
slow reduction in size,

3. regressing tuberculoma is characterized by its slow reduction in size, with
subsequent formation of focus or group of foci, induration field or combination of these changes.

Слайд 19


The prevalence of tuberculoma among all forms of pulmonary tuberculosis

PREVALENCE OF TUBERCULOMA The prevalence of tuberculoma among all forms of pulmonary
is 6-10 %.
This tendency is explained by the fact that vast infiltrative pneumonic processes, under treatment and increased body resistance, become limited, condensed, lose their aggravated course.
However, the process does not heal completely and precisely outlined dense formation remains.

Слайд 20

Clinical pattern

As tuberculoma itself is a parameter of high body resistance, patients

Clinical pattern As tuberculoma itself is a parameter of high body resistance,
with this form of pulmonary tuberculosis frequently are revealed accidentally, at fluorography examinations,
preventive examinations, and
in presence of other diseases.
Practically, patients have no complaints.

Слайд 21

Physical examination

At physical examination of a patient, there are no pathological signs

Physical examination At physical examination of a patient, there are no pathological
in lungs.
Crackles are heard only at massive flare-up with extensive infiltrative changes in lung tissue around tuberculoma.

Слайд 22


Start of the disease:
Debut of the disease is asymptomatic.

CURRENT OF THE DISEASE Start of the disease: Debut of the disease
method of revealing tuberculomas is usually active i.e. prophylactic fluorography.
Stable period:
Satisfactory condition of the patient.
No infringement of general work capacity.
Still asymptomatic.
Physical examination reveals no pathological findings.

Слайд 23


Period of progression:
Moderate expression of symptoms of tuberculous intoxication.

CURRENT OF THE DISEASE Period of progression: Moderate expression of symptoms of
of “chest” symptoms.
Physical examination reveals:
Dullness of percussion sounds.
Localised rales.

Слайд 24


Period of regression:
Reversal of symptoms.
The tuberculoma gradually decreases in

CURRENT OF THE DISEASE Period of regression: Reversal of symptoms. The tuberculoma
size, becomes indurated and deposition of calcium crystals may also occur.
Carnification may also occur.
Conglomerated tuberculoma may fragment into foci.

Слайд 25

Physical examination

At physical examination of a patient, there are no pathological signs

Physical examination At physical examination of a patient, there are no pathological
in lungs.
Crackles are heard only at massive flare-up with extensive infiltrative changes in lung tissue around tuberculoma.

Слайд 26

X-ray picture of tuberculoma

X-ray image of tuberculoma looks like rounded shadow with

X-ray picture of tuberculoma X-ray image of tuberculoma looks like rounded shadow
precise contours.
Inside focus enlightenment could be observed due to disintegration.
Sometimes perifocal inflammation and small amount of bronchogenic focuses, and calcification sites can be defined.

Слайд 28

Tuberculomas of the right lung upper lobe

Tuberculomas of the right lung upper lobe

Слайд 29


Characterised by eccentric locaiisation of semi-lunar shaped

TUBERCULOMA IN THE PHASE OF DISINTERGRATION Characterised by eccentric locaiisation of semi-lunar
or beam-shaped zones of enlightment around the medial edge of the tuberculoma.
This is accompanied by communication of the tuberculoma with the lung root due to formation of broncho-vascular channels.

Слайд 31

Tuberculoma of the left lung (upper lobe)

Tuberculoma of the left lung (upper lobe)

Слайд 32

Tuberculoma of the left lung (upper lobe)

Tuberculoma of the left lung (upper lobe)

Слайд 33

Tuberculoma of the right lung (upper lobe)

Tuberculoma of the right lung (upper lobe)

Слайд 34

Tuberculoma of the right lung (upper lobe) in the phase of disintegration

Tuberculoma of the right lung (upper lobe) in the phase of disintegration

Слайд 36

Tuberculoma of the left lung in the phase of disintegration

Tuberculoma of the left lung in the phase of disintegration

Слайд 37

Tuberculoma of the right lung upper lobe

Tuberculoma of the right lung upper lobe

Слайд 38

Tuberculoma of the left lung
(upper lobe)

Tuberculoma of the left lung (upper lobe)

Слайд 39

Tuberculomas of the lungs (upper lobes) in the phase of disintegration

Tuberculomas of the lungs (upper lobes) in the phase of disintegration

Слайд 40

Tuberculomas (multiple)of the lungs in the phase of disintegration

Tuberculomas (multiple)of the lungs in the phase of disintegration

Слайд 41

Tuberculoma of the left lung (upper lobe)

Tuberculoma of the left lung (upper lobe)

Слайд 42

Tuberculoma of the right lung upper lobe

Tuberculoma of the right lung upper lobe

Слайд 43

Pat. I.A.A, June. Tuberculoma of the left lung (upper lobe)

Pat. I.A.A, June. Tuberculoma of the left lung (upper lobe)

Слайд 44

Pat. I.A.A.
Tuberculoma of thе left lung upper lobe

Pat. I.A.A. Tuberculoma of thе left lung upper lobe

Слайд 45

Pat. I.A.A, October. Tuberculoma of the left lung In the phase of

Pat. I.A.A, October. Tuberculoma of the left lung In the phase of disintegration

Слайд 46

Tuberculoma of the left lung upper lobe

Tomogram Tuberculoma of the left lung upper lobe

Слайд 47

Pat E. Мultiple Tuberculomas. Diabetes Mellitiuos. MDR

Pat E. Мultiple Tuberculomas. Diabetes Mellitiuos. MDR

Слайд 48

Pat E Negative Dynamics Diabetes Mellitius. MDR

Pat E Negative Dynamics Diabetes Mellitius. MDR

Слайд 49

Tuberculoma of the right lung
(upper lobe)
Pat M. (July)

Tuberculoma of the right lung (upper lobe) Pat M. (July)

Слайд 50

Pat M. March, ( 8 months later).

Pat M. March, ( 8 months later).

Слайд 51

Pat M. March.

Pat M. March. Tomogram.

Слайд 52

Pat M. March. Dynamics March - May

Pat M. March. Dynamics March - May

Слайд 53

Tuberculoma of the left lung (upper lobe) Pat. G., May.

Tuberculoma of the left lung (upper lobe) Pat. G., May.

Слайд 54


General blood analysis may reveal no significant changes:
Lymphocytosis in 20%

LABORATORY FINDINGS General blood analysis may reveal no significant changes: Lymphocytosis in
of the cases.
Ziel-Nelseen staining of sputum:
In the absence of disintegration the sputum is Mycobacterium positive in 10-15% of the cases.
In the presence of disintegration the sputum is Mycobacterium positive in 70% of the cases.

Слайд 55


Blood picture is also without peculiarities.
Sometimes moderate elevation of ESR

BLOOD PICTURE Blood picture is also without peculiarities. Sometimes moderate elevation of
moderate leukocytosis are observed at acute stages.

Слайд 56

Mycobacterium tuberculosis

Mycobacterium tuberculosis is not found in sputum at stable course of

Mycobacterium tuberculosis Mycobacterium tuberculosis is not found in sputum at stable course
Discharge of bacilli exists in tuberculoma at presence of disintegration if there is connection with drainage of bronchus.

Слайд 57

Tuberculin tests

Patients with lung tuberculoma in most cases positively react to

Tuberculin tests Patients with lung tuberculoma in most cases positively react to
Mantoux test is often hyperergic.

Слайд 58


Before the discovery of antituberculosis drugs, the forecast of tuberculoma was

Treatment Before the discovery of antituberculosis drugs, the forecast of tuberculoma was
Tuberculoma gave massive flare-up with subsequent transition in heavy forms of pulmonary tuberculosis.
Now course of tuberculoma regresses or proceeds chronically without aggravations among 80% of patients.

Слайд 59


When tuberculoma is diagnosed the patient must be hospitalized for long term

Treatment When tuberculoma is diagnosed the patient must be hospitalized for long
Surgery is recommended if disintegration is present in tuberculoma and the patient continues to expectorate МВТ and there is no desirable results to long therapy.

Слайд 60


General principles of treatment of TB patients but the antiTB drugs do

TREATMENT General principles of treatment of TB patients but the antiTB drugs
not penetrate into the tuberculoma.
Surgical treatment is more effective.

Слайд 61



Слайд 62

Surgical treatment.

Usually operation is made with minimal removal of lung tissue. It

Surgical treatment. Usually operation is made with minimal removal of lung tissue.
is segmental resection.
Surgical treatment is used also in cases, when there is no certainty that the patient has tuberculosis because it is difficult to differentiate tuberculoma from other lung diseases, especially tumor.

Слайд 63

Differential diagnostics

Differential diagnostics

Слайд 64

Differential diagnostics

X-ray picture of tuberculoma is isolated rounded focus in lung

Differential diagnostics X-ray picture of tuberculoma is isolated rounded focus in lung
tissue. It's typical for many diseases.
Practically patients more often have
cancer of lung,
benign tumors,
pneumonia complicated by an abscess, and
parasitic lung diseases

Слайд 65

Differential diagnostics

It is necessary
to collect detailed anamnesis,
carefully examine all

Differential diagnostics It is necessary to collect detailed anamnesis, carefully examine all
organs and systems of the patient to differentiate one disease from another.
X-ray examination is especially important.
Sputum is investigated for МВТ, atypical cells and fungi.
In some cases pneumonocentesis is made.
The ex juvantibus treatment of tuberculosis is often used and if the focus in lungs under the influence of specific treatment decreases, it testifies its tubercular origin.

Слайд 66

Differential diagnostics

For diagnosis of tuberculoma,
Computer tomography
bronchological examination with catheter biopsy and

Differential diagnostics For diagnosis of tuberculoma, Computer tomography bronchological examination with catheter

puncture of bifurcation lymph nodes has received high development.
These techniques allow to put correct diagnosis almost in 90% of cases.

Слайд 67

Pat. T., May

Pat. T., May

Слайд 68

Pat. T., December

Pat. T., December

Слайд 69

Pat. T., February

Pat. T., February

Слайд 70

Pat. T.,

Pat. T., September

Слайд 71

Pat. T.,

Pat. T., September

Слайд 72

Pat. T.,

Pat. T., September

Слайд 73

Benign tumor

Benign tumor

Слайд 74

Pat. L.,

Pat. L., tomogram

Слайд 75

Pat. L.,
6 years later

Pat. L., 6 years later

Слайд 76

Pat. L.,
6 years later

Pat. L., Tomogram 6 years later

Слайд 77

Pat. L.,
Profile X-ray

Pat. L., Profile X-ray

Слайд 78

Pat. K.

Pat. K. Echinococcus

Слайд 79

Pat. K.

Pat. K. Echinococcus Tomogram

Слайд 80

Pat. G.

Pat. G. Echinococcus

Слайд 81

Pat. G.

Pat. G. Echinococcus

Слайд 82

Pat. G.
Profile FiLm

Pat. G. Echinococcus Profile FiLm

Слайд 83

Pat. G..
After operation

Pat. G.. After operation

Слайд 84

Pat. B. Echinococcus

Pat. B. Echinococcus

Слайд 85

Pat. L. Echinococcus
Profile Film

Pat. L. Echinococcus Profile Film

Слайд 86

Pat. Sh. . Enchondroma

Pat. Sh. . Enchondroma

Слайд 87

Pat. Sh. . Enchondroma

Pat. Sh. . Enchondroma

Слайд 88

Pat. P. . Enchondroma

Pat. P. . Enchondroma
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