
Слайд 2

154 slides

Chest Pain

Larg Ant.M.I:hypotention,pulmonary edema,or oliguria.
Pulmonary Embolism:Tachycardia,tachypnea,hypoxia
M.I:ST segment elevation or new LBBB

154 slides Chest Pain Larg Ant.M.I:hypotention,pulmonary edema,or oliguria. Pulmonary Embolism:Tachycardia,tachypnea,hypoxia M.I:ST segment
papillary muscle:New systolic mitral murmur.
Aortic dissection:Mediastinal widening CXR
Cocaine abuse:Arrhythmia&or chest pain in younger pt.

Слайд 3

154 slides


Dyspnea, tachypnea
Chest pain
Hypotension, pulmonary edema, cyanosis

154 slides DVT Dyspnea, tachypnea Chest pain Syncope Hypotension, pulmonary edema, cyanosis Fever

Слайд 4

154 slides

DM hyperglycemic crisis

DKA:*Rapid onset<24h |mild deh.
*N/V |rapid/deep beath

154 slides DM hyperglycemic crisis DKA:*Rapid onset *N/V |rapid/deep beath *Abdominal pain
pain |fruity swelling breath
*type 1
*HHS :*Gradual onset |more severe deh.
*mental status changes=coma
*type 2

Слайд 5

154 slides

Thyroid Nodule strong

Clinical Hx:*Family Hx of medullary thyroid CA or MEN.

154 slides Thyroid Nodule strong Clinical Hx:*Family Hx of medullary thyroid CA
growth of nodule.
*Physical exam:*Firm or hard nodule
*Nodule fixed
*Paralysis of vocal cords

Слайд 6

154 slides

Thyroid Nodule moderate

Clinical Hx:*Male sex
*pt age less than 20/older than 65

154 slides Thyroid Nodule moderate Clinical Hx:*Male sex *pt age less than
*Previous radiation to the head or nech
Physical Exam:*Nodule greater than 4cmor partialy cystic
*Symptoms suggesting compression(dysphagia/hoarseness/dyspnea)

Слайд 7

154 slides

High Risk of Serious Nutritional Problems

Weight loss of >5% in 1

154 slides High Risk of Serious Nutritional Problems Weight loss of >5%
month/ 7.5% in 3 month/ 10% in 6 month
Weight loss or gain associated with other systemic symptoms
History of upper gastrointestinal surgery or disease.

Слайд 8

154 slides

Sore Throat

Peritonsillar abscess:Hot-potato voice/toxic appearance/altered mental status.
EMN with increased risk of

154 slides Sore Throat Peritonsillar abscess:Hot-potato voice/toxic appearance/altered mental status. EMN with
splenic rupture:Splenic enlargement
Respiratory compromise:increased resp.rate/enlarged tonsils/cervical LAP.

Слайд 9

154 slides

Abdominal or Pelvic pain

Hx abrupt onset of pain:--perforation or rupture(ulcer,appendix,gallbladder,colon,ectopic pregnancy,spleen,abdonimal

154 slides Abdominal or Pelvic pain Hx abrupt onset of pain:--perforation or
aortic aneurysm)
--Acute vascular event(mesenteric infarction,Aor.D,MI,PE)
--Volvulus,strangulated hernia,ovarian torsion,pancreatitis.

Слайд 10

154 slides

Abdominal and pelvic pain devami

*shock :perforation or rupture with intraabdominal hemorrhage

154 slides Abdominal and pelvic pain devami Examination *shock :perforation or rupture
or peritonitis severe pancreatitis
*Distention:Bowel obst.,ileus,volvulus,toxic megacolon,bowel ischemia,abdom.aortic aneurysm,ascites
*Focal peritoneal signs:Appendicitis,diverticulitis,cholecystitis,cholangitis,abscess,PID,pancreatitis

Слайд 11

154 slides

Elevated LFT

Abdominal pain
Elevation of other markers of liver function
Rectal bleeding
Signs of

154 slides Elevated LFT Abdominal pain Elevation of other markers of liver
advanced liver failure:
*spider angiomas
*lower extremity edema

Слайд 12

154 slides


Cancer:unexplained weight loss/anorexia/dysphagia/melena/anemia/heme+ stool/long standing reflux symptoms.
Bleeding ulser:Hematemesis/melena/hematochezia/heme+ stool/orthostatic hypotention/shock/anemia
Obstruction:Dysphagia/odynophagia/early satiety/recurrent

154 slides Dyspepsia Cancer:unexplained weight loss/anorexia/dysphagia/melena/anemia/heme+ stool/long standing reflux symptoms. Bleeding ulser:Hematemesis/melena/hematochezia/heme+
vomiting/weight loss.
Perforated ulcer:Sudden onset of severe abdm. Pain rigit/peritoneal signs/shock

Слайд 13

154 slides


Waight loss
Persistent vomiting
Nighttime awakening

154 slides Dyspepsia Waight loss Persistent vomiting Dysphagia Anemia Bleeding(hematemesis,hematochezia,melana) Nighttime awakening Fever

Слайд 14

154 slides

Risk Factores for Severe Acute Lower GI Bleeding

*HR>/= 100 beats/minute
*Systolic BP

154 slides Risk Factores for Severe Acute Lower GI Bleeding *HR>/= 100
*nontender abdominal examination
*bleeding per rectum during first 4h of evaluation
*Aspirine use
*More than 2 active comorbid conditions(HF,IHD,Renal F,LF,cancer)

Слайд 15

154 slides

ALGIB Interpretation

*>/= 3 risk factors:high(approximately 80%)risk of severe bleeding
*1-3 risk factors:moderate

154 slides ALGIB Interpretation *>/= 3 risk factors:high(approximately 80%)risk of severe bleeding
(approximately 45%)risk of severe bleeding
*0 risk factors:low (approximately<10%)risk of severe bleeding

Слайд 16

154 slides

Breast Cancer

Nipple discharge:Unilateral
single duct
*Breast Mass:Unilateral/hard,immobile/noncystic
Personal Hx of breast

154 slides Breast Cancer Pain:Unilateral/noncyclic. Nipple discharge:Unilateral watery,serous,serosanguineous,bloody. single duct *Breast Mass:Unilateral/hard,immobile/noncystic
Family Hx of breast Ca

Слайд 17

154 slides

Complicated UTI

Male gender
Prepubertal or geriatric age
Symptoms for more than 7 days

154 slides Complicated UTI Male gender Prepubertal or geriatric age Symptoms for
immunosuppressing condition
An episode of acute pyelonephritis within the past year
Known anatomic abnormality
Flank pain or tenderness

Слайд 18

154 slides

Pelvic Pain or Abnormal uterine Bleeding

*Uterine cancer:any vaginal bleeding in postmenopausal

154 slides Pelvic Pain or Abnormal uterine Bleeding *Uterine cancer:any vaginal bleeding
W or intermenstral bleeding in a perimenopausal W,>5mm of thickness of endometrium on transvaginal U/S,palpable pelvic mass,or endometrial cells on Pap smear
*Ectopic pregnancy: amenore+unilateral pelvic pain+vaginal bleeding,may have adnexal fullness palpated on pelvic exam.

Слайд 19

154 slides

Pelvic pain devami

*Missed or threatened abortion:amenore+severe pelvic cramping/pain &vaginal bleeding
*PID:Fever+purulent vag.

154 slides Pelvic pain devami *Missed or threatened abortion:amenore+severe pelvic cramping/pain &vaginal
Discharge+abd.vag. Pain+trnderness+malaise+septic appearance
*Tubo-ovarian abscess:same of above without discharge

Слайд 20

154 slides

Criteria for hospitalization pt.with PID

*Nonresponse to oral therapy
*Pt. is pregnant
*Severe illness

154 slides Criteria for hospitalization pt.with PID *Nonresponse to oral therapy *Pt.
such as N/V/^fever
*Surgical emergencies cannot be excluded
*Tubo-ovarian abscess present
*Unable to follow or tolerate outpatient oral regimen

Слайд 21

154 slides

Low Back Pain

General:Failure to improve after 4-6w
Night pain/pain at rest

154 slides Low Back Pain General:Failure to improve after 4-6w Night pain/pain
Progressive motor sensory deficit
Hx of CA
Unexplained weight loss
*Infection:IV drug use
Recent UTI or skin inf.
Fever or chills
*Fracture:Age >50
Hx of osteoporosis
Chronic oral steroid use
Substance abuse

Слайд 22

154 slides

Back Pain

Bowel or bladder incontinence
Constitutional symptoms/malignancy
Chronic disease
Paresthesias Numbness
Age> 50
Iv drug use

154 slides Back Pain Bowel or bladder incontinence Anesthesia(saddle) Constitutional symptoms/malignancy Chronic
Not relive pain with rest or drug or at night
Osteoprosis femal or CS drug use
Имя файла: RED-FLAGS-.pptx
Количество просмотров: 150
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