Protection or Abstinence в RFC 4041. Задание на самостоятельную подготовку к контрольной работе

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31.03.2016 Ответы:

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Network Working Group A. Farrel
Request for Comments: 4041 Old Dog Consulting
Category: Informational

31.03.2016 Network Working Group A. Farrel Request for Comments: 4041 Old Dog
1 April 2005
Requirements for Morality Sections in Routing Area Drafts

Network Working Group L. Masinter
Request for Comments: 2324 1 April 1998
Category: Informational
Hyper Text Coffee Pot Control Protocol (HTCPCP/1.0)

Network Working Group M. Gaynor
Request for Comments: 3093 S. Bradner
Category: Informational Harvard University
1 April 2001
Firewall Enhancement Protocol (FEP)

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Network Working Group J. Postel (ISI)
Request for Comments: 1121 L. Kleinrock (UCLA)

31.03.2016 Network Working Group J. Postel (ISI) Request for Comments: 1121 L.
V. Cerf (NRI)
B. Boehm (UCLA)
September 1989
Act One - The Poems

Vint Cerf
All the world's a net! And all the data in it merely packets
come to store-and-forward in the queues a while and then are
heard no more. 'Tis a network waiting to be switched!
To switch or not to switch? That is the question. Whether
'tis wiser in the net to suffer the store and forward of
stochastic networks or to raise up circuits against a sea
of packets and, by dedication, serve them.
To net, to switch. To switch, perchance to slip!
Aye, there's the rub. For in that choice of switch,
what loops may lurk, when we have shuffled through
this Banyan net? Puzzles the will, initiates symposia,
stirs endless debate and gives rise to uncontrolled
flights of poetry beyond recompense!

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Reactions to RFC 3514
A few years ago, I wrote RFC 3514,

31.03.2016 Reactions to RFC 3514 A few years ago, I wrote RFC
an April 1 RFC.  I received lots of email, and even a few phone calls.  Here are some of the responses I got, unedited except for the senders' names. (You can read a press report of the reactions here.)

One response was a bit worrisome...
Good day sir. Nice contribution for this April 1st.
But your jest, were there a reserved bit that actually could be used, could actually have merit to address a concern on the part of major content providers about internet redistribution of broadcasters' content.
So, you may see this again.... Happy April Fools Day.

One response was rather, umm, "interesting".  I never knew that RFCs could inspire this sort of thought.
I was reading your info about the proposed RFC and my mind and fingers strayed to check out my own evil bit...
I've just got my breath back. Shouldn't there be a health warning about playing with your own bits?

Some people implemented portions of it, or suggested extensions:
Not hard to implement the receiving end. The difficult part will be to make the API for the malicious content sufficiently easy that hackers will willingly, nay, joyfully implement it.
Here is the mailcap entry for 'mutt' to implement proper handling of the MIME type for both designated secure machines:
# RFC-3514-compliant MIME attachment handling - secure version
application/msword; true; \
print=true; \
notes=Entered 01 April 2003
and completely insecure machines:
# RFC-3514-compliant MIME attachment handling - insecure version
application/msword; %s; \
print=%s; \
notes=Entered 01 April 2003

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The Complete April Fools' Day Rfcs 
Paperback – March 20, 2007
by Thomas A.

31.03.2016 The Complete April Fools' Day Rfcs Paperback – March 20, 2007
Limoncelli  (Author), Peter H. Salus (Author)

Thomas A. Limoncelli is an internationally recognized author and speaker on many topics including system administration, time management, and grass-roots organizing. A sys-tem administrator since 1988, he has worked for small and large companies including Google, Cibernet, Lumeta, AT&T, Lucent / Bell Labs. He has written three books: two editions of The Practice of System and Network Administration from Addison-Wesley (2001, 2007) and Time Management for System Administrators from O’Reilly (2005). He shared SAGE’s Outstanding Achievement Award in 2005. He holds a B.A. in C.S. from Drew University, Madison, New Jersey, USA. His web site and blog is .

Dr. Peter H. Salus talks too much and writes too much. He is a frequent speaker at computer events in the US, Canada, the UK, the Netherlands, Belgium, Russia, Australia, Finland, Denmark, Brazil, Chile, and the Czech Republic. He has appeared on the BBC, the Discovery Channel, PBS, PCTV, and the Dr. Dobbs webcast as computing and networking historian. Dr. Salus has written or edited over a dozen books, including The ARPANET Sourcebook: The Unpublished Foundations of the Internet (due June 2007), A Quarter Century of UNIX, Casting the Net: From ARPANET to INTERNET and Beyond, the four-volume Handbook of Programming Languages, and The Big Book of IPv6 Addressing RFCs.

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Самые «свежие» RFC
M. Wilhelm (1 April 2015). Scenic Routing for IPv6. IETF. RFC 7511.

31.03.2016 Самые «свежие» RFC 2015 M. Wilhelm (1 April 2015). Scenic Routing
Luckie (1 April 2015). Really Explicit Congestion Notification (RECN). IETF. RFC 7514.
I. Nazar (1 April 2014). The Hyper Text Coffee Pot Control Protocol for Tea Efflux Appliances (HTCPCP-TEA). IETF. RFC 7168. (see Hyper Text Coffee Pot Control Protocol)
S. Turner (1 April 2014). The NSA (No Secrecy Afforded) Certificate Extension. IETF. RFC 7169.
R. Barnes, S. Kent, E. Rescorla (1 April 2013). Further Key Words for Use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels. IETF. RFC 6919.
R. Hinden (1 April 2013). Design Considerations for Faster-Than-Light (FTL) Communication. IETF. RFC 6921.

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RFC 6593 - Service Undiscovery Using Hide-and-Go-Seek for the Domain Pseudonym System

31.03.2016 2012 RFC 6593 - Service Undiscovery Using Hide-and-Go-Seek for the Domain
RFC 6592 - The Null Packet
RFC 6217 - Regional Broadcast Using an Atmospheric Link Layer
RFC 6214 - Adaptation of RFC 1149 for IPv6
RFC 5984 - Increasing Throughput in IP Networks with ESP-Based Forwarding: ESPBasedForwarding
RFC 5841 - TCP Option to Denote Packet Mood
RFC 5514 - IPv6 over Social Networks
RFC 5513 - IANA Considerations for Three Letter Acronyms
RFC 5242 - A Generalized Unified Character Code: Western Europea
RFC 5241 - Naming Rights in IETF Protocols

«Свежие» RFC

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Имя файла: Protection-or-Abstinence-в-RFC-4041.-Задание-на-самостоятельную-подготовку-к-контрольной-работе.pptx
Количество просмотров: 55
Количество скачиваний: 0