- 2. A note on taxonomy Adl et al. 2012 The revised classification of eukaryotes. The Journal of
- 3. Morphology-based taxonomy Depending on the locomotion mode protozoa divided into four major groups: Phylum Flagellates (move
- 4. Morphology-based taxonomy Depending on the locomotion mode protozoa divided into four major groups: Phylum Amoebae (by
- 5. Morphology-based taxonomy Depending on the locomotion mode protozoa divided into four major groups: Phylum Ciliates (by
- 6. Morphology-based taxonomy Depending on the locomotion mode protozoa divided into four major groups: Phylum Sporozoa (lacking
- 7. Parasitic Apicomplexa (former Sporozoa) The apicomplexa are a monophyletic group composed almost entirely of parasitic (ie,
- 8. Parasitic Apicomplexa A defining characteristic of the apicomplexa is a group of organelles found at one
- 9. Parasitic Apicomplexa This 'apical complex' includes secretory organelles known as micronemes and rhoptries, polar rings composed
- 10. Parasitic Apicomplexa At some point during their life cycle, members of the apicomplexa either invade or
- 11. Parasitic Apicomplexa The apicomplexa have complex life cycles that are characterized by three distinct processes: sporogony,
- 12. Parasitic Apicomplexa Although most apicomplexa exhibit this overall general life cycle the details can vary between
- 13. Parasitic Apicomplexa In monoxenous species all three of these processes will be carried out in a
- 14. Parasitic Apicomplexa Sporogony occurs immediately after a sexual phase and consists of an asexual reproduction that
- 15. Parasitic Apicomplexa Merogony and the resulting merozoites are known by many different names depending of the
- 16. Parasitic Apicomplexa As an alternative to asexual replication merozoites can develop into gametes through a process
- 17. Parasitic Apicomplexa The apicomplexa are an extremely large and diverse group (>5000 named species). Seven species
- 18. Parasitic Apicomplexa Plasmodium, as the causative agent of malaria, has the greatest impact on human health.
- 19. Parasitic Apicomplexa Several apicomplexan parasites are also important in terms of veterinary medicine and agriculture. Most
- 20. Parasitic Apicomplexa Diseases caused by apicomplexan organisms include, but are not limited to: Forms of coccidiosis
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