set with 33% randomly blanked traces.
From this cube we extract examples for training in a restricted area. The trained model is
applied to the entire volume, whereby the area from which no examples are extracted acts as
blind test area. The real value is of course when we apply the trained model to an area with
real missing traces (which we don’t have in this case). Random blanking (replacing the values
with hard zeros) is done in OpendTect’sAttribute engine and can be done in different ways. In
this case, we will create an attribute set to perform the following tasks:
1. Math attribute with formula: “randg(1)”. This generates random values with a Gaussian
distribution and 1 standard deviation;
2. Apply this attribute to a horizon and save as horizon data;
3. Horizon attribute that retrieves the random values from the saved horizon data. A Horizon
attribute replaces a value at an inline, crossline position with the value extracted from the
given horizon;
4. Math attribute with formula: “abs(value)> 1 ? 0: seis”. We assign the retrieved horizon data
to the variable “value” and the seismic data to “seis”. This attribute assigns values larger
than the absolute value of 1 standard deviation to zero while all other values are given the
value of the seismic data.
5. Additional attributes in the set are used to compare/QCresults before and after prediction.