Оборот to be going to

Слайд 2

Утвердительное предложение I am He She It is We You They are + going to

Утвердительное предложение I am He She It is We You They are
(собираться что-либо делать)+ ВТЧП

Слайд 3

Отрицательное предложение

I am
He She It is
We You They are

Отрицательное предложение I am He She It is We You They are
going to + ВТЧП

Слайд 4

Общий вопрос

Am I
Is He She It + going to +ВТЧП ?
Are We

Общий вопрос Am I Is He She It + going to +ВТЧП
You They

Слайд 5

Специальный вопрос

Who Am ( I)
What Where + Is (He She It)+ going

Специальный вопрос Who Am ( I) What Where + Is (He She
to +ВТЧП?
How Whom Are ( We You They)

Слайд 6

Jane … going to sleep.
I … going to take pictures.
Students … going

Jane … going to sleep. I … going to take pictures. Students
to visit London.
The teacher … going to give me a “five”.
She … going to stay at home.
I … going to visit Great Britain.
My friends … going to arrange a school party.
She … going to write a letter.
I … going to stay with family.

Fill the gaps and translate the sentences

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Количество просмотров: 200
Количество скачиваний: 3