Korean Diabetes Association International Congress of Diabetes and Metabolism (ICDM 2019)

Слайд 4

1.00 KRW = 0.05 RUB
1 000 RUB = 18 351,66 KRW

Population =

1.00 KRW = 0.05 RUB 1 000 RUB = 18 351,66 KRW Population = 52 million
52 million

Слайд 5

Korean Diabetes Association
International Congress of Diabetes and Metabolism (ICDM 2019)

Korean Diabetes Association International Congress of Diabetes and Metabolism (ICDM 2019)

Слайд 6

Scientific program

1. Epidemiology,
2. Clinical diabetes and therapeutics,
3. Translational and basic

Scientific program 1. Epidemiology, 2. Clinical diabetes and therapeutics, 3. Translational and
diabetes research,
4. Diabetes complications and comorbidity,
5. Oral presentation

+ Education course for free

Слайд 7

Conference Organizational Features

1st day: opening + few reports + welcome reception

Conference Organizational Features 1st day: opening + few reports + welcome reception
Each day begins with a generous breakfast with a discussion of clinical issues
Sessions lasts ≈ 1,5 or 2 h
Are you vegetarian or muslim?

Слайд 8

Don't be afraid to talk!!!

Fear – First step – Confidence – Continuation

Don't be afraid to talk!!! Fear – First step – Confidence – Continuation

Слайд 9

Namdaemun market

Namdaemun market
Имя файла: Korean-Diabetes-Association-International-Congress-of-Diabetes-and-Metabolism-(ICDM-2019).pptx
Количество просмотров: 42
Количество скачиваний: 0