
Слайд 2

Group members and hits

Members: Gorshenev Mikhail Yurievich (Gorshok), Knyazev Andrey Sergeevich (Knyaz),

Group members and hits Members: Gorshenev Mikhail Yurievich (Gorshok), Knyazev Andrey Sergeevich
Tsvirkunov Yakov Vadimovich, Shchigolev Alexander Anatolyevich (Lieutenant), Balunov Alexander Valentinovich (Baloo)
Hits and most popular songs: «The sorcerer’s doll», «Forester», «I’ll jump of a cliff», «Foll and lightning».
«Meeting»:In the spring of 2001, the group celebrated its 10th anniversary. To celebrate the anniversary, the King and the Fool released a collection of their best songs — "Collection", and also conducted a tour with concerts in all major cities of the European part of Russia, Siberia and Belarus. As part of the tour, the band performed concerts at the Jubilee Sports Complex (St. Petersburg) and at the small arena of the Luzhniki Stadium (Moscow).

A lot of people know this group. "The King and the Fool" is a cult figure for Russian rock, the same as "Cinema" or "Gaza Strip". The “Fool", in particular Gorshok, were unique in their extravagance, style and lyrics. There is something like a story or a fairy tale in the lyrics of their songs, because they are so original in their own way.

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