Global Handwashing Day


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HBCC and Global Handwashing Day

The Hygiene & Behaviour Change Coalition (HBCC)

HBCC and Global Handwashing Day The Hygiene & Behaviour Change Coalition (HBCC)
is a partnership between Unilever and the UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) aimed at promoting handwashing and good hygiene against the backdrop of the global pandemic
The purpose of Global Handwashing Day (GHD) is to raise the profile of handwashing with soap
This GHD campaign supports the strategic HBCC objectives to scale up simple hygiene practices like handwashing, and the advocacy objective to call on governments to increase funding for WASH, in particular in institutions like school for behaviour change programs, infrastructure and maintenance

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The Global Handwashing Partnership (GHP) is a coalition of partners both private,

Background The Global Handwashing Partnership (GHP) is a coalition of partners both
public and NGO sectors to promote handwashing with soap. Global Handwashing Day was established as October 15th in 2008
Several HBCC partners are already part of GHP- including FCDO, Unilever, Unicef, LSHTM, IRC and World Vision. This GHD gives us a big moment to rally around the need for hand hygiene for all, which is particularly relevant in this year of a pandemic
This campaign has been developed as a public facing celebration of Global Handwashing Day by Unilever-Lifebuoy in consultation with the Global Handwashing Partnership and Hand Hygiene for All.

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How do we leverage GHD this year to reinforce handwashing habits not

How do we leverage GHD this year to reinforce handwashing habits not
just on this day but EVERY SINGLE DAY?

The pandemic has changed everything.

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Caution fatigue

Given the massive scale of handwash education that all of us

Caution fatigue Given the massive scale of handwash education that all of
have been doing there is a risk of people becoming fatigued of the warnings and the instructions, which leads them to drop their guard and become less vigilant.
Through GHD we want to ensure that we can bring handwashing back into the forefront of their conversations once again! Cutting through noise to garner maximum engagement and impact!

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Never has there been a better time for us to change the

Never has there been a better time for us to change the
handwashing behaviour of the world forever
We require a fundamental change in 2020.
A change that starts with the young, but, will be heard by every one

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Reaching them young

We know that teaching language skills in the early years

Reaching them young We know that teaching language skills in the early
of a child’s life has a lasting impact on their lives. Language development not only supports the ability to communicate, think and problem-solve but also establishes patterns and memory storage
Children have been learning the letters of the alphabet for hundreds of years through simple connections with everyday things. A for Apple, B for Ball, C for Cat and so on
These connections have helped teachers establish the building blocks of language and literacy – through pictures, song and even through tactile and experiential methods.

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GHD 2020 campaign

In order to make handwashing a part of the

GHD 2020 campaign In order to make handwashing a part of the
everyday in the lives of children, we propose a small, yet a fundamental change in the way the letters of the alphabet are taught.
The letter H has always mainly stood for ‘Hat’, a common object and a part of the everyday, hundreds of years ago. This is the right moment in the history of the world for educators everywhere to forever change what H stands for.
From ‘H for Hat’, to ‘H for Handwashing’

 A single intervention that will introduce the concept of handwashing to children at the right age, making it a widespread and a common habit that is learnt early but can last a lifetime.
Partners can localize H for handwashing to their country's common alphabet/script as appropriate


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Studies suggest that when you teach a concept, you also learn it

Studies suggest that when you teach a concept, you also learn it
well yourself. ‘Being able to understand an idea well enough to convey it to others will help you relate to it and internalize it yourself’
The protégé effect is primarily associated with the academic context, where teaching others can help you learn material that you need to learn yourself
H for Handwashing isn’t just meant for children, but for educators everywhere – teachers, parents, mentors, care-givers, siblings, grand parents

Kickstart change early

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Key Visual H for Handwashing

Key Visual H for Handwashing

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Two pillars of the initiative

Pillar 2
Transforming the letter H into a

Two pillars of the initiative Pillar 2 ADVOCACY: Transforming the letter H
symbol for Handwashing.
Advocacy at the highest levels with ministries, education policy makers and influencers, schools and curriculum experts, to ensure handwashing behaviour inculcation is implemented at scale.

Pillar 1
Inspiring people to join the movement
People participation through creation of their own versions of the letter H for sharing on social media in solidarity with the cause

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We want to invite people to create the letter H in their

We want to invite people to create the letter H in their
own personal way and use it as a reminder for handwashing.
This can be done through
Offline: Installing reminders of H for Handwashing at home or in public spaces
Online: Amplify through social media channels. Share pictures of their H’s using #Hforhandwashing. This includes people at large as well as celebrities, influencers

Amplification activities aim to drive inspiration, engagement and participation to remind ourselves about #HforHandwashing

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Here are some simple yet creative ideas to create the reminder –

Here are some simple yet creative ideas to create the reminder –
place them at key locations (entering the home, reaching for food) where they can remind people to wash their hands

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Posts for Social Media:

Posts for Social Media: Facebook

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Call upon celebrities and influencers to share this message

Encourage celebrities, influencers and

Call upon celebrities and influencers to share this message Encourage celebrities, influencers
leaders to join in and amplify the campaign by posting videos pledging their support for the initiative!
Sample social media post:
Adopt handwashing with soap early on to make it a lifetime habit. This #GlobalHandwashingDay, we’re on a mission to ensure handwashing is a lesson never forgotten #HforHandwashing #HandHygieneforAll #HBCC @Unilever @FCDO @partner

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Celebrities and influencers ideas

On GHD celebrities/influencers can post photos of their creative

Celebrities and influencers ideas On GHD celebrities/influencers can post photos of their
renditions of H in their own homes – through craft, or even some innovative reminders – latte art, Lego blocks, sketches, sculptures - to boost public participation.

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‘Swipe up’ text

Posts for Social Media: Instagram

InstaStory ‘Swipe up’ text Posts for Social Media: Instagram

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Insta stories and filters for influencers, leaders and key opinion leaders
Celebrities, influencers

Insta stories and filters for influencers, leaders and key opinion leaders Celebrities,
and leaders can kickstart a social media movement inviting everyone to record and share.
Search for Insta filter #HforHW
Don’t forget: Tag #HforHandwashing
The filter will go live closer to GHD: Estimated to go live on 5th October
Sing the H for handwashing song with the alphabet icons
This will be a native Instagram Filter, which anyone on Instagram will be able to use
We also encourage you to create or adapt something like this in your local languages and alphabet/script

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Sample Instagram stories for Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs)

Since KOLs will also be

Sample Instagram stories for Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) Since KOLs will also
doing the ABC video, break the story into 3 Insta stories:

Story 1
KOL looking into the camera and saying: “How do we make sure people never forget handwashing?
It’s simple we make a slight change in the way we teach ABCD
Watch my next story to know how.”
Story 2
Their version of ABC video
Story 3
They will say : “Make your videos using the H for Handwashing filter and put it on your stories to spread the word.

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Other options to activate H for Handwashing on Social Media

Option 1
Hold a

Other options to activate H for Handwashing on Social Media Option 1
picture of a hat
Say “H for hat. That’s how we were taught the letter H.
Hats were really important back when letters were being invented.
But today Handwashing is.
So from now on let’s teach kids the letter H as H is for Handwashing. Let’s introduce them to a critical habit”.

Option 2
Hold a picture of the letter H.
What are the words that come to your mind when you see the letter H?
90% chances are you didn’t think of the word handwashing.
That’s why we are proposing a change in the way letters of the alphabet are taught to kids.
From now on let’s teach kids the letter H as H is for Handwashing. Let’s introduce them to a critical habit”.

Option 3
Hold a picture the letter H.
What are the words that come to your mind when you see the letter H .
90% chances are you didn’t think of the word handwashing.
The one act that can help us during these times.

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Pillar 2 | ADVOCACY

Pillar 2 | ADVOCACY

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Advocacy activities aim to teach children the simple lesson and beyond GHD

Advocacy activities aim to teach children the simple lesson and beyond GHD
transform the letter H into a symbol for handwashing

We want to teach children a lesson on H for Handwashing, and advocate for future generations of children learn this important lesson
This can be done through
On GHD: Teach children a lesson on H for Handwashing in schools, preschools and households
Beyond GHD: Work with partners and governments to introduce ‘H for Handwashing’ into early childhood learning. Special efforts should also be made to reach children who may be left behind from formal education settings, such as girls and refugees.

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Playbook: Interactive stories, activities and posters for all educators to teach pre-school

Playbook: Interactive stories, activities and posters for all educators to teach pre-school
aged kids about handwashing with soap. View, download, print, share.

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Alphabet Poster: H for Handwashing
View, download, print, share

Alphabet Poster: H for Handwashing View, download, print, share

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Posters on the importance of washing hands on key occasions: View, download,

Posters on the importance of washing hands on key occasions: View, download, print, share
print, share

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Make your own H for Handwashing reminder to place in key spots

Make your own H for Handwashing reminder to place in key spots
around the home and share it on social media. The reminder activity and cut out is within the playbook.

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Snapshot of all channels & assets available

Playbook, posters

Key visual, Social media posts

Snapshot of all channels & assets available Playbook, posters Key visual, Social media posts

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The campaign materials shared on the slides can be downloaded via this

The campaign materials shared on the slides can be downloaded via this
For any questions, please contact Andy [email protected]. Further resources on GHD can be accessed on the GHP website
Let’s make this Global Handwashing Day a lesson the world will never forget!
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