Комбинационные схемы

Слайд 2

Пример 1. Проверка на четность

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity parity_check is
a: in std_logic_vector(7 downto

Пример 1. Проверка на четность library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity parity_check is
x: out std_logic
end parity_check;
architecture cond_arch of parity_check is
x <= '1' when (a(0) = '0') else
end cond_arch;

Слайд 3

Пример 2. Проверка на четность (if)

architecture cond_arch of parity_check is begin process(a) begin If (a(0) =

Пример 2. Проверка на четность (if) architecture cond_arch of parity_check is begin
'0') then x <= '1'; else x <= '0'; end if; end process; end cond_arch;

Слайд 4

Пример 3. Делимость на 4

architecture cond_arch of check_4 is begin process(a) begin If ((a(0) = '0')

Пример 3. Делимость на 4 architecture cond_arch of check_4 is begin process(a)
and (a(1) = '0')) then x <= '1'; else x <= '0'; end if; end process; end cond_arch;

Слайд 5

Пример 4. Делимость на 4 без and

architecture cond_arch of check_4 is begin process(a) begin If

Пример 4. Делимость на 4 без and architecture cond_arch of check_4 is
(a(1 downto 0) = "00") then x <= '1'; else x <= '0'; end if; end process; end cond_arch;

Слайд 6

Пример 5. Дектор кодов
0101 – 11; 1010 – 10; 11111 – 01;

Пример 5. Дектор кодов 0101 – 11; 1010 – 10; 11111 –
x - 00

architecture cond_arch of parity_check is
If (a(3 downto 0) = “0101” then
x <= “11”;
elsIf (a(3 downto 0) = “1010” then
 x <= “10”;
elsIf (a(4 downto 0) = “11111” then
 x <= “01”;
 x <= “00”;
end if;
end process;
end cond_arch;