Innovative methods to improve the efficiency of power units of thermal and nuclear power plants
... Experts have long known that this is impossible, but it is an eccentric who does not know this, and does it ... ... Hey guys, - said Fyodor Simeonovich puzzled, to understand handwriting. - It's the same problem Ben Betsalaya. Cagliostro also proved that it has no solution. We do know that it has no solution, - said Hun immediately We want to know how to solve it. Once you're strange reason, Chris ... How can you find a solution, if its not? There is no logic. - Sorry, Theodore, but it's strange you talk. No logic, this search for a solution, if it exists. I mean how to deal with a task that has no solution ... A. Strugatsky, B. Strugatsky. Monday begins on Saturday Inability to convert all the heat in the work of Carnot proved Dear sirs! Perpetual motion machine of second kind is an engine that does not obey the second law of thermodynamics. In 1824, Carnot, in his essay "Reflections on the motive power of fire and on machines that are able to develop this power," suggested that "no heat engine absorbs heat, turning it into a job and sends it to a cold body." W. Thompson (Lord Kelvin), R. Clausius, Planck built this idea into law. The modern interpretation of the Second Law of Thermodynamics is: "To convert heat into work requires a heat source and cooling the lower temperature." The one who dared to contradict this law, called the inventors of perpetual motion machine of the second kind. This law applies to thermal power plants. Probably everyone knows that electricity must bring the heat to the water in the steam generator, “SG" (see Figure 1.), Then evaporate it and pick up steam pressure. After this high-pressure steam enters the turbine "T", rotates its rotor with the rotor of the generator "G", and the latter generates electricity. After the turbine, steam from low pressure enters the capacitor "C" (cooler) and there is condensed - steam goes into a liquid (water). After the condenser, the water is fed back into the steam generator condensate pump, “CP".